Monday, December 26, 2011

VOTING RECORDS: Mayor Sue McCloud & City Council Member Jason Burnett

February 7, 2012):

Of 106 total votes cast during regular city council meetings, excluding consent calendar and abstention votes, Mayor Sue McCloud and City Council Member Jason Burnett voted the same on 92 agenda items or 87% of the time. Or McCloud and Burnett differed on 14 agenda items or 13% of the time.

ABSTRACT: In response to recently expressed opinions about Mayor Sue McCloud and City Council Member Jason Burnett, their respective voting records on the City Council are analyzed from May 2010 to November 2011. Of 89 total votes cast during regular city council meetings, excluding consent calendar and abstention votes, Mayor Sue McCloud and City Council Member Jason Burnett voted the same on 75 agenda items or 84% of the time. Or McCloud and Burnett differed on 14 agenda items or 16% of the time. For aarguably the most important agenda items, namely Ratify Settlement Agreement between the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea and Richard Guillen, City Administrator on April 5, 2011, Receive, file and disseminate the report of the ad hoc Carmel CalPERS Pension Committee and direct staff to return with recommended implementation actions and adopt a Resolution approving a contract with the City of Monterey for fire services on November 1, 2011, McCloud and Burnett voted “AYE.” Agenda Items for each agenda item which McCloud and Burnett voted differently are reproduced (listed most recent to earliest); source, “MINUTES,” Carmel-by-the-Sea website.

October 4, 2011


B. Consideration of a Resolution extending the Forest Theater Guild’s lease of the Forest Theater for one year.

Interim City Administrator John Goss presented the staff report.

Mayor McCloud opened the meeting to public comment at 6:00 p.m.

Kathryn Harrison addressed Council.

Mayor McCloud closed the meeting to public comment at 6:02 p.m.

Council Member BURNETT moved to extend the Forest Theater Guild’s lease of the Forest Theater for three years, seconded by Council Member HAZDOVAC, and passed by the following roll call vote:


September 13, 2011


A. Consideration of an appeal of the Planning Commission’s decision to approve Design Review and Use Permit applications for a new restaurant located on the northeast corner of Mission Street and Seventh Avenue in the Carmel Plaza. The project applicant is David Fink.

Sean Conroy, Planning Services Manager, presented the staff report.

David Fink, the project applicant, addressed Council.

Mayor McCloud opened the meeting to public comment at 6:21 p.m.

Addressing Council on this issue were: Jean Hubert, owner of St. Tropez; Charles Chrietzberg, President of Monterey County Bank; Preston Kincaid; Barry Swift of the Carmel Residents Association Board; Don Benz, Sr. Property Manager of the Carmel Plaza; Michael Adamson read a letter from Denny Levett; Kent Torrey, owner of the Cheese Shop; Adam Moniz; Barbara Livingston; Kathy Fredrickson; Monte Miller; Gerard Rose; Carolyn Hardy; Peter Baird; Rich Pepe; Roberta Miller; and Lisa Dias.

Mayor McCloud closed the meeting to public comment at 6:52 p.m.

Mayor McCLOUD moved to accept the Planning Commission’s Findings for Decision, as amended, on September 13, 2011, seconded by Council Member HAZDOVAC.

Council Member BURNETT made a substitute motion to remand the proposal to the Planning Commission for a variance to recognize the interpretation of I-3e in Municipal Code Section 17.14.040 (“Restaurants, Full Line”) to allow ordering at the counter under certain conditions that the Planning Commission may have.

Council Member TALMAGE then moved to accept the Planning Commission’s Findings as amended, and to reword the second sentence of Special Condition #5 to read, “Customers shall order from a menu while seated or order from the counter,” seconded by Mayor McCLOUD, and carried by the following roll call vote:


August 2, 2011


A. Consideration of a Resolution amending the employment contract with the City Attorney related to future and past compensation owed by the City.

City Attorney Don Freeman addressed Council and announced he would leave during Council discussion and deliberations.

Council Member BURNETT moved to deny approval of the amended contract for the City Attorney, to deny authorization of an $87,057.78 transfer from the Legal-Retirement Account for payment owed to the City Attorney for service from April 20, 2007 to July 31, 2011; and to deny authorization of monthly compensation to the City Attorney for services beginning August 1, 2011 to include a monthly cash equivalent of the City’s retirement contribution, seconded by Council Member HAZDOVAC, and carried by the following roll call vote:


June 7, 2011


A. Consideration of an appeal of the Planning Commission’s decision to approve Design Study, Demolition Permit and Coastal Development Permit applications for the construction of a new residence located at the SE Corner of Casanova Street and Avenue. The property owners are Kendon and Jullian Dressel and the appellant is Judy O’Day.

Council Members Sharp and Hazdovac recused themselves, as both live in proximity to the subject of the appeal.

Associate Planner Marc Wiener presented the staff report.

Steve Wilson, Monterey Bay Engineers, spoke on behalf of the appellant.

Judy O’Day, the appellant, spoke to the issue.

Mayor McCloud opened the meeting to public comment at 5:43 p.m.

Rob Nicely, speaking for the property owners, the Dressels, addressed Council.

Kendon Dressel, property owner, spoke to the issue.

Steve Wilson, Monterey Bay Engineers, spoke again.

