ABSTRACT: In 2002, the City considered Pay and Display paid parking. Information provided at that time included “City of Carmel-by-the-Sea Proposed Parking Management Program” (October 2002). The “City of Carmel-by-the-Sea Proposed Parking Management Program” materials are reproduced. In additional, pertinent comments from residents who attended the CARMEL FORUM are presented. And the WALKER PARKING CONSULTANTS MULTI-SPACE METER PARKING STUDY (2000) is uploaded. The EXECUTIVE SUMMARY is reproduced and selected excerpts from the INTRODUCTION and REASONS FOR INSTALLING PARKING METERS are presented. The Parking 2000 Committee voted to recommend a demonstration of pay and display. However, the Committee did not formally vote on paid parking for the commercial district. The "2002 Pay and Display Parking Program" document including PROPOSED PAY AND DISPLAY PARKING Agenda, Agenda Packet for 10 October 2002 Special Meeting, PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA CHECKLIST 11 September 2002, STAFF REPORT, BRIAN ROSETH, PRINCIPAL PLANNER, RECOMMENDATION: Options #1 and #3 (Determine that the proposed project is consistent with the General Plan and recommend adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration.), Resolution No. 2002-04, Parking Management Program Environmental Initial Study, is uploaded.
Proposed Parking Areas
Paid (yellow), Employee (blue) Residential (green)
City of Carmel-by-the-Sea
Proposed Parking Management Program
October 2002
Bounded by 3rd Avenue on the north, Torres Street on the east, 8th Avenue on the south (extending to 10th Avenue surrounding the Sunset Center complex), and Monte Verde on the west.
There are 1,284 curbside parking spaces in the commercial district. Consistently, employees occupy 40% to 50% of these spaces, effectively displacing visitors and shoppers. With this program, employees will be relocated outside the commercial core and provided 411 spaces distributed in ten locations at the fringe of the commercial district. Employees will be charged $5 per month for Employee Only Parking permits.
Employee Only parking sites will be designated with appropriate signage and monitored by Community Service Docents driving electric carts checking permits.
Although there will be no provision at program inception, we anticipate development of incentives for carpooling and alternative transportation. That program will be initiated some time after the first year of the parking program.
All residential blocks (on both sides of street) immediately bordering the commercial district (see green markings on attached map entitled Exhibit “A”) will be signed Resident Only Permit Parking 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., seven days a week. Each register vehicle will be issued one permit and each address will receive one guest pass. Community Service Officers will monitor resident permit parking. Old signage will be removed and new signage will be installed to define parking regulations. Signage in the Resident Only Permit Parking areas (on both sides of street) of Mountain View from Ocean Avenue will include the words “Resident Only Permit Parking except on Sunday from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.”
Expansion of Resident Only Permit Parking restrictions to other, close-in residential blocks would be done on an as-needed basis. In the future, zones differentiating residential neighborhoods may be necessary to control cross-town parking by residents who move their cars from one neighborhood to another to park as close as possible to their destination.
All residents and commercial or residential property owners wishing to participate can purchase a Resident Parking Permit sticker for $5 per month (an annual fee of $60) for vehicles registered to that household. (Other payment options are available to residents, see next page.) The permit allows residents and commercial or residential property owners unlimited parking time in any parking space in the commercial district except Employee Only, yellow, white, or blue ( unless they have a handicap placard) zones.
Several convenient payment options for parking in the commercial district will be available to residents:
• Resident Parking Permit: Annual fee of $60 for any/all vehicles registered to that household, or commercial or residential property owner. Allows unlimited parking in any parking space in the commercial district except Employee Only, yellow, white or blue spaces.
• In-car meter: Pre-paid of an in-car meter with a ”bank” of time discounted at ½ the posted hourly parking rate. Does not require use of a street side pay station. There is a $50 refundable deposit for the in-car, real-time, meter.
• Carmel Value Card: Allows you to purchase parking time in advance, discounted at ½ the posted rate given at pay station, with a minimum $20 for 40 hours.
• Full rate pay: 50 cents per half hour (at pay station). If you park very infrequently in the village, this option may vest suit you.
• Debit/Credit Card
The parking management program is designed to discourage parking abuses by employees which, in turn, will free up additional parking spaces for residents, visitors and shoppers. Each block face will have 1 to 2 pay stations depending on block length. Typically, long blocks will have 2 per block face (total of 4 per block) short blocks will have 1 per block face (total of 2 per block). All regular parking spaces are paid parking, all handicap, white loading and yellow delivery zone spaces remain the same and are free for the specified use indicated.
