Sunday, January 28, 2024

How to Repair Our Post Repentance Culture, Thomas Harrington

 How to Repair Our Post Repentance Culture

By Thomas Harrington   January 26, 2024  

A few days back, in a column published in this same space, Jeffrey Tucker wondered out loud if we will ever witness a public reckoning of the numerous crimes committed against the citizenry and our constitution in the name of the “fight against Covid.” 

As someone who, like him, was instantly appalled by the killing of innocents and destruction of key precepts of our justice system carried out in the name of protecting the heimat in the days after 9/11, I too have long waited for a cathartic articulation of the many ways in which our country’s leadership, with the mostly passive acceptance of the citizenry, committed mass acts of murder and maiming against the 99.9% of the people in Iraq, Libya, and Syria, just to name a few places, who had done absolutely nothing to any of us. 

My wait has been in vain. 

And I fear the wait will be equally in vain for those of us hoping to receive any admission of culpability from the government, its Pharma partners, and the millions of our fellow citizens who gleefully turned into the enforcers of their mostly illegal and certainly immoral edicts. 

I think many of these people know, on some level, that they were wrong and that their actions have seriously hurt other people. But I also believe that most of them will never admit it openly and engage in the necessary acts of atonement because they, like most of the rest of us, now live in a post repentance culture. 

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