Mayor McCloud closed the meeting to public comment at 5:54 p.m.

Council Member BURNETT moved to deny the appeal, seconded by Council Member TALMAGE, and carried by the following roll call vote:



This item was taken out of order to accommodate the presenters’ schedules.

A. Receive updated report from CRFA and provide policy direction on CRFA employees becoming City employees.

Gerard Rose, President of the CRFA Board, Monterey Assistant Fire Chief Stuart Roth, and Dave Jedinak, Carmel Regional Fire Ambulance, presented the staff report.

Mayor McCloud opened the meeting to public comment at 6:25 p.m.

Carolyn Hardy and Monte Miller spoke to the issue.

Mayor McCloud closed the meeting to public comment at 6:29 p.m.

Council Member TALMAGE moved to approve the plan--in concept--and to have John Goss, Gerard Rose and Dave Jedinak work together to develop an action plan addressing the specific issues involved in having CRFA employees become City employees, seconded by Council Member HAZDOVAC, and carried by the following roll call vote:


May 3, 2011


A. Consideration of an appeal of the Planning Commission’s decision to deny a two-unit, multi-family residential project for a site located on San Carlos Street 3 SE of Avenue. The appellant is Old Mill Properties LLC.

B. Consideration of an appeal of the Planning Commission’s decision to deny a two-unit, multi-family residential project for a site located on Mission Street 3 SW of Avenue. The appellant is Old Mill Properties, LLC.

Council Member Talmage recused himself, as he lives in close proximity to the projects being considered. City Attorney, Don Freeman, also recused himself as he owns property and maintains an office across the street from the proposed project. He introduced attorney Brian Finegan, who will be serving as counsel for the City on the two appeals.

Associate Planner Marc Wiener presented the staff report.

Eric Miller, architect for the proposed project, addressed Council.

Mayor McCloud opened the meeting to public comment at 5:40 p.m.

Barbara Livingston, Niels Reimers, Roberta Miller, Dan Silvierie, Don Mackey, appellant and Jim Bell addressed Council.

Mayor McCloud closed the meeting to public comment at 5:56 p.m.

Brian Finegan, Counsel for the City, Associate Planner Marc Wiener, Appellant Don Mackey, Project architect Eric Miller, Interim Chief Mike Calhoun and Planning Services Manager Sean Conroy answered questions from the public and Council.

Council Member BURNETT moved to deny the project, seconded by Council Member McCLOUD, and failed by the following roll call vote:


Associate Planner Marc Wiener presented the staff report for the Mission Street project.

Eric Miller, architect for the project, addressed Council.

Mayor McCloud opened the meeting to public comment at 6:50 p.m.

Barbara Livingston and Jim Bell addressed Council.

Mayor McCloud closed the meeting to public comment at 6:57 p.m.

Associate Planner Marc Wiener answered questions from the public.

Council Member McCloud moved to approve the project, seconded by Council Member SHARP and passed by the following roll call vote:


April 5, 2011


A. Consideration of an Ordinance amending Municipal Code Section 6.08 to allow for the keeping of chicken hens on properties in the R-1 District in the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea. (Second reading)

Planning Services Manager Sean Conroy presented the staff report.

Mayor McCloud opened the meeting to public comment at 6:35 p.m.

Anna Yeatman expressed concern about restrictions on the size of cages and asked that this be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Carla Ramsay discussed poultry diseases and other problems related to keeping chickens.

Mayor McCloud closed the meeting to public comment at 6:38 p.m.

Council Member BURNETT moved to approve, upon second reading, the Ordinance amending Municipal Code Section 6.08 to allow for the keeping of chicken hens on properties in the R-1 District in the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea, seconded by Council Member SHARP and carried by the following roll call vote:


March 1, 2011


A. Consideration of an Ordinance amending Municipal Code Section 6.08 to allow for the keeping of chicken hens on properties in the R-1 District in the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea. (First reading)

Planning Services Manager Sean Conroy presented the staff report.

Mayor McCloud opened the meeting to public comment at 6:49 p.m.

Anna Yeatman, Barbara Livingston and Carla Ramsay spoke to the issue.

Mayor McCloud closed the meeting to public comment at 6:56 p.m.

Council Member SHARP moved to approve the first reading of the Ordinance amending Municipal Code Section 6.08 to allow for the keeping of chicken hens on properties in the R-1 District in the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea, with the following three amendments: cages will not be visible from public streets; slaughtering of chickens will not be permitted within City limits; and the keeping of chickens shall not create a public nuisance, seconded by Council Member HAZDOVAC and carried by the following roll call vote:


*Mayor McCloud requested it to be reflected in the record that her “No” vote was based on permitting chickens in front yards.


B. Receive Subcommittee report on time and resources required for grant submission and then consideration of a Resolution approving the submission of an application for grant funds in an amount not to exceed $150,000 from the California Department of Transportation’s (CalTrans) Community-Based Transportation Planning grant program. Planning Services Manager Sean Conroy presented the staff report.

Council Member Burnett continued the presentation.

Mayor McCloud opened the meeting to public comment at 7:14 p.m.