New signage will replace existing 90-minute parking limit signage. Total number of sings in the commercial district will be significantly reduced.
The current program for a Construction Parking Permit ($15 per day per permit) will continue as a special fee charged if the space is used for time exceeding the eight hours of posted paid parking enforcement.
Paid parking will be posted 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., seven days a week.
On average, each (“Stelio” style) pay station serves 7 stalls. The station will accept any of the following payment methods:
• Coin
• Token (A token is a stamped metal disk used in lieu of coins and are available in a variety of sizes and finishes, and are often customized. A token is set to equal a unit of time, typically one hour. The token is inserted in the pay station in the same manner as a coin and can be collected and redistributed. Tokens are easy to use, are readily available through participating merchants and can be incorporated into a merchant’s customer loyalty or validation program.)
• Debit/credit card
• Carmel Value Card
• In-Car Meter (real-time)
The 2 hour bus (“Parkmaster” style) pay stations will serve 10 parking stalls (located on the west side of Junipero between Ocean and 7th Avenues). Enforcement will occur 24 hours per day, seven days per week. The pay stations will accept any of the following payment methods:
• Credit card
• Coin
• Currency
• Carmel Value Card
There are approximately 135 pay stations located on 37 blocks throughout the commercial district. For continuity and aesthetics, all pay stations will be the same color and be located closer to property line than to curb line.
• Coin
• Token
• Credit/debit card
• Carmel Value Card
• In Car Meter
• Resident Parking Permit
All parking space white T-marks will remain.
No minimum or maximum time limits
50 cents for each 30 minutes
$1.00 per hour; paid for in one of the following methods:
• Coin
• Token
• Credit card
• Carmel Value Card
• In-Car Meter (real time)
Tour Bus Parking: $10 per hour, with 3-hour maximum stay
Post Office
The Post Office parking lot (located on the northeast corner of Dolores and 5th Avenue) and all currently marked green spaces on 5th Avenue between Dolores and San Carlos will remain. In addition, the 3 green spaces currently marked on the east side of Dolores north of 5th Avenue, and 5 green spaces on the east side of Dolores extending south from 5th Avenue to the Post Office service entrance will be included. All green spaces in the immediate vicinity of the Post Office will be free, 10-minute parking, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. The Community Services Officer will monitor the short-term parking around the Post Office.
City Hall
All City Hall parking lot spaces will be free, short-term parking for exclusive use by individuals doing business in City Hall.
Harrison Memorial Library and Library Park Branch
The 3 reserved Library Employees Only spaces located on the northwest corner of Lincoln and 6th Avenue will remain. The book drop-off zone and handicap zone at the southeast corner of Lincoln and 6th Avenue will remain. All curbside parking spaces on the eat side of Lincoln between 6th and Ocean Avenues will be designated 30-minutes green zones, for individuals using the Library services, and will be free of charge. Two parking spaces inside the parking lot at the Library Park Branch (on Mission and 6th Ave.) will be designated 30-minute (green) for use by Library patrons. The Community Services Officer will monitor the 30-minute green spaces.
The Library Park Branch parking lot will have three designations:
• The 4 spaces on the north side of the building will continue to be Library Employee Only parking
• The remaining 19 spaces in the lot will include 2 30-minute green spaces, 15 paid parking spaces, and 2 no-fee handicap only spaces.
Sunset Center
All spaces in the north lot at Sunset Center are designated Employee Only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. seven days a week.
Employee Only parking will be posted on the esat side of San Carlos from 8th Avenue south to the access ramp at north end of Sunset Center. All other curbside parking surrounding the sunset Center on Mission and San Carlos Streets between 8th and 10th Avenues will be paid parking.
Resident Only Parking signs will be posted on the east side of Mission Street between 8th and 10th Avenues and one block beyond the sunset Center in adjacent residential blocks, except on San Carlos south of 10th Avenue.
With the exception fo the north lot, all Sunset Center parking lots are free exclusively to users of Sunset Center. “User” parking stickers will be available at a variety of locations. Community Service Officers will enforce the controlled, “user only” parking program within the parking lots.
Police Department/Public Works
Two white spaces, 2 green spaces, and 1 yellow space will be retained on the east side of Junipero between 4th and 5th Avenues.
Vista Lobos:
30 of the 68 spaces in the vista Lobos parking lot (located on Torres at 3rd Avenue) will be designated free to users of Vista Lobos exclusively. The remaining 38 spaces will be designated Employee Only Parking.
