Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Love Him or Hate Him, the War Against Alex Jones Is a War Against Us All,


Love Him or Hate Him, the War Against Alex Jones Is a War Against Us All

Why does the Sandy Hook case matter, according to the Times? Because it could “take the bullhorn” away from those who dispute election results or question the official narrative of January 6, while plundering them for millions in the process.

The Sandy Hook lawsuit was never about protecting Sandy Hook parents. It was about protecting America’s corrupt ruling class from an alternative media that refuses to mindlessly repeat their lies.

The rise of Donald Trump and the energies associated with his America First movement posed a threat to the corrupt ruling class and therefore raised the stakes in American politics, and thus raised the stakes of free speech and possession of the “bullhorn” to an unprecedented degree. This is why the entire C-suite of Google got together the day after Trump’s election to vow to never let this happen again, this is why the national security state has gone into overdrive to classify Trump and his supporters as national security threats, and this is why the Regime is willing to pull out every trick in the book, including defamation law, to destroy leading anti-establishment voices in the post Trump era.

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