Thursday, February 15, 2007

CAROLYN HARDY: "...the council could shelve this study and I think that is exactly what you should do!"

This is the first in a series of five “In Her/His Own Words” posts on the Library.

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, February 6, 2007

XI. Orders of Council
A. Review the Organization Study of Library Operations from John Goss of Ralph Andersen & Associates and provide policy direction.

“Mayor, Council, Carolyn Hardy.”

"I just have a potpourri of thoughts as I'm hearing everyone talk about this. As some of you know, I have served for a few years on the Carmel Public Library Foundation so I have some knowledge about what it takes to raise the money, how much money is there. I'd hate to see that jeopardized by you making any changes. I'm not in favor of tinkering with the library. I think it's fine like it is. I think moving for efficiency, getting more out of less, doesn’t work in this case. It might work in the big corporate world, but this is our public library.”

“I did want to say congratulations to you for putting Carmel number one. And it has to do with the library. You’ve made Carmel number one in the state because of per capita spending and I thing that’s significant and we should really be proud of that.”

“I hear you talk about being flush with money, so I don’t want to hear anybody talking about poor mouth when it comes to the library.”

“I did notice in the report it talks about a 1987 MOU that’s out-of-date. I see no reference to the subsequent MOU of 1992. All be it in one page Memo of Agreement, it said it superseded the previous MOU. So I was wondering why that was missing from the consultant’s report.”

“The other thing that bothers me about the report is again talking about the community served by the library, and all the reference to the non-resident citizens because we have a Carmel Youth Center that serves non-resident citizens, we have a Sunset Center that serves non-resident citizens, and we’re proud of that, and we have a Carmel Foundation in our community who heavily serves non-resident people outside of Carmel, but we never question any of those as a downside. And I don’t think we should be questioning that about the library.”

“So, Rich Guillen put the idea in my mind that he says the council could shelve this study and I think that is exactly what you should do!”

“Thank you.”

Goss Rebuttal:
“Flush with money:” “You obviously downsized over the last 3 years, you’ve looked at ways to increase revenues, and this is really offered in the same spirit, to look at these opportunities.”

On 1992 MOU: “...all the people I talked to did not mention that so I’m unaware of that, your City Attorney had never mentioned that to me, your past Librarian,…, we basically focused on the 1987 MOU and so the other one was not discussed.”

On Non-Residents: “’s only an observation, to explain that one of the policy issues for this city, I think, is to determine what is your community that you serve.”

NOTE: After the close of the public hearing and city council deliberations, as a substitute motion, ROSE moved to approve City Administrator Rich Guillen’s recommendation to establish an Ad Hoc Committee composed of 2 members from the Library Board of Trustees, two members from the Carmel Public Library Foundation, the Interim Library Director and the City Administrator which “will return to Council within 90 days with a report that recommends and prioritizes issues needing further study or action.” It carried by unanimous vote of Council Members CUNNINGHAM, HAZDOVAC, ROSE, TALMAGE & McCLOUD. (The first motion was made by Council Member CUNNINGHAM to add 2 library users from the public to the Ad Hoc Committee; that idea was rejected.)


Anonymous said...

Carolyn Hardy's comments are exactly on point and I suspect represent the feelings of a mojority of Carmel residents and property owners. It is well known that this administration has been attempting to seize power from the independent library board in order to control and dominate its governance - the final and only independent department left in the city organization. Don't be fooled by this attack using the Ralph Anderson group as cover - it is the mayors personal power agenda that is driving this effort.
A municipal library should always remain independent from the selfish interests of this or any other politician.
Greg D'Ambrosio

Anonymous said...

It just happens to be cyberspace, but how refreshing it is to find a venue showcasing knowledgeable Carmel residents not taken in by the city's disingenous tactics. Hooray for Carolyn Hardy!

Anonymous said...

Three Points:
One, the failure on the city's part to provide the consultant with the most recent MOU is the best example of the city manipulating the report towards a desired outcome or conclusion.

Two, along the same lines, it is doubtful the city provided the consultant with the true picture of the city's fiscal status; if they had, then the whole basis of the report would be called into question and discredited.

Three, the City Administrator's failure to include two members of the public as part of the Ad Hoc committee tells residents that this is an internal put-up job from the beginning. Mike Cunningham couldn't even follow through and vote NO on Rich's recommendation of a committee without public users.