There are 10 spaces designated for tour buses at $10 per hour with a maximum stay of 3 hours, enforces 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Motorcycles may park in any pay for parking space or in designated Motorcycle Only spaces.
Q. Where will stations be located on the block I do business?
A. Stations will be located on each side of the street in each block on streets running north/south, (long blocks) there are two per side, no more than 100-feet from where you park.
Q. What is the furthest you have to walk to a pay station machine?
A. No more than 100 feet. The system will allow the motorist to purchase a receipt at the most convenient pay station. This receipt can be used throughout the commercial district (until it expires).
Q. How many pay station machines will there be downtown?
A. Approximately 135 throughout the 37 block commercial district.
Q. Will the pay stations accept paper money?
A. No. The pay stations accept coins, credit cards and Carmel Value Cards.
Q. Won’t these Pay and Display stations be ugly all over town?
A. Comparatively speaking, no. they will be much less intrusive than single space meters and should be visually less imposing because they will be located adjacent to buildings rather that at the curb like traditional parking meters.
Q. Won’t they be bad for business?
A. On the contrary. By designating Employees Only spaces, prime parking spaces will be available for shoppers.
Q. Why do we need these anyway?
A. The program will generate substantial new revenue for the City to meet its long deferred capital maintenance and repair programs which not exceed a projected $20 million dollars.
Q. Will there be a problem being ticketed from the time you leave your vehicle to pay and the time you return to place the receipt on your dashboard?
A. No. Your car will be within sight of each pay station and there is a short grace period while you are paying for parking.
Q. Why is the program 7-days a week vs. today’s restrictions?
A. Parking enforcement has always been seven (7) days a week, 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Q. Is there a discount for a Carmel Value Card?
A. That is one option that is being considered but has not been decided at this time.
Q. How will this reduce air pollution?
A. By providing employees only parking, air pollution will be reduced by fewer parkers driving around in search of available parking spaces.
Q. How will this Pay and Display Program improve the amount of available parking?
A. The program provides spaces for employees to park outside the commercial district opening up spaces for shoppers.
Q. Will this program keep vehicles out of residential neighborhoods
A. It should because Resident Only Parking restrictions are designed into the program. However, some parking impacts may occur on very heavy visitor weekends.
Q. Are resident Guest Passes allowed in both commercial and residential areas?
A. Yes, both areas residents would be entitled to guest passes for a fixed, short-term period of time, not yet determined.
Pay-and-Display Parking Program
Questions & Answers
Q: How do I know if I’m in a pay zone?
A: All public parking in the Commercial District will be paid parking, with the exception of blue, white, yellow or green zones. If in doubt, check the signs posted in the area.
Q: Why paid parking?
A: Historically, free parking in our business district has been misused. The Pay and Display Parking system will generate substantial new revenue for the City, will encourage turnover of parking spaces, will reduce traffic, and will improve air quality.
Q: How do I find a pay station?
A: A “P” sign designation paid parking is located on the side of each pay station. On each block the pay stations are located near the building side of the sidewalk. Look for signs indicating the location of pay stations.
Q: What do the Pay and Display Stations look like?
A: The pay stations are approximately 5 feet tall and are solar powered.
Q: Why use “Pay & Display” technology?
A: Carmel-by-the-Sea has a very unique village quality. One pay station serves from 7 to 10 parking spaces while traditional parking meters serve only one space. The Pay Station minimizes visual intrusion, and parking signage will be less than what exists today.
Q: Where can I park long-term for an all-day shopping experience?
A: In any pay space in the Commercial District, for the amount of time you select.
Q: What forms of payment do Pay and Display Stations accept?
A: The stations accept credit/debit cards, coins and Carmel Value Cards.
Q: How do Pay and Display stations work?
A: The form of payment (credit/debit card, coin, etc) is inserted in the machine, and it returns a receipt for amount of time selected. The time and date stamped side of the receipt should be displayed inside the vehicle on the driver’s side of the vehicle dashboard.
Q: Where can I park as an employee of a business in the Commercial District?
A: There will be more than 400 parking spaces available for exclusive use by employees. An Employee Only Permit costs $5 per month. Employee Only spaces are in convenient locations adjacent to the Commercial District.
Q: Where can I get an Employee Only permit?
A: Permits will be available at the Parking Enforcement office. Permits cost $5 per month. All outstanding parking tickets and fines must be paid before a permit is issued or renewed.
Q: Where can I park as a Resident or Property Owner in the Commercial District?
