Sunday, August 26, 2007

MORE Mayor McCloud Deceit, Deception & Dishonesty

ABSTRACT: At the City Council meeting, August 7, 2007, Carmelite Monte Miller stated during Appearances that he had “been told that the Mayor can’t meet with members of the public to discuss their concerns about the Leidig annexation project” and he wanted to know if this was true. After Appearances was closed, Mayor Sue McCloud stated, “I have had no request for a meet that I have responded to one way or the other.” Later, Mayor Sue McCloud said she had not turned down The Save Our Neighborhood Coalition. Yet, The Save Our Neighborhood Coalition stated The Save Our Neighborhood Coalition requested a meeting with her early this summer, but she declined citing the Brown Act. Needless to say, the Ralph M. Brown Act does not prohibit city officials from meeting with concerned citizens. Moreover, Mayor Sue McCloud appears to fail to possess the following qualities all “presiding officers” should possess; namely, honesty, credibility and good judgment.

City Council Agenda
Regular Meeting
August 7, 2007

VI. Appearances
Anyone wishing to address the City Council on matters within the jurisdiction of the City and are not on the agenda may do so now. Matters not appearing on the City Council’s agenda will not receive action at this meeting but may be referred to staff for a future meeting. Presentations will be limited to three (3) minutes, or as otherwise established by the City Council.

Carmelite Monte Miller stated, as follows:

“Mayor and Council. I have been opposed to this Leidig’s annexation. And lately I have been told that the Mayor can’t meet with members of the public to discuss their concerns about the Leidig annexation project. I’d like to know if this is true and if it’s so it’s very puzzling, I’d like to know why and whatever the reason is, I hope it can be changed because I think the public has a right to meet with their elected officials to express their concern. This is at every level of government. Thank you.”

After Appearances was closed, Mayor Sue McCloud stated, as follows:

“I have had no request for a meet that I have responded to one way or the other.”

•During a break in the meeting, Mayor Sue McCloud stated that she had not turned down the Coalition and furthermore she had tried to contact them by phone and they did not return her call.

• Yet, according to The Save Our Neighborhood Coalition, Mayor McCloud has not tried to contact them. Moreover, The Save Our Neighborhood Coalition requested a meeting with her early this summer, but she declined citing the Brown Act.

SECTION 54950-54963

54950.5. This chapter shall be known as the Ralph M. Brown Act.

54952.2. (a) As used in this chapter, "meeting" includes any congregation of a majority of the members of a legislative body at the same time and place to hear, discuss, or deliberate upon any item that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the legislative body or the local agency to which it pertains.

(c) Nothing in this section shall impose the requirements of this chapter upon any of the following:
(1) Individual contacts or conversations between a member of a legislative body and any other person.
(Source:, California First Amendment Coalition)

“Individual contacts or communications between a member of a legislative body and any other person are specifically exempt from the definition of a meeting. (§ 54952.2(c)(1).) The purpose of this exception appears to be to protect the constitutional rights of individuals to contact their government representatives regarding issues which concern them.”

• Needless to say, the Ralph M. Brown Act does not prohibit city officials from meeting with citizens; indeed, the Brown Act recognizes the need to “protect the constitutional rights of individuals to contact their government representatives regarding issues which concern them.”

• Mayor Sue McCloud fails to honor a principle of parliamentary procedure, namely that the presiding officer must be a facilitator, not dictator.

• Finally, Mayor Sue McCloud fails to honor another Robert’s Rules of Order principle, namely, presiding officers must have the following qualities: honesty, credibility, neutrality, judgment and fairness.


Anonymous said...

Mayor McCloud is an extreme example of what political executives should never be but too often are.She is just more blatant about it than many other politicians dare to be. McCloud is willing to carry breaking laws and ordinances to greater extremes. She is lucky to have an electorate that doesn't seem to care.

Anonymous said...

Not mentioned in this blog but often mentioned by others is that, although McCloud won't meet with those, who oppose annexation, she is meeting with the pro annexation people - Leidig and his representatives - because she is a supporter of the annexation. An annexation that will seriously impact the lifestyle of local residents but which the financial figures show won't benefit the City of Carmel to any significant extent

Anonymous said...

That's why this blog is so important for locals to read and tell others. It is truly another voice in the forest. None of the local papers give both sides of the story.