Jay Marden, Principal of River School, Alexandra Fallon, Stacey Maheen, Alan Lehman, Nicole Stevens, Greg D’Ambrosio, Paul Hart, Monta Potter, Chief Executive Officer of the Carmel Chamber of Commerce, and an unidentified parent spoke to the issue.

Mayor McCloud closed the meeting to public comment at 7:30 p.m.

Council Member TALMAGE moved to approve a Resolution approving the submission of an application for grant funds in an amount not to exceed $150,000 from the California Department of Transportation’s (CalTrans) Community-Based Transportation Planning grant program, with understanding that if the staff work load gets too high, Council will re-examine its work plan priorities, seconded by Council Member BURNETT and carried by the following roll call vote:


February 1, 2011


Mayor McCloud opened the meeting to public comment at 6:42 p.m.

Barbara Livingston, president of the Carmel Residents Association, said the CRA is seeking nominations for its annual Citizen of the Year award.

Barbara Brooks spoke about the successful tree giveaway program sponsored by the Friends of Carmel Forest.

Adam Moniz addressed sexual harassment and the Brown Act.

Mike Brown spoke about sexual harassment.

Paul Hart and Stacy Maheen, owner of Bay Bikes, spoke about traffic safety on Rio Road.

Carolyn Hardy spoke about reporting from Council closed sessions, fire services, the Forest Theater, and pay differential paid to employees deployed by the military.

Mayor McCloud closed the meeting to public comment at 7:00 p.m.

City Attorney Don Freeman addressed comments from the speakers.

Council Member BURNETT moved to schedule a Closed Session this week and direct staff to find a time that works for the Council members’ schedules, seconded by Council Member TALMAGE. The motion failed 2-3 by voice vote:



F. Provide policy direction on submission of an application for grant funds in an amount not to exceed $150,000 from the California Department of Transportation’s (CalTrans) Community-Based Transportation Planning grant program to support a project tentatively called Connect Carmel: Linking Trails to Transit and People to Places.

Council Member Burnett said this grant opportunity had recently come to his attention.

Mayor McCloud opened the meeting to public comment at 8:49 p.m.

Speakers: Monta Potter, chief executive officer of the Carmel Chamber of Commerce; Paul Hart; Stacy Maheen, Chris Lehman and Victoria Beach.

Mayor McCloud closed the meeting to public comment at 9:01 p.m.

Council Member TALMAGE moved to approve moving ahead with the grant application -- in concept—and have staff report back at the March meeting to determine whether or not it will be possible to complete the application by the March 30 deadline, seconded by Council Member BURNETT and carried by the following roll call vote:


November 2, 2010


A. Consideration of an appeal of the Planning Commission’s decision to deny a request for aluminum clad wood windows for a building located on the east side of Lincoln between Fifth and Sixth Avenues. The appellant is Nancy Moresco.

Council Members Talmage and Hazdovac recused themselves due to their proximity to the proposed project.

Sean Conroy, Planning and Building Services Manager presented the staff report.

Mike McLean, representing appellant Nancy Moresco, addressed Council.

Mayor McCloud opened the meeting to public comment at 5:41 p.m.

Monte Miller and Kathy Miller from Marvin Windows & Doors, addressed Council.

Mayor McCloud closed the meeting to public comment at 5:45 p.m.

Council Member SHARP moved to uphold the appeal, seconded by Mayor McCLOUD and carried by the following roll call vote:


August 3, 2010


B. Consideration of an encroachment permit application for the construction of a driveway at the end of Lopez Avenue and review of a geotechnical report for Second Avenue.

Associate Planner Marc Wiener presented the staff report.

Engineer John Kasunich, whose firm was hired by the City to perform a geotechnical survey for this site, discussed road stability issues on Second Avenue.

City Engineer Sherman Low addressed other stability issues.

Appellants Greg Schulz and Zane Blackmer spoke to the issue.

Mayor McCloud opened the meeting to public comment at 6:17 p.m.

Ron Wormser, a neighbor of the proposed project, spoke to the issue.

Marian Wormser read letters from two neighbors (Hibbards and Harpers).

Barbara Gabrielson spoke about fire safety issues in the area.

Mayor McCloud closed the meeting to public comment at 6:26 p.m.

Council Member BURNETT moved to uphold the decision of the Planning Commission and to grant the City Administrator the right to approve the encroachment permit based upon the special conditions outlined in the staff report, plus any additional requirements that are warranted, seconded by Council Member SHARP and carried by the following roll call vote:


June 8, 2010


D. Receive report and provide policy direction on proposed placement of a resin mold of “The Art of the US Open” by Richard MacDonald in Devendorf Park, June 11-21, 2010.

CarrieAnn, Assistant Director of Richard MacDonald-Dawson Cole Fine Art, gave a presentation and answered questions.

Council Member HAZDOVAC moved to allow the placement of the resin mold statue in Devendorf Park from June 11-21, 2010, on the condition that the MacDonald Gallery: provide 24-hour security around the statue for the full 10-day period; complete a special event permit; and have proof of full liability insurance coverage, seconded by Council Member SHARP, and carried by the following roll call vote:


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Canine Christmas Tree 2011

To celebrate the Christmas season, canine lovers have again decorated Aaron’s tree in Mission Trail Nature Preserve with ornaments.

