Saturday, July 08, 2006

UPDATE of City's Historic Context Statement PULLED From Agenda by MAYOR MCCLOUD

Special Meeting
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
4:30 pm

IV. Orders of Council
Consideration of a Resolution authorizing the City Administrator to sign a Consultant Services Agreement for an amount not to exceed $21,750 to retain the services of Archives and Architecture to prepare an update of the City’s Historic Context Statement for the 1940 through 1965 period.

City Council
Agenda Item Summary
Prepared by: Brian Roseth, Principal Planner

Name: Consideration of a Resolution authorizing the City Administrator to sign a Consultant Services Agreement for an amount not to exceed $21,750 to retain the services of Archives and Architecture to prepare an update of the City’s Historic Context Statement for the 1940 through 1965 period.

Approval would engage a consulting firm to draft an amendment to the adopted Historic Context Statement. This document identifies persons, events and architecture important in the City’s history.

Overall Cost:
City Funds: $21,750 ($19,775 for Consultant plus 10% contingency).

Staff Recommendation: Authorize the City Administrator to enter into the Agreement.

Important Considerations:
The Historic Context Statement identifies persons, events and architecture important in the City’s history. It also provides guidance on the types of physical resources still present that can represent these in the historic preservation program. Based on this guidance, historic resources are subsequently identified for listing on the City’s Historic Resource Inventory. This final step of identifying specific resources is not part of the contract.

The existing Context Statement was adopted by the City Council in 1997. It was accepted by the Coastal Commission as part of the City’s LCP in 2004. The existing document only covers historic periods up to 1940 and needs to be updated. The recommended consultant will conduct research on the post-1940 period and work with the Historic Resources Board and staff to prepare a draft. Extensive public participation is anticipated during the process. Following approval by the City Council, the document will be submitted to the Coastal Commission as an amendment to the LCP.

Decision Record:

The General Plan/Coastal Land Use Plan requires periodic updates to the Context Statement. This project is listed in the City Council’s work program.



Leslie A. G. Dill, Partner and Principal Historian
Charlene Detlefs Duval, Partner and Principal Historian
Franklin Maggi, Partner, Architectural Historian and Preservation Planner
Jessica Kusz, Preservation Specialist

City shall pay Consultant for the services identified in the attached Scope of Services. Consultant agrees to perform all services and incur all costs required by this Agreement for an amount not to exceed $19,775.

The completion date for all services in Tasks I through IV specified in the Scope of Work, submitted by Consultant as part of Exhibit-A, shall be six months from the date of contract authorization.

City Council
Minutes of June 13, 2006 meeting

B. Consideration of a Resolution authorizing the City Administrator to sign a Consultant Services Agreement for an amount not to exceed $21,750 to retain the services of Archives and Architecture to prepare an update of the City's Historic Context Statement for the 1940 through 1965 period.

Mayor McCloud announced that Item B. had been pulled from the Agenda.


• According to the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea Municipal Code and the City’s General Plan and Local Coastal Plan, the Historic Context Statement, adopted by the Carmel-by-the-Sea City Council in 1997, should have been updated in 2002.

• If the Historic Context Statement had been updated in 2002, then the City could not have used the 1997 Historic Context Statement as a vehicle to remove all post-1940 historic resources from the City’s Inventory of Historic Resources.

• Just considering Historic Preservation, Land Use & Community Character Element of the General Plan/Coastal Land Use Plan, since the City’s record is that of not updating the Historic Context Statement every 5 years as stipulated and violating the LCP by removing all post-1940 historic resources as a group, contrary to the process allowed in the LCP, then is it reasonable for Carmelites to assume that there are other areas of the LCP the City is violating?

Chapter 17.32
17.32.060 Determining Eligibility for the Carmel Inventory.
A. Historic Context Statement.
3. The Historic Context Statement shall be updated at least every five years. Updates shall be submitted to the California Coastal Commission as LCP amendments.

Carmel by-the-Sea
General Plan and Local Coastal Plan
L a n d U s e a n d C o m m u n i t y
C h a r a c t e r E l e m e n t

General Plan/Coastal Land Use Plan Land Use & Community Character Element
Carmel-by-the-Sea Page 1-43
Cultural Resources
Historic Preservation

P1-85 Maintain an Historic Context Statement that documents the historic periods, themes, events, people, architects and builders who have contributed to the cultural and developmental history of the City. Use the Historic Context Statement to identify, document and understand the importance of historic resources. Exclusion from this document shall not preclude a finding of significance for any
resource. The Historic Context Statement shall be updated at least every five years. Updates shall be submitted to the California Coastal Commission as LCP amendments. (See Appendix F: Historic Context Statement, Carmel-by-the-Sea, 1997). (LUP)

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