A: All residents and commercial or residential property owners wishing to participate can purchase a Resident Parking Permit sticker for an annual fee of $60 for vehicles registered to that household or commercial or residential property owner. (Other payment options will be available to residents.) The permit allows residents and commercial or residential property owners unlimited parking time in any parking space in the commercial district except Employee Only, yellow, white, or blue (unless they have a handicap placard) zones.
Q: Where can I obtain a Resident Parking Permit?
A: At the Parking Enforcement office. Bring proof of residency or ownership of residential or commercial property. You must be the registered owner of the vehicle(s).
Q: What if I live in the Commercial District and have a visitor?
A: Each resident is entitled to one free guest pass, which is hung from the guest vehicle’s rearview mirror while visiting the host address written on the tag. Additional permits will be available upon application and approval.
Q: Who can park in Resident Only Parking areas?
A: Only vehicles with a Resident parking sticker of a Guest Pass can park in Resident Only Parking areas.
Goal of the Program:
The Pay and Display Parking program will increase the amount of available parking in the downtown area, will provide parking spaces for exclusive use by employees, and will also provide a new, significant revenue to the City. Improving the turnover in parking spaces will reduce congestion and improve air quality because motorists would not have to continually circle the downtown area looking for a place to park.
Why Pay and Display?
Carmel-by-the-Sea takes great pride in preserving its picturesque downtown district. Pay and Display stations have proven to effectively improve parking turnover while minimizing the clutter associated with traditional parking meters in other communities with visitor-based economies.
How the System Works:
• One to two pay stations are installed on each block (both sides of the street)
• Motorist parks car, purchases ticket from machine for desired amount of time, then displays ticket on dashboard of vehicle.
• Motorist receives a receipt and has the ability to take their remaining parking time for continued use in another parking space – on that day only.
Operational Information:
• The program would be in effect seven days a week.
• The hours of enforcement would be 8 AM until 6 PM, including holidays
• The current parking time limitations would be eliminated (if the program is implemented), except in green zones and in the Post Office parking lot.
Methods of Payment:
• Machines accept credit/debit cards, coins, and Carmel Value Cards• Residents who frequent the downtown area may prefer to use the following option:
Carmel Value Card: Eliminates the need to have change on hand. Provides a discounted and an easy means of payment.
Finding a Pay and Display Station:
• Pay stations would be located on the sidewalk away from the curb (typically adjacent to buildings)
• Look for the “P” designation on the side of the pay station and the mid-block pay station sign
• Parking spaces are not assigned to a particular pay station (payment can be made at any pay station)
Why install parking Pay and Display Stations?
Carmel-by-the-Sea has 1,280 free curbside parking spaces. It is essential that the City develop a new reliable revenue stream to stabilize its financial position and to generate sufficient funds to repair its aging infrastructure. The City needs to better manage parking to increase availability of parking spaces through turnover, to reduce congestion, and to improve air quality.
What are the benefits to the public by using the Pay and Display System?
Parking customers would have a variety of payment options (coins, credit/debit cards or a Carmel Value Card). Customers would receive a receipt and would be able to take their remaining parking time with them for continued use in another parking space. More spaces would be available for public parking.
What are my payment options?
Pay Stations accept coins (nickels, dimes, and quartets), credit/debit cards, and Carmel Value Cards.
What is a Carmel Value Card?
A Carmel Value Card is a credit card sized plastic card. The card holds information in electronic form – in this case, electronic money. This discount (value) card can be purchased at the Parking Enforcement office, and can be reloaded.
Will the City issue Carmel Value Cards?
The City will distribute samples of the Carmel Value Card throughout the demonstration period, September 9-13, 2002 to show how easy it is to purchase parking time.
How will I find the Pay and Display Station on any block?
Pay to Park signs with directional arrows will be posted on each block at the Pay Stations location.
How do I use a Pay and Display Station?
It’s as easy as 1-2-3: Park, Pay, and Display. After parking your vehicle, walk to the nearest Pay Station and insert payment. Select eime needed then remove the receipt (which indicates amount paid, date, and expiration time). Place the receipt inside your vehicle on the dashboard.
Where would they be installed?
The City would install 135 Pay and display Stations in a 37-block area of the Commercial District.
Are there time limits?
No – Pay and display Stations will allow unlimited parking time.
Can I use my remaining time?
Yes – on the day only. If you have time left on your receipt, you may park in a different space, and display the same receipt. Just be careful not to exceed the maximum time limit left on your ticket!