Canine Christmas Tree (“Aaron’s Tree”)
Mission Trail Nature Preserve
Location: Mission Trail Nature Preserve, Serra Trail, wapproximately 1/4 mile from Rio Road Entrance

Canine Christmas Tree 2011 (close-up)

Canine Christmas Tree History

Saturday, December 17, 2011

MUNICIPAL ELECTION 2012: News Articles

ABSTRACT: Regarding the upcoming Carmel-by-the-Sea Municipal Election on April 10, 2012 for mayor and two city council member positions, links to news articles are presented from the most recent news articles to the earliest news articles.

MARY SCHLEY, The Carmel Pine Cone, April 13, 2012

Sweeping victories for Burnett, Talmage and Beach; Pepe still a council contender.
By Sara Rubin, Thursday, April 12, 2012

Talmage outpacing all others in campaign fundraising, MARY SCHLEY, The Carmel Pine Cone, April 6, 2012

- Nearly half of expected vote may already be in
PAUL MILLER, March 30, 2012

Pepe will be casting his first vote since moving here in '74
LARRY PARSONS Herald Staff Writer, 03/26/2012 

- Tight race between Profeta and Leverone for possible third council seat
MARY SCHLEY, The Carmel Pine Cone, March 23, 2012

Four people in race for two spots on City Council
KEVIN HOWE Herald Staff Writer, 03/19/2012

Burnett touts experience; Pepe points to community ties, LARRY PARSONS Herald Staff Writer, 03/17/2012 

Carmel: Candidates find much to agree on at forum, KEVIN HOWE Herald Staff Writer, 02/29/2012 

April ballot set with six candidates, MARY SCHLEY, The Carmel Pine Cone, January 20, 2012

Moniz bows out, Beach announces council run, MARY SCHLEY, January 13, 2012

Burnett, Pepè to start mayoral campaigns; Moniz delays his
Still just two candidates for council seats, MARY SCHLEY, The Carmel Pine Cone, December 23, 2011, pages 1A & 14A

News Blog
Carmel Mayoral Race Heats Up, And Levels Out
By Sara.Rubin, MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY, December 13, 2011

April 2012 election already drawing plenty of candidates, MARY SCHLEY, The Carmel Pine Cone, November 4, 2011

News Blog
Hats in the Ring for Carmel Mayoral Race
By Sara.Rubin, MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY, October 28, 2011

Burnett says he will run for mayor
- McCloud not seeking re-election
By PAUL MILLER, The Carmel Pine Cone, October 28, 2011

Pèpe will run for mayor -- if he can find a home in town, MARY BROWNFIELD, The Carmel Pine Cone, September 9, 2011

MUNICIPAL ELECTION 2012: Letters to the Editor

ABSTRACT: Regarding the upcoming Carmel-by-the-Sea Municipal Election on April 10, 2012 for mayor and two city council member positions, links to letters to the editor are presented from the most recent letters to the editor to the earliest letters to the editor. Selected excerpts of letters to the editor as highlights are also presented.


ON JASON BURNETT, Burnett EcoEnergy LLC owner, City Council Member:

It is far more logical for Jason Burnett to be mayor and Richard Pepe to gain some experience by serving on the Carmel City Council.”

I believe he is the only candidate capable of uniting us all — the residents, business people and property owners of our village. Jason has demonstrated he can find common ground needed to help solve our town's most daunting problems.”
Burnett is best choice, Ruth Rachel, Carmel,The Monterey County Herald, 04/07/2012

Councilman and mayoral candidate Jason Burnett is well versed on water issues and has an incredible capacity and boundless energy for handling multiple complex projects. He is the only mayoral candidate who is up to this job.”

“…I urge my fellow residents to elect Jason Burnett as mayor. I believe he is the only candidate capable of uniting us all — the residents, business people, and property owners of our village. Burnett has demonstrated he can find the common ground needed to help solve our town’s most daunting problems.”
Burnett is the‘very best,’ Ruth Rachel, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, April 6, 2012, 29A & 21A

Considering there is already an alliance among Jason Burnett, Victoria Beach and Ken Talmage (they each contributed to each others campaign, according to recent Pine Cone articles) it would seem to me that the much coveted concept of checks and balances will be sorely missing from our governing body. In my view, Jason Burnett should have resigned his seat. However, by not doing so and assuming he is the next mayor, we are exposed to a heavily biased political machine governing our city for the next two years. This concerns me greatly.”
Vote for three? Jim Herlihy, Carmel, The Carmel PineCone, April 6, 2012, 22A

"Councilman and mayoral candidate Jason Burnett is well versed on water issues and has an incredible capacity and boundless energy for handling multiple complex projects. He is the only mayoral candidate who is up to this job and would not have to hand it off to others.”
“The whole peninsula stands to benefit from Jason’s Burnett’s leadership through this water crisis.
The ‘most pressing issue,’ Carolyn Hardy, Carmel, The CarmelPine Cone, April 6, 2012, 22A

 Jason's town hall meetings have evolved to become more than just a conversation. They have become an invaluable learning resource for the community. Jason has brought in guest speakers to share information and expertise about local and regional issues of concern.”

"Jason and Melissa Burnett have been loyal supporters, knowing that green, sustainable products are safe for their baby son. But my point is — I don't expect elected officials to buy anything from me — it is just so refreshing that in a tiny village, they care enough to become familiar with our unique shops. We need a mayor and City Council who support local business!"

