ABSTRACT: A photographic display showing the progress being made on the
Fourth Avenue Riparian Habitat and Pathway Project by Green Valley Landscaping is presented. Trees courtesy of
Valley Crest Tree Company. The project includes: a pedestrian path; native riparian landscaping; several pools in the storm drain to slow flow velocity; and drainage pipes to percolate storm water back into the soil. Green Valley Landscaping appears to be on schedule for completion of the project by the beginning of February 2009, approximately 90 days since commencement of work.

View to the west, from Monte Verde St. & 4th Av.
Trees include
Coast Live Oaks (Quercus agrifolia),
Italian Alders (Alnus cordata) and
California Sycamore (Platanus Racemosa)

View to the west, between Monte Verde St. & Casanova
View of pedestrian pathway under construction, storm drainage trench

View of groundcover plants, yet to be planted

Between San Antonio Av. & Carmelo
View of pedestrian pathway under construction, curb, settling pond and storm drainage trench

Representative settling pond along the storm drainage trench
After all these years, finally, this long promised project is almost done. The lesson here for us is to never allow the city to ever again vote for removal of trees without also voting to approve and fund a replacement project so it never again takes years and years between the removal of eucalyptus trees in this instance and the realization of replacement trees, etc.
My hope is the trees and plants do something for traffic calming on 4th av. The pedestrian path should make walkers safer, but slower speeds by vehicles along 4th av. would do ever more for the safety of all of us.
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