Can I “feed” the Pay and Display Station?
Yes – after you have parked in any space for the maximum time you paid for, you must purchase additional time. You can purchase more time and stay longer in the same space or you may move to a new space and display the new receipt.
If I goof, can I cancel my transaction?
You may cancel your transaction by pressing the red button (labeled “Cancel)). You may cancel your transaction any time up until you press the green button.
How do I pay with a credit/debit card?
To operate the credit/debit card feature, simply insert your credit/debit card, press the blue button, select the desired amount of time, then press the green button to complete your transaction. The Pay and display Station will print a receipt for you. There is no transaction fee.
How do I pay with coins?
imply insert coins until the display shows the amount of parking time you wish to purchase (e.g. a quarter buys you 15 minutes). Press the green button to complete your transaction, remove the receipt, then display the receipt face up inside the vehicle on the dashboard.
Will spaces be marked?
Yes, the common “T” markings painted on the pavement will remain. You must still park within the “T” space markings to be legally parked.
Will I still see parking enforcement in downtown?
Yes – we intend to enforce all parking regulations as usual. Parking Enforcement staff would be trained on how to use and enforce the pay and Display Station technology. However, we recognize that this new technology is a big change for the parking customer. Parking Enforcement staff will be assisting customers in adapting t the change.
How do I display the receipt in my vehicle?
The Pay and Display Station will print a receipt. Display the receipt face up inside the vehicle on the dashboard.
What is the “Early bird” prepayment option?
“Early bird” parkers who arrive before 8 AM can pay at the machine upon arrival. For example, if an “early bird” arrives at 6 AM, parks, and purchases 3 hours of time, the Pay and Display Station will print a receipt showing a purchase time of 8 AM and an expiration time of 11 AM.
How does a Pay and Display Station work?
It’s solar powered and will work well even on our foggy days. It features an electronic display that provides the user with transaction information, an electronic clock that shows the time of day, user instructions, and a button operated credit card transaction feature. It has a printer that produces a receipt for display in your vehicle.
Do other cities use Pay and display Stations?
Yes – Aspen CO, Park City UT, Telluride CO, Ft. Lauderdale FL, Larimer Square in Denver CO, Portland OR, Chicago and New Your City. Pay and Display Stations are also used in Toronto and extensively throughout Europe. They’re a proven and successful technology.
At the CARMEL FORUM TOWN HALL MEETING on Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 7:30 P.M. at the American Legion Hall on Dolores Street, residents made comments, including comments about proposed paid parking, as follows:
• Paid parking may negatively impact businesses in Carmel.
• Paid parking may keep people (visitors) from coming into downtown Carmel.
• Parking kiosks negatively impact character of Carmel.
• Will paid parking for employees be put in residential areas? Will employee-only parking in residential areas negatively impact property values?
• Concern that employees will go farther into residential areas to avoid paying for parking.
• What is environmental impact of employee parking in residential areas?
• Are there alternatives to employee/business parking to provide more parking for residents/visitors/shoppers in the downtown area? Is Rio Park a possibility for employee parking with a shuttle to downtown?
• Concern that paid parking will impact downtown character with installation of kiosks on corners.
Walker Study Multi-Space Parking Meter Study 2000
Multi-Space Parking Meter Study, 2000, Walker Parking Consultants
PROJECT #37-710600/JANUARY 21, 2000
• Walker Parking Consultants’ field personnel conducted parking occupancy counts of all on-street parking spaces (Friday, May 22, 1999) and off-street spaces (Tuesday, June 22, 1999) in downtown Carmel-By-The-Sea. Peak occupancies reached 88% (on-street) and 70% (off-street).
• The occupancies recorded above would have been even higher on Saturdays or on summer weekdays.
• On-street parking is considered fully occupied when occupancies reach 90%, since it is harder to find the last spaces and motorists hunting for them can create traffic congestion.
• All of the parking in the downtown area (with the exception of the Sunset Center, underground parking at Dolores and 5th, and City Hall) is free and most of the spaces are limited to 90 minutes.
• Free parking encourages downtown employees to park in the close-in spaces and move their cars from space to space to avoid a parking citation. This prevents visitors to the downtown area from finding convenient parking.
• Many visitors (when they do find a convenient parking space) want to park longer than the 90 minute limit.