With a combined 16 years of experience in serving the Carmel community, we understand what it takes to lead our village. We often have differing viewpoints, but in this we are united: Jason Burnett has the leadership qualities, experience and commitment that make him the best choice for mayor.”

Jason Burnett has been key in elucidating the most important issues for the community, and in bringing them to the table for discussion (“Burnett for Mayor,” March 15-21). He has probed and scraped, to make everyone aware, and to consider what we need to do now, in light of the current economy, and how we can prepare for the future.”
Jason Yes x 2-CarmelResident | via Web, Letters To The Editor, 3.22.12

He is the only candidate who will work hard for the benefit of the whole community and the only candidate who will not hand off the job to others once in office.”  
Jason Yes x 2-Coastalvillager | via Web, Letters To TheEditor, 3.22.12

 “He’s devoted to transparency, in the water agreement and in government as a whole, and transparency is something Carmel’s sorely lacked for too long.” – Weekly’s endorsement for Jason Burnett for Carmel mayor
“This election, we don’t see Jason touting his role in the public-private partnership at the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History. Last election, it was his major achievement.” 
“This circling-of-the-wagons attitude toward the public has resulted in a complicated and peculiar relationship with the city that has devolved from a secretive public-private partnership into a contractor-employer relationship that allows only the city manager to have access to the museum’s management and board.”
Jason No, ET | via Web, Letters To The Editor, 3.22.12

He listens and cares what people think. His monthly town hall meetings bring an openness to local government, something long missing in Carmel.”
“He is, we believe, a man to united Carmel, not divided it.”

We have been impressed with Burnett’s visionary leadership, his knowledge of all issues and his ability to return openness to city government through his monthly town hall meetings. He has shown both courage and leadership, being out in front on difficult and challenging issues.”

Past mayors endorse Burnett, Charlotte Townsend, Mayor, 1982-1986, Jean Grace, Mayor, 1988-1992, Ken White, Mayor, 1992-2000, The Carmel Pine Cone, March 16, 2012, 25A

At his town hall meetings, he brings the community together to share opinions and information. He cares what people think. He responds to suggestions about community problems, and this is why he deserves to be our next mayor.”
‘Hardest-working and most accessible,’ Angie and Bob Irvine, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, March 16, 2012, 27A

But I am excited about the potential of having Jason Burnett as our next mayor. I believe that he is fair and thoughtful and has the best interest of both the business community and the residents.”
 Businessman supports Burnett and Beach, David B. Fink, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, March 9, 2012, 20A

Carmel's future depends on electing a mayor deeply committed to preservation and renovation of her unique character, natural beauty and economic viability.”
“Jason Burnett's impeccable leadership skills, qualifications and deep local roots make him the only mayoral candidate ready for the challenge.”
Burnett ready to lead Carmel, Lucinda Lloyd, Carmel, The Monterey County Herald, 03/08/2012

In his two years, Councilman Jason Burnett demonstrated the skills and an impressive mastery of city issues. He analyzes problems, develops viable solutions and seeks a path to consensus. He does this with openness and transparency, such that even skeptics can feel a decision was reached through an honest and rational process.”

“…Jason Burnett as our next mayor. I believe he is fair and thoughtful and has the best interest of the business community and the residents.”

During his city council term (Jason Burnett), he has demonstrated a high level of competence in dealing with complex financial and technical issues, bringing about effective changes in Carmel’s government, developing alliances with others in and outside the city, and fostering a healthy openness and mutual dialogue with stakeholders. He has shown intelligence, experience, political savvy, pragmatism, integrity, courtesy, patience, tenacity and hard work.”
‘Pepe is no Burnett,’ James Emery, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, March 2, 2012, 22A

Burnett does his homework so he understands the city’s finance, budget staffing and infrastructure problems plus the transportation and water needs of the Monterey Peninsula  as well or better than anyone...As mayor Jason Burnett will preserve what remains of what made Carmel unique and where practical seek to restore the character and heritage that has been lost under previous city councils.
Making Carmel the ‘best possible place,’ Richard Dalsemer, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, March 2, 2012, 23A & 24A

During budget negotiations, Burnett and Talmage also worked closely together on ensuring that our city’s financial position would remain strong and a long-term solution for reducing retirement costs could be implemented. They both demonstrated a deep understanding of the detail involved in this process.”

No candidate running for office in the next election has deeper roots in the Monterey Peninsula, or has better qualifications, than Jason Burnett. Burnett was born at CHOMP. He was raised and educated locally. He is the third generation of his family to have contributed significantly to the improvement of the Monterey Peninsula.”

“We have benefited from Jason Burnett’s outstanding leadership during the past two years that he has served on Carmel’s city council. We stand to benefit further when he is elected Mayor of Carmel.”

“Many who have been interested in local government for a long time were delighted two years ago to discover how much difference the energy and fresh ideas of a younger generation, in the form of Jason Burnett, could make in the openness and creativity of our city council.”

