Close-up of Lights on Carmel-by-the-Sea’s 2006 “Holiday Tree”
Ocean Av. & Junipero Av. Median, east end
Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA.
As of Sunday, 28 January 2007, Carmel-by-the-Sea’s 2006 “Holiday Tree” still has its’ lights.
“Holiday lights no more”
Twinkly strings of holiday lights strung outside businesses and homes in Carmel officially became illegal Jan. 11. According to city building official Tim Meroney, the municipal code’s exception for holiday lights ended Wednesday and an “enforcement team” will begin the search for scofflaws this weekend.
“That includes even the residential areas,” Meroney said.
Commercial and residential violators of the rules of exterior lights could be subject to fines.
(The Carmel Pine Cone, January 12, 2007, page 9A.)
For sixteen days now, from Friday January 12 to the present, the city’s “enforcement team” has apparently missed the City’s “Holiday Tree” at Ocean Av. & Junipero Av.
Conclusion: Apparently, the only “scofflaw” in Carmel-by-the-Sea is the “City of Carmel-by-the-Sea.”
Recall it wasn't until the late Jim Holliday complained through oral comments at a council meeting and letters to the city that Sue finally removed the holiday lights in the medians last year. As someone commented, what is wrong with that woman???
Typical! The "do as I say, not as I do" mentality!
It is unfortunate for all Carmelites that we must suffer because of the mayor's selfishness. She is determined to have her way no matter whether it breaks the city's regulations, hurts the city's reputation and economy or upsets the people who work and live here. Those lights, appropriate for the holidays but otherwise tacky, wouldn't still be up if she hadn't ordered them left up as she did last year. Taken together with the "temporary" tree lighting that now seems permanent Ocean Avenue at night is the antithesis of what desirable tourists come to Carmel to experience.
Most mature and coping adults understand there are certain things adults can control and there are other things adults cannot control.
Adults with a complusion to control events and people wreck havoc in their professional roles and their personal relationships.
In their professional roles, the controlling personality does not allow them to delegate authority. This inability to delegate is symptomatic of their inability to trust anyone in the erroneous belief that only they know what's best.
In their personal relationships, they cannot form relationships based on reciprocity, trust and equality-all essential elements for any long-term relationship.
In Carmel, it appears that the damage caused is related to poor employee morale, poor decision-making and ambiguous outcomes for the populace at large.
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