Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Abolish the FBI or Face an American Putin, Adam Mill


Abolish the FBI or Face an American Putin 

Since J. Edgar Hoover founded it, the FBI has never really been a law enforcement agency. It’s a clearing house for kompromot and intimidation.

By Adam Mill April 10, 2022

According to a Justice Department internal audit report, the FBI maintained an active caseload of 24,584 cases during the 18 months between January 2018 and June of 2019. A grossly disproportionate share of those cases involved surveillance of influential Americans such as candidates for office, public officials, journalists, religious leaders, and political activists. When the FBI targets an individual wielding high social influence, it categorizes the case as “sensitive.” 

The FBI is more than a dysfunctional agency. If it merely failed to fulfill its mandate, it might be a tolerable nuisance. Instead, the FBI has proven to be the single greatest threat to the very Constitution it is supposed to serve and protect. Its domestic spying program and its network of unaccountable informants lead to few bonafide criminal cases but many wholesale violations of constitutional principles. 

As we seek to create a bulwark for our nation’s cherished constitutional freedoms with a robust national defense, the FBI works as a totalitarian fifth column from within our nation. Below are five reasons why the FBI is beyond the reach of reform and should be abolished as a matter of civic integrity.

1. The FBI interferes with elections and undermines elected officials.

2. The FBI gathers dirt on powerful people—but not for prosecution.

3. Rules governing FBI conduct are meaningless because they go unenforced.

4. The politicization of the FBI blinds it to real crime.

5. The FBI stages crimes to entrap halfwits into committing crimes.

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