• We have recommended the installation of multi-space parking meters, which (in conjunction with providing permit parking areas for downtown employees) would accomplish the following goals:
- Increase the availability of convenient downtown parking for visitors to the City;
- Allow visitors to park for an unlimited time without the fear of receiving a costly parking citation;
- Provide specific on-street and off-street parking spaces in less convenient areas of downtown for employees at a nominal fee ($5.00 per month);
- Provide additional income that will allow the city to fund significant deferred building maintenance and special programs for the benefit of the citizens of Carmel.
- We project that the net operating income from the multi-space meters will be approximately $1,505,701 per year.
With the authorization of the City of Carmel-By-the-The-Sea Parking 2000 Committee, Schlumberger, Test & Transactions, Municipalities Solutions, North America commissioned Walker Parking Consultants to study the feasibility of installing multi-space meters in downtown Carmel.
The major motivational factor for most cities that install metered parking is to free-up close-in parking spaces for visitors and shoppers. In order to accomplish this, area employees must be forced to park on the fringe of or outside the downtown area.
The installation of meters will not only open up additional parking spaces to area visitors, it will allow them to park for more than ninety minutes. The latter will be a tremendous aid to visitors who wish to spend an extended amount of time dining and shopping in the downtown area.
Note: In late 2007 the City Council unanimously approved increasing the curbside time limit from 90 minutes to 2-Hours.
A secondary reason for installing parking meters is that the net income generated from the meters will allow the City to address significant building maintenance and fund programs that will benefit the residents of Carmel.
2002 Pay and Display Parking Program
2002 Pay and Display Parking Program
Includes PROPOSED PAY AND DISPLAY PARKING Agenda, Agenda Packet for 10 October 2002 Special Meeting, PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA CHECKLIST 11 September 2002, STAFF REPORT, BRIAN ROSETH, PRINCIPAL PLANNER, RECOMMENDATION: Options #1 and #3 (Determine that the proposed project is consistent with the General Plan and recommend adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration.), Resolution No. 2002-04, Parking Management Program Environmental Initial Study.
There are places to park in Carmel, but you need to know where to look! Nearly 1,800 parking spaces are located in the central business district, many of which are free of charge.
Most cities charge for curbside parking. This is not the case in Carmel-by-the-Sea. Carmel offers free curbside parking on all public streets! And, in late 2007 the Carmel city council unanimously approved increasing the curbside time limit from 90 minutes to 2-Hours. The below summarizes parking availability in the central business district:
Free, 2-Hour curbside parking on every block of the central business district.
Free, 30-minute curbside parking at nearly every corner of every street for short term.
Free, unlimited time parking at the following locations:
• Vista Lobos public parking lot, located behind the Vista Lobos building at Junipero and 3rd Avenue.
• Center median street curb spaces on Junipero Avenue between 5th and 3rd Avenues.
• Most residential streets outside the central business district
A paid parking lot open to the public can be accessed from 8th Avenue between Mission Street and San Carlos Street. Hourly or an all day parking coupon can be purchased using any one of two automated vending machines at the parking lot.
Another paid parking lot is available to patrons who shop at the Carmel Plaza shopping. This parking lot can be accessed by entering from Mission Street, north of 7th Avenue.
ENFORCEMENT: Parking regulations are enforced by parking enforcement officers. Important notice: Carmel uses electronic equipment (GPS) to assist with enforcement, so if you don’t see a “chalk” mark on your tire, do not assume you have additional time!
All time regulations (2-Hour, 30 minute, 1- Hour, and 10 minute zones) are enforced out of courtesy to others who need a parking space.
The same concerns voiced by the Carmel Forum audience members in 2002 are still valid today. With the city not offically preparing information ahead of time for the public to read prior to the workshop tomorrow, and the information on the city's web site being a reguritation of the consultant's 2000 report, it will be interesting to see what the parking committee presents and the audience comments are and the interaction between the groups.
By and large, consultants reports should be taken with a grain of salt. The adage that consultants tell the payer of the report what they want to hear occurs all the time so readers should be skeptical and use their own commmon sense and local knowledge when examining any consultants findings and conclusions.
Good advice about consultants' reports that they should be taken with a grain of salt. Let's remember that when everyone points to the CityGate report on the consolidation of fire services. It was a report, paid for by three cities (PG, Monterey and Carmel), that was written for a predetermined outcome that favored Monterey and was created with bogus numbers to try to make the whole prospect somehow look attractive financially.
Anonymous would be wise to re-read the Citygate Associates Final Report on Consolidation as there is more to the report than Anonymous’ superficial and simplified assertions.
I did read it. And I have inside information regarding the numbers. They were changed from the draft report to the final version that was released to the public to make the information more palpable than realistic.
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