Friday, August 04, 2023

EXPLOSIVE VIDEO: Former Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin Responds to Biden’s Corruption Accusations and Reveals Shocking Details about His Dismissal and Burisma Investigation, Jim Hoff

EXPLOSIVE VIDEO: Former Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin Responds to Biden’s Corruption Accusations and Reveals Shocking Details about His Dismissal and Burisma Investigation

by Jim Hᴏft Aug. 4, 2023

Shokin maintained that the real motivation behind Biden’s push for his removal was to protect his personal and family interests rather than the interests of the American people.

More from the video interview:

Question: In your opinion, to what extent did Joe Biden interfere in the inter affairs of Ukraine? Did you sometimes depend on American approval?

Shokin: Under the Obama presidency, it seemed to be the case. The most shocking thing is that all the appointments were made in agreement with the United States and with Biden in particular even at the level of the deputy Prosecutor General that I know for sure.

Question: If Joe Biden were in front of you, what would you tell him?

Shokin: I wish him luck, because he will need it. In my opinion, his moral and individual qualities are very low and to continue living normally in the United States or in another country he will need to be lucky. If the law is applied to Joe Biden, in Ukraine or in the United States then most likely he will be held responsible for the actions he committed.

WATCH – Video courtesy of @mazemoore:


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