As a councilman, he has immersed himself in the challenges that we face on water, transportation, financial planning and business and infrastructure needs. He takes time to learn about and understand all sides of the issue, invites public participation in the discussions and … he listens! What a breath of fresh air!"
“Burnett is a proven leader who has already demonstrated he will protect and preserve our precious resources and maintain the character and heritage that make Carmel so precious
‘Electing someone we can support,’ Dick Ely, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, February 17, 2012, 21A

We salute Jason, and his family, for offering to serve.”
‘If we were still residents,’ Don and Barbara Burnett, Santa Fe, N.M., The Carmel Pine Cone, February 17, 2012, 23A

Unlike Burnett, I agree with Pepe that Carmel’s parkland should not be sold. Burnett should stop taking such extreme viewpoints on issues he does not understand, since he only moved to town in 2008."
Beth Reimers | Carmel, The Public Voice, MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY, 2.16.12

We all benefit when businesses compete on a level playing field and Burnett has shown that he will treat everyone fairly, making sure everyone plays by the same rules. It says a lot to me as a resident about trustworthiness that these businesses are endorsing him.”
Businesses for Burnett, Roberta Miller, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, February 10, 2012, 29A

Of all the events I’ve been to, I was particularly struck with Jason Burnett’s Kick-Off for Mayor. Strong turnout, upwards of 200 people. But most of all, I was impressed with the broad cross section of Carmel that turned out. People of many persuasions and backgrounds.”
“Jason didn’t disappoint. He carried it off well with his trademark informal, low key style. All in all, a very satisfying evening that bodes well for the campaign
Burnett’s wonderful kick-off, Dale Hekhuis, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, February 10, 2012, 29A & 31A

“...I came to know his real passion—pension reform...What has emerged is this: an annual set aside for the existing pension liability could be up to a million dollars per year. This means that a two-tier pension system is needed with a second, less expensive tier for new hires.”
Jason would make an excellent mayor. His council experience has been invaluable. He has the intellect for the job and the demeanor and motivation that make for a strong and effective leader.”
Burnett well-qualified, Dale Hekhuis, Carmel, The Monterey County Herald, 02/06/2012

He has repeatedly demonstrated knowledge of water issues, and without breaking stride, he can grab this baton and run with it.”
Carmelites have been wowed by Burnett's ability to understand all possible alternatives, his proactive approach, and his astounding willingness to engage the public. We all would be better off with him as Carmel's next mayor.”
Jason Burnett for Carmel mayor, Allison Pratt Shelling, Carmel, The Monterey County Herald, 02/05/2012

So the Sam Farr machine has anointed Councilman Jason Burnett to be Carmel's next mayor in the April 10 election. With Sam's support, one would conclude it would be an easy win for Burnett, but not necessarily a fait accompli because his rival is a successful businessman with positive ideas for Carmel to thrive in a difficult economy.”
Poster figure for term limits, Burt Bailey, Carmel, The Monterey County Herald, 01/25/2012

"I submit that we should be thankful that a public servant has higher public service aspirations — and, in this case, an excellent record of effectively serving the Carmel community in an open and process-driven manner."
Aspirations should be praised, Jerry J. Gleason, Carmel, The Monterey County Herald, 11/16/2011

"If Jason Burnett promises Carmel in the 2012 election that he will serve out a full two-year term as mayor, history has taught us that he will actually only serve half that time before seeking a more prestigious office."
Won't get fooled again, Donna Newburgh, Carmel, The Monterey County Herald, 11/07/2011

ON RICHARD PEPE, Restaurateur and Business Owner (Carmel Bakery, Little Napoli, Vesuvio):

…I saw almost as many “For Rent” signs as there were “Open” for business.”
“Somebody better start paying attention to revitalizing the business community in this city. Somebody better have a plan for increasing city revenue and reducing expenses.
Somebody better understand that the way city leaders ran city government 10 or 20 years ago isn’t going to work in today’s economic environment.”
“Somebody better understand that this will take business leadership for more than 1 or 2 terms to make it all happen.”
“Maybe, at this moment in time… Somebody needs to stray from political tradition and select someone with business experience and acumen like Rich Pepe.”
Choosing A Mayor, Phil Bradbury, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, April 6, 2012, 21A

A couple of weeks ago, I realized that we Carmelites could profit most by having both mayoral candidates, Richard Pepe and Jason Burnett, working for us at the same time on the City Council.”
“I have spoken about this simple solution for Carmel with a number of fellow residents. None of them — with one exception — realized it was a possibility. All of them, however, believed that the idea was a good one.”

"Somebody better start paying attention to revitalizing the business community in this city (60 vacancies). Somebody better have a plan for increasing city revenue and reducing expenses. (Budget deficit over $500,000 in 2013)."
"Somebody needs to stray from political tradition and elect someone with business experience and leadership such as Rich Pepe".

The time has come for Carmel to rejuvenate its tired economy and move towards a new era of prosperity. I truly believe that Rich Pepe is the best choice for this daunting task… He is a remarkable man who has provided hundreds of jobs, created opportunities for young people to expand their dreams and has given countless dollars to many deserving charities. His heart is in the right place and his plan of action is to develop a new way of thinking at city hall and bring back an economic vibrance that will support this magnificent little village.”
An ‘entirely new direction,’ Jack Pappadeas, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, March 16, 2012, 26A

It is that entrepreneurial spirit that inspires me most and I know Rich Pepe will put his heart and soul into restoring our once vibrant town.”

