Tuesday, January 05, 2010

City’s ‘Investigation’ into On-Leave Human Resources Manager Jane Miller’s Complaint

ABSTRACT: Liebert Cassidy Whitmore (LCW) attorney Richard Bolanos, the City's attorney, notified attorney Michael Stamp that LCW had contracted with private investigator/attorney Karen Kramer to investigate Jane Miller’s complaint. The investigation occurred between August 2008, three months after attorney Michael Stamp’s letter to the Mayor and City Council, and January 2009. Selected paraphrased excerpts from a letter written by Liebert Cassidy Whitmore attorney Richard Bolanos to attorney Michael Stamp notifying him of the completion of the investigation are presented. A NOTE of clarification is presented.


Dated February 9, 209
From Attorney Richard Bolanos

Re: Notice of Completion of Investigation – Jane Miller’s Workplace Complaints

On or about August 7, 2008, the City contacted with private investigator Karen Kramer to investigate Jane Miller’s allegations. Private investigator/attorney Karen Kramer interviewed 12 witnesses and concluded Jane Miller’s allegations were “not substantiated.” The investigation was deemed closed and complete.

NOTE: Attorney Michael Stamp declared that Karen Kramer did not interview “Employee Number 1” (former Assistant City Administrator Greg D'Ambrosio), “Employee Number 2” (former Sunset Center Director Brian Donoghue), "Employee Number 3” (former Library Director Margaret Pelikan) or "Employee Number 4” (former Executive Assistant Sandy Farrell) during the course of the investigation between August 2008 and January 2009.

1 comment:

RSW said...

Surprise, surprise. The city's investigation was a hoax, one of many.