Monday, September 08, 2008

Five Agenda Items on September 9, 2008 City Council Agenda

ABSTRACT: Five Agenda items on the September 9, 2008 City Council Agenda are highlighted, including Resolutions involving co-sponsorship between the Forest and Beach Commission and the Friends of Carmel Forest for an “Arbor Day” event, Flanders Project site evaluation and construction costs estimates and the proposed new permanent restrooms at Santa Lucia Avenue and Scenic Road plans and bid documents; Public Hearing involving an appeal of a decision by the Forest and Beach Commission approving the removal of a 30-inch diameter black acacia; and an Order of Council regarding the hiring of three new firefighters. A SYNOPSIS for each agenda item is presented including selected excerpts from City Council Agenda Item Summaries.

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

VII. Consent Calendar
These matters include routine financial and administrative actions, which are usually approved by a single majority vote. Individual items may be removed from Consent by a member of the Council or the public for discussion and action.

E. Consideration of a Resolution to authorize co-sponsorship between the Forest and Beach Commission and the Friends of Carmel Forest (FOCF) of an “Arbor Day” event on Thursday, October 30, 2008 and authorize City funds in an amount not to exceed $1,250.

Staff Recommendation: Adopt a resolution to approve co-sponsorship of the event and authorize expenditure of city funds up to $1,250.

Description: The Forest and Beach Commission is requesting co-sponsorship with the FOCF, an official City support group, for an “Arbor Day” event from 1:00-3:30 pm on October 30, 2008, at Carpenter Hall. Kelaine Vargas, from the Center for Urban Forest Research, will present a speech, “Money Does Grow on Trees: The Economic Benefit of Trees to the Community”. There also will be a three-person panel discussion on “Fostering the Contemporary Urban Forest.”

Important Considerations: During its July meeting, the Forest and Beach Commission unanimously approved a recommendation that the City Council approve cosponsorship of this event with the FOCF. City sponsorship of this event meets one of the standards for recognition as a Tree City USA in 2008 and allows the Forest and Beach Commission to perform one of its identified duties under Municipal Code Chapter 2.32.060(D).

H. Consideration of a Resolution authorizing Architectural Resources Group (ARG) for site evaluation and construction costs estimates on the Flanders Project in an amount not to exceed $11,500.

Staff Recommendation: Adopt the resolution.

Description: ARG will perform the following three tasks for the Flanders Project:
A. Site evaluation to understand existing conditions of the Flanders structure and gather information from the City’s planning and building maintenance staff;
B. Update the previous construction cost estimate that will describe each task and associated costs; and
C. Revise the cost estimate report based on comments received from the City’s legal counsel and staff.

VIII. Public Hearings

B. Consideration of an appeal of a decision by the Forest and Beach Commission approving the removal of a 30-inch diameter black acacia at a property at 2922 Santa Lucia Avenue. The appellant is Sue McCloud, property owner of the home next door, on the east side.

Staff Recommendation: Uphold the decision of the Forest and Beach Commission.

Description: During its regular meeting of April 3, 2008, the Forest and Beach Commission unanimously approved (4-0) an application by Ms. Susan Page for the removal of a 30- inch diameter black acacia located on her property at 2922 Santa Lucia Avenue. The Commission’s approval was contingent upon the applicant planting a 24-inch box specimen tree in the same area following removal of the acacia tree.

Important Considerations:
The acacia tree has been topped and heavily pruned for many years, resulting in multiple leaders with poor points of attachment to the main structural limbs of the tree. This type of pruning also frequently leads to decay of the limbs and an increased risk of limb or tree failure over time. Continued heavy pruning to limit growth and weight of the tree canopy can limit the stress on the limbs, but the risk of significant limb failure always remains due to past pruning practices. Staff recommended allowing removal of the tree and replanting with a 24-inch box fruitless olive tree.

X. Resolutions

B. Consideration of a Resolution entering into an agreement with Carver + Schicketanz to prepare plans and bid documents for the proposed new permanent restrooms at Santa Lucia and Scenic Road in an amount not to exceed $55,759

Staff Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution.

Description: At the City’s request, Mr. Rob Carver of Carver + Schicketanz submitted a proposal to provide an analysis and develop bid documents for the construction of permanent restroom facilities at Santa Lucia and Scenic Road. The scope of work is divided into the following phases:

Phase One
• Gather information regarding permit requirements from various public agencies;
• After initial project analysis, meet with the appropriate Boards & Commissions to seek project input; and
• Develop a schematic design.

Phase Two
• Complete architectural design;
• Prepare bid documents; and
• Perform construction administration (as needed).

Decision Record: The Local Coastal Program, adopted in June 2003, states that restroom facilities must be provided consistent with the volume of visitors to the beach and Beach Bluff Pathway. In addition, reference is made to replacing the current restroom facility at Santa Lucia and Scenic Road with a permanently constructed facility.

XI. Orders of Council

C. Receive report and provide policy direction regarding the hiring of three new firefighters.

Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that City Council approve hiring three additional firefighters.

Description: Adding three firefighters will ensure that a 24/7, stable level of staffing is maintained in accordance with Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) requirements and National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) guidelines.

City Funds: $324,000 annually

Important Considerations: The ambulance assigned to the fire station is staffed with two medical responders, both of whom are cross-trained as firefighters. When the ambulance is committed to medical calls, these firefighters are temporarily unavailable, consequently depleting front-line firefighter capability. Adding three new firefighters will resolve this problem by ensuring a constant staffing level.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kudos to the Forest and Beach Department staff for recommending the removal of the black acacia tree next door to Sue McCloud and to the members of the Forest and Beach Commission for supporting staff. Considering that a number of staff members have been fired or forced into retirement and commissioners, committee members and board members have been removed for disagreeing with the mayor in the past, it was a brave thing for all of them to do.