I have concerns that unless change is brought about, we will see a greater exodus of small businesses, making it even harder for Carmel to sustain its fiscal demands.”
“Richard Pepe has the knowledge, expertise and dedication to usher in a new era of fiscal vitality to Carmel, and I am hopeful he will be given the opportunity to prove it as mayor.”

I had the pleasure of meeting Rich Pepe who was, at the time, 20 years old. He was a great baker with a lot of charisma and a terrific left-handed tennis player.”
“I can personally assure you that I’ve known Rich Pepe for 40 years, not only as a great businessman but mostly as a wonderful husband and loving father.”

By the production of this video for reality TV, Pepe implicitly sanctioned its sexism and objectification of women. I just hope Pepe’s reality TV doesn’t become Carmel’s nightmare because Carmel deserves a mayor who respects and represents 100 percent of the population, not just the 50 percent who don’t wear skirts.”
Our Jersey Boy, Kristy Downing | Carmel, The Public Voice, MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY, 2.16.12

Unlike Burnett, I agree with Pepe that Carmel’s parkland should not be sold. Burnett should stop taking such extreme viewpoints on issues he does not understand, since he only moved to town in 2008."
Beth Reimers | Carmel, The Public Voice, MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY, 2.16.12

I have known and done business with Rich Pepe for a number of years. I find him entertaining and engaging, but I will be supporting his opponent for the position of mayor.”
Word to the wise? Paul Laub, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, February 10, 2012, 31A

Now that he has found that apartment in Carmel, he is saying he has lived in Carmel since 1974. His website claims the same...So, I was wondering: Are we supposed to believe Pepe’s ever-changing story?”
Does Pepe’s story add up? Cavan Hardy, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, February 10, 2012, 29A

So the Sam Farr machine has anointed Councilman Jason Burnett to be Carmel's next mayor in the April 10 election. With Sam's support, one would conclude it would be an easy win for Burnett, but not necessarily a fait accompli because his rival is a successful businessman with positive ideas for Carmel to thrive in a difficult economy.”
Poster figure for term limits, Burt Bailey, Carmel, The Monterey County Herald, 01/25/2012

ON VICTORIA BEACH, Architect, Planning Commissioner:

Victoria Beach has been a great asset to the commission. As an architect, she has demonstrated initiative in making major contributions. Her leadership skills are highlighted by a willingness to listen, clearly articulating her views, and working everyone toward consensus. She has effectively inspired and contributed to significant refinements and improvements to our codes and design guidelines.”

Very, very few have come along who, in my opinion, are as ideal for the job as Victoria Beach.”
“…she is supremely competent — a quick study, who will be able to quickly digest the large amount of complex information necessary to understand the diverse issues facing the council.”
“…the knowledge and experience Beach brings from her service on the Carmel Planning Commission is invaluable.
“Finally, she has a well deserved reputation for being a consensus builder.”
D’Ambrosia endorses Beach, Greg D’Ambrosio, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, April 6, 2012, 29A

When she speaks, her intelligence shines through.”
“Her competence has been demonstrated in the responsible professional and management positions she has held in the past and in her service on the Carmel Planning Commission. A hard worker, always prepared, with an impressive understanding of the facts, she has the support and endorsement of all of her fellow commissioners.”
 Explaining Beach’s lead, Casey MacKenzie, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, April 6, 2012, 21A & 22A

Beach has been a great asset to the commission. She is the only architect and has demonstrated initiative in making major contributions. Her leadership skills are highlighted by a willingness to listen, clearly articulate her views, compromise, roll up her sleeves, get down to business and do the work. She has sparked and attended many special meetings, where our code and design guidelines were refined and improved.”
‘A breath of fresh air,’ Roberta Miller, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, April 6, 2012, 22A

We just finished the remodel of our sweater storefront, which required several revisions and approvals by the Carmel Building Department and the Carmel Planning Commission.”
“It was not easy, but the process worked, with an excellent final result.”
“One of the commissioners, Victoria Beach, is running for election, she would be a great City Council member!

What is not generally known is that many architects, including Victoria Beach, are trained and have experience on how a community works and what is required to have it work well.

For a village that at times has been divided, Victoria's range of supporters shows that she can bring together people.”

“From the beginning of Carmel’s history, the planning commission has been seen as a training ground to help future council members more clearly understand the complex issues facing the city.”
"We are also very fortunate to have running for the city council a current planning commissioner, Victoria Beach, who has professional training in planning and architecture.”
Maintaining council ‘balance,’ Elizabeth Winchester, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, March 16, 2012, 27A

She is dedicated to working with applicants before the commission, to allow and encourage them to develop their properties in a manner in keeping with our community ordinances and guidelines.  Further, she has a keen interest in improving those ordinances and guidelines to do a better job of integrating protective measures with easier ways to allow reasonable design and development of projects.”
‘Insight and sensitivity,’ Brian T. Congleton AIA, Carmel, The Carmel PineCone, March 16, 2012, 27A

 Carmel is sometimes divided between those who desire to develop and improve their properties and those who want to preserve the magical character of the community. I find that, as a planning commissioner, Victoria Beach "gets it," blending her understanding of architecture with her appreciation for our sensitive environment.”

