ABSTRACT: Nine Noteworthy 3 August 2015 City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Items are featured, including ANNOUNCEMENTS; PUBLIC APPEARANCES; Monthly Reports for June 2015; Authorize New Professional Services Agreement and Amendments to Various Existing Professional Services Agreements; Salary Revisions, New Job Descriptions, and Job Description Amendments; Establishing Salary Ranges for Certain Management Positions; Consideration of approval of fiscal year 2013-14 financial statement audit; Allocation of Marketing and Economic Development Budget – FY 2015-16; Consideration of a Planning Commission Recommendation Regarding Changes Proposed by Council 15 July on the Forest Theater; Consideration of a Second Amendment to the Agreement with Cody Anderson Wasney Architects for the Development of Schematic Designs and Construction Documents for Design Changes for Phase 1 of the Forest Theater Renovation Project in an Amount Not To Exceed $50,000. Supporting materials are embedded.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Santa Rita between 7th Avenue and Mountain View Avenue
Council Chambers, City Hall
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Mayor: Burnett
Mayor Pro Tem: Talmage
Council Members: Beach, Dallas, Theis
5.A Announcements from Closed Session
5.B Announcements from City Council Members (Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make an announcement or report on his or her activities)
• Mayor Burnett will provide an oral report on his attendance at the League of California Cities Executive Forum in Monterey June 24-25, 2015.
5.C Announcements from the City Administrator
5.D Announcements from the City Attorney
• City Attorney Don Freeman will provide an oral update on the City’s Short-Term Rental Policy.
Anyone wishing to address the City Council on matters within the jurisdiction of the City and are not on the agenda may do so now. Matters not appearing on the City Council’s agenda will not receive action at this meeting but may be referred to staff for a future meeting. Presentations will be limited to three (3) minutes, or as otherwise established by the City Council. Persons are not required to give their names, but it is helpful for speakers to state their names in order that the City Clerk may identify them in the minutes of the meeting. Always speak into the microphone, as the meeting is recorded.
All items on the Consent Calendar are to be acted upon by a single action of the City Council unless otherwise requested by an individual Council Member or the public for special consideration. Otherwise the recommendation of staff will be accepted and acted upon by majority voice vote.
7.C Monthly Reports for June:
a. Police, Fire, Ambulance and Beach Reports
b. Logs of Public Records Act Requests (City Clerk & Police)
c. Code Compliance Reports
d. Forester Report
e. Contracts with the City Administrator
f. City Treasurer’s Report
Recommendation: Accept the reports.
Monthly Reports for June 2015
7.I Authorize New Professional Services Agreement and Amendments to Various Existing Professional Services Agreements
Recommendation: Adopt resolutions authorizing the City Administrator to:
1. Execute a Professional Services Agreement with Revenue Cost Specialists, LLC for a user fee study for an amount not to exceed $24,750.
2. Execute Amendment No. 3 to Professional Services Agreement PBD-PSA-FOUR-006-13/14 with 4 Leaf, Inc. for contract permit technician services for an additional increase of $40,000 for a new total not to exceed amount of $172,000.
3. Execute Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement PBD-PSA-EMC-014-14/15 with EMC Planning Group for contract planner services for an additional increase of $15,000 for a new total not to exceed amount of $40,000.
4. Execute Amendment No. 5 to Professional Services Agreement ASD-PSA-MAR-003-13/14 PBD-PSA-EMC-014-14/15 with EMC Planning Group for contract planner services for an with MarTech for information technology services for an additional increase of $30,000 for a new total not to exceed amount of $285,000.
Authorize New Professional Services Agreement and Amendments to Various Existing Professional Services Agreements
7.K Salary Revisions, New Job Descriptions, and Job Description Amendments
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Administrator to: 1) Amend the Job Descriptions for Community Planning and Building Director and Forest Care Worker 2) Amend the Salary Range for Senior Planner and 3) Adopt the Job Description and Salary Range for the Planning Technician
Salary Revisions, New Job Descriptions, and Job Description Amendments
7.L Establishing Salary Ranges for Certain Management Positions
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Administrator to Establish Salary Ranges for Certain Management Positions
Establishing Salary Ranges for Certain Management Positions
Orders of Council are agenda items that require City Council discussion, debate and/or direction.
8.A Consideration of approval of fiscal year 2013-14 financial statement audit.
Recommendation: Accept and approve the Independent Auditor’s Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2014.
Consideration of approval of fiscal year 2013-14 financial statement audit.
8.B Allocation of Marketing and Economic Development Budget – FY 2015-16
Recommendation: Consider options and provide direction to staff
Allocation of Marketing and Economic Development Budget – FY 2015-16
8.C Consideration of a Planning Commission Recommendation Regarding Changes Proposed by Council 15 July on the Forest Theater; Consideration of a Second Amendment to the Agreement with Cody Anderson Wasney Architects for the Development of Schematic Designs and Construction Documents for Design Changes for Phase 1 of the Forest Theater Renovation Project in an Amount Not To Exceed $50,000
Recommendation: Adopt the resolution authorizing the City Administrator to execute a Second Amendment to Agreement with Cody Anderson Wasney Architects (CAW) for the development of schematic designs and construction documents for design changes for Phase 1 of the Forest Theater Renovation Project in an amount not to exceed $50,000.
Consideration of a Planning Commission Recommendation Regarding Changes Proposed by Council 15 July on the Forest Theater; Consideration of a Second Amendment to the Agreement with Cody Anderson Wasney Architects for the Development of Schematic Designs and Construction Documents for Design Changes for Phase 1 of the Forest Theater Renovation Project in an Amount Not To Exceed $50,000