Friday, March 21, 2025

Very Important Interview – Strategic Points Raised by Special Envoy to Russia, Steve Witkoff March 21, 2025 | Sundance |

Very Important Interview – Strategic Points Raised by Special Envoy to Russia, Steve Witkoff

March 21, 2025 | Sundance |

If you are concerned about the economics of American life, the first step is to understand the financial influences that were put into place by President Obama, then again with Obama’s team using the auspices of Joe Biden.


White House Envoy Witkoff on Trump-Putin Call, Likely Meeting

Bloomberg Television


Most of the world will entirely miss the importance of what Ambassador Steve Witkoff is outlining in this interview.  However, if you understand the bigger goals and objectives, and if you always remember President Trump is focused on the economic angle, then you can clearly see the outline of the long-term strategy.

Last point.  Russia was never an enemy to the United States.  Russia is an enemy to the operations of the CIA.

Tucker Carlson Interviews Former USTR Robert Lighthizer March 19, 2025 | Sundance |

Tucker Carlson Interviews Former USTR Robert Lighthizer

March 19, 2025 | Sundance |

If you appreciate and understand the background of MAGAnomic endeavor; or if you want to hear the arguments about why trade tariffs are critical to maintain American economic sovereignty; this interview with former United States Trade Representative (USTR) is for you.

USTR Lighthizer walks through the intents and purposes of President Trump’s tariff program. Lighthizer gives a historic review of U.S trade policy and outcomes.  WATCH:

Bob Lighthizer: Everything You Need to Know About Trump's Tariffs and Fixing America’s Working Class

Tucker Carlson


0:00 Why Do We Need to Reinstitute Tariffs?
6:10 The Slow Death of America’s Working Class
13:35 Donald Trump’s Plan to Fix the Economy
14:26 Was There an Organized Effort to Destroy America’s Free Market?
19:53 The Trifecta of Stupid
26:12 We Are in an Economic Emergency
32:16 The Three Ways to Balance Global Trade
34:45 Can America Be the World’s Biggest Manufacturing Power Once Again?
38:47 Why Lighthizer’s View Differs From Establishment Economists
49:13 How Washington and Big Business Benefit From the Death of the Middle Class
56:44 The Two Parts to Trump’s Tariff Plan
1:03:25 Will We See Inflation Due to Tariffs?
1:07:50 The Economic War With China
1:11:49 How China Is Trying to Avoid Trump’s Tariffs
1:25:50 Reestablishing an Economic Relationship With Russia
1:31:34 The Lies You’ve Been Told About the Nasdaq

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Covid Response at Five Years: Introduction, Covid Response at Five Years: The First Amendment Versus the U.S. Security State, Covid Response at Five Years: Religion, Covid Response at Five Years: Lockdowns: Brownstone Institute

Covid Response at Five Years: Introduction

By Brownstone Institute   February 27, 2025

With rare exception, March 2020 was a bipartisan, intergenerational capitulation to fear and hysteria. Those who dared to object to the freshly-mandated orthodoxy were subject to widespread contempt, derision, and censorship as the US Security State and a subservient media corps muzzled their protests. The most dominant forces in society used the opportunity to their advantage, pillaging the nation’s treasury and overthrowing law and tradition. Their campaign was devoid of the triumph of Yorktown, the bloodshed of Antietam, or the sacrifices of Omaha Beach. Without a single bullet, they overtook the republic, overturning the Bill of Rights in a quiet coup d’état.


Covid Response at Five Years: The First Amendment Versus the U.S. Security State

By Brownstone Institute   February 28, 2025  

If that sounds like a conspiracy, it’s because it was. The public health apparatus, the White House, and the Intelligence Community spearheaded a coordinated attack on free expression in the United States. They launched coercive campaigns to nationalize our news sources, and they stripped Americans of their First Amendment rights to augment their power. This informational stranglehold required technological power that sparked, as Justice Neil Gorsuch later wrote, possibly “the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country.”


Covid Response at Five Years: Religion

By Brownstone Institute   March 1, 2025

The consequences of lockdowns were not limited to freedom of movement or assembly. Once leaders had the green light to shutter large swaths of society, they wielded that power to impose their newly established ideology.

A new creed emerged in 2020 that divided society into true believers and heretics. Its adherents donned face coverings and regularly engaged in emotional self-flagellation. They put their faith in pharmaceutical products and unrelentingly sought to convert their neighbors. Those who questioned their dogma were cast aside as irredeemable. Just as the New York Times suggested the country “go medieval” on the coronavirus, society returned to a Dark Age persecution of iconoclasts. 


Covid Response at Five Years: Lockdowns

By Brownstone Institute   March 2, 2025  

Americans lost the basic liberty to move unencumbered in their country. Government officials implemented tyranny without any mention of due process. They are worse than unremorseful; they lament their inability to enact greater despotism. 

While anecdotes like golfing arrests and fines for children’s playdates may seem trivial compared to the vast array of Covid mandates, they represent the coordinated effort to punish individuals for exercising their right to travel freely. The downstream consequences of this tyranny were monumental. It overturned the right to protest, destroyed years of human life, unwound the social fabric, and permanently damaged a generation of young Americans. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Congressional Record on Covid Vaccines: Corrections, Bret Swanson (February 17, 2025)

 The Congressional Record on Covid Vaccines: Corrections

By Bret Swanson   February 17, 2025

Congratulations on the completion of your Covid-19 report. You and your team covered an extraordinary amount of diverse material, correctly diagnosed the likely SARS2 origin, and exposed the failures of lockdowns, school closures, fiscal and monetary profligacy, mandates, gain-of-function research, and much more.

I write to draw your attention to one brief section on vaccines and invite you to correct the record. The short but crucial claim upends the truth and scrambles the entire narrative of the pandemic.

The Unsupported Claim

In the Table of Contents, one heading reads, “A. Operation Warp Speed Was a Great Success and Helped Save Millions of Lives….301.” On page 302, the report states, “However, there is little doubt that the rapid development and authorization of COVID-19 vaccines saved millions of lives.1169” The claim is also repeated in the cover letter: “The vaccines, which are now probably better characterized as therapeutics, undoubtedly saved millions of lives by diminishing likelihood of severe disease and death.”

This extraordinary “millions saved” assertion cites one report, at footnote 1169. But the Committee conducts no analysis. The cited report, moreover, is one of the most wildly preposterous pieces of propaganda from the entire Covid episode – a high bar.

The unfortunate truth is that in the US and across high- and middle-income nations all over the world, health in 2021 and 2022 was far worse than in the initial pandemic year of 2020.

In Summary

Summing up the evidence from a wide array of sources – micro-biology, vigilance, autopsies, case reports, life insurance, disability, state death certificates, and epidemiology from across the globe – we arrive at a very rough estimate: the modRNA vaccines are associated with direct non-Covid deaths of between 500,000 and 800,000 in the U.S. and between three and five million around the world. (Indirect deaths attributed to Covid could boost these figures far higher via difficult-to-estimate effects such as variant immune escape, which extended the pandemic; immune tolerance and imprinting; and vaccine-enhanced disease.)...

Saturday, February 15, 2025