Saturday, February 26, 2022

Ukraine and the American Future, The Editors, The American Mind

 Salvo 02.24.2022

Ukraine and the American Future

The Editors

The dream of escape from reality promoted by the worst of our tech utopians threatens America and American life in a similar way, only worse. Instead of turning inward and asking God to take away the violent and painful responsibilities of life on Earth, the tech utopians turn outward, relentlessly manufacturing digital entities meant to surpass or merge with our consciousness and become a new, all-powerful god on Earth. Already we have seen the punishing effects of this supposed form of perfected deliverance—and its seizure by the West’s woke autocrats, who wish to use it to cement their perpetual transformative control over the most intimate details of our identities and our lives.

What is needed to face this perfect storm of spiritual war, waged by corrupt and decadent factions against America as we have known it, is not anything more or less radical that a restoration of constitutional republican government, fully protective of the natural rights of human American citizens, through new institutions and organizations that can keep America America even in our digital age. To do this, we must recognize that American civilization is unique and good. Preserving our civilization will require us to ensure that ordinary Americans freely and fully use our most foundational digital technologies consistently with the foundational theology of our civilization.

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