Saturday, June 18, 2022

Neil Oliver: Covid has been used to green light the revolution those in power had in mind



Neil Oliver: Covid has been used to green light the revolution those in power had in mind
Jun 18, 2022


Neil Oliver, The Great Resetters are Intent on Retaining Post-Pandemic Power and Control Through Fear and Finance 

June 18, 2022 | Sundance

In his weekly monologue today, Oliver notes the great resetters, the alliance of multinational corporations and government leaders, are intent on using fear and finance to build the post-covid control mechanisms over the people within western society.

Create massive costs, destabilize the people, manipulate the crisis and leave the common family left trying to figure out what is happening.  Government and bankers using fear and finance respectively; both leveraged against the people, while drumbeating the continued nonsense of climate change and the need to ‘save the planet’.

I say this: the end of the world is not nigh, but there are among us those who would change it beyond recognition in service of their own desires. The civilization we have loved is most certainly under attack, from within. First of all we have simply to notice and accept as much.

And having done that, we, the people, can reclaim our world, because it is, and always has been, ours.” (link)

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