"Way Station for Pets" in the public right-of-way with paver pad, bench, water hose-bibb, light and water bowl for pets.
Lincoln Street, View to the South
"Way Station for Pets" to the right in the public right-of-way with paver pad, bench, water hose-bibb, light and water bowl for pets.
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
XI.Orders of Council
A. Consideration of an Encroachment Permit Request from Mr. and Mrs. Boghosian for the placement of a paver pad, bench, stones and water hose-bibb in the public right-of-way at 24936 Lincoln Street.
During deliberations, a verbal exchange occurred between City Council Member Paula Hazdovac, City Administrator Rich Guillen and Mayor Sue McCloud, as follows:
City Council Member Paula Hazdovac: “...but the lights that go all up and down the street, how will that be addressed, even though it’s not a part of this?”
City Administrator Rich Guillen: “Well, I think what staff would recommend that they also be removed.”
City Council Member Paula Hazdovac: “O.K. Thank you.”
Mayor Sue McCloud: “I would like to point out that those were placed after they were told they were in violation...does there have to be some mention of the lights in there, we remove all items as soon as possible...”
Lights in the public right-of-way...reminiscent of Mayor McCloud’s installation of approximately 50 lights in the Ocean Avenue medians without public hearings and in violation of the Municipal Code. Or the city saying the city can post "No Bicycle" signs in Mission Trail Nature Preserve without public hearings and a California Coastal Commission permit, then being told by a California Coastal Commission Staff Member that the city must follow the same public procedure as the installation of "No Smoking" signs along Carmel Beach prior to the installation of signs, and then the city posting “application for municipal project review” notices in Mission Trail Nature Preserve for the installation of 13 “No Bicycles” signs in Mission Trail Nature Preserve. Or the city disseminating inaccurate information and/or never correcting the record about using the proceeds from the sale of the Flanders Mansion property to fund the Fire Station Seismic Retrofit Project when the city knew the sale of Flanders Mansion was in litigation and the Fire Station Seismic Retrofit Project was budgeted for and under construction. And on and on and on...Do As I Say (Not As I Do!) and As I Say (As I Do! Even When I Know It's Wrong!).
More unethical conduct! Do Carmelites know about it? Do Carmelites condone it? Do Carmelites care?
The "gold standard" for the measurement of psychopathy, Robert Hare's Checklist (PCL-R), is interesting to ponder vis-a-vis the above behavioral descriptions and preceding described behavior.
Checklist items of interest:
Glib - charming, will say anything
Grandiose Self-Worth - self-assured, arrogant, opinionated
Pathological Lying - dishonest, unscruplous, deceptive, deceitful
Manipulative - deceit and deception for personal gain; lack of concern for others
Lack of Remorse/Guilt - unempathic
Failure to Accept Responsibility for Own Actions - denial of responsibility
Other related behavioral qualities:
Authoritarian, secretive, paranoid, egotistical to the point of narcissistic, persistently violate social norms, vindictive when thwarted or exposed, seeks circumstances where tyrannical behavior is tolerated, condoned or admired.
Of the estimated two million psychopaths in North America, traditional methods of psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, group, one-on-one therapy and drug treatments, have failed. Therapy has failed because psychopaths don't see a problem with their behavior and therefore do not willingly seek treatment.
The danger, most people are not aware of these conventional appearing people and become victimized before they even consider the possibility they have been victimized by a psychopath.
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