"From the beginning of Carmel's history, the commission has been seen as a training ground to help future council members more clearly understand the complex issues facing the city."
"We are fortunate to have running for the City Council a current planning commissioner, Victoria Beach, who has professional training in planning and architecture."

Victoria was a member the executive board of the PTA when I served as president. Always well prepared for meetings, this is a woman on whom you can count to do more than her share!”

Her ability to motivate others and her leadership skills were very evident when she headed up the school fundraising committee and in her work as an elected member of the School Site Council.”
“Full of enthusiasm and creative ideas, Victoria Beach has worked very hard to make River School a better place for children, teachers and parents.”
Beach’s ‘enthusiasm and creative ideas,’ Eva Villagrana, CarmelThe Carmel Pine Cone, March 9, 2012, 22A

Beach works extremely hard. She is always well prepared for meetings; and her architectural background helps us all see the issues more clearly. She has a nice way of listening carefully to people who speak to the commission and encourages productive discussions, almost always ending in consensus.
Planning commissioner supports colleague, Steve Dallas, CarmelThe Carmel Pine Cone, March 9, 2012, 22A & 20A

I am also very excited that Victoria Beach is running for city council. I think she possesses a love of Carmel-by-the-Sea and an understanding that we need a thriving business community; and, as an architect, she understands how to keep the character and warmth of our beautiful village.”
Businessman supports Burnett and Beach, David B. Fink, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, March 9, 2012, 20A

“She understands that design guidelines and regulations were put in place to keep Carmel special. She finds practical solutions, based on those policies, so applicants are treated fairly and on a level playing field.

Carmel City Council candidate Victoria Beach has been working hard on the Carmel Planning Commission to maintain the character of our village.”
“She understands that today's Carmel is the result of the dedication of past generations and, along with her fellow commissioners, takes great care to ensure the Planning Commission's decisions will have a positive impact on our future.”

“…Victoria Beach is running for City Council. She possesses a love of Carmel and an understanding that we need a thriving business community. As an architect, she understands how to keep the character and warmth of our beautiful village.”

“…the fact that she is an architect. This, through her education, training and actual work, equips her with a more than normal understanding of how a community and its government, through planning, is better able to function to the advantage of its citizens. Her thoughtful, intelligent responses to various applications that have come before the planning commission while she has been a member, reassure us that she does indeed deserve to be elected to the city council.
Beach will be a ‘significant addition,’ Olof Dahlstrand, CarmelThe Carmel Pine Cone, March 2, 2012, 23A

With her planning and architectural background, Beach understands what a benefit it would be to all of us to have seamless access to walking, biking, or shopping without having to get into our cars…Beach has just the background to tackle this kind of issue. I would very much like to see Victoria Beach elected to the Carmel City Council on April 10. Her understanding of this town and the way we all enjoy it is just what we need!
Impressed with Beach, Ju Dan Fiala, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, February 24, 2012, 25A & 26A

With her hard work on the planning commission and her incredible background and depth of experience, it would truly be a gift for all of us to have her be a member of our city council…Beach will contribute this same sense of freshness and vitality to council meetings and to our community at large.

At her campaign kickoff, Beach said, ”We’re here to care for the place that then cares for us.” In fact, she has a vested interest in making sure that Carmel’s community character and its natural beauty are protected."
‘With great optimism,’ Tara Twomey, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, February 17, 2012, 21A & 23A

Carmel City Council candidate Victoria Beach has a splendid professional résumé and deep appreciation of the culture of our village.”
“Victoria, a former planning commissioner in Oceanside, also received the prestigious American Institute of Architects Young Architects Award.”
“She chairs the AIA National Ethics Council and maintains her own architectural practice
Beach just what council needs, Joyce Stevens, Carmel, The Monterey County Herald, 02/15/2012

Currently serving with distinction on the Carmel Planning Commission, Beach has the support of all her fellow commissioners. With a degree from Yale, an architectural degree from Harvard and ten years teaching architectural design and ethics at Harvard, she has the background and brains, which prepare her for dealing with complex city issues.”
Victoria Beach has ‘rolled up her sleeves,’ Bob Condry, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, February 10, 2012, 31A

“...I am very disappointed in your editorial of Jan. 13 criticizing Victoria Beach; in the same issue as her announcement to run for the city council. You might as well have entitled the editorial, “Don’t Vote for This Blowhard.””
Mean-spirited’ editorial on Beach, Lindsay Hanna, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, January 20, 2012, 25A

The same editorial acknowledges Victoria’s extraordinary credentials in the fields of architecture, design and municipal planning...In more agenda items than not, the applicant has acknowledged that her views have improved their project.”
‘Extraordinary credentials,’ Steve Hillyard, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, January 20, 2012, 25A

I am writing in praise of Victoria Beach’s contributions to the planning commission. As a licensed architect, her insights and expertise have improved numerous projects.”
In praise of Beach, Janet Reimers, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, January 20, 2012, 25A

ON TOM LEVERONE, Physician, Forest & Beach Commission Chairman:
“…for the first time since that “High Plains Drifter” rode into “the village” 30 years ago, we have a candidate who is truly independent. Tom Leverone is neither pro-resident nor pro-business. He is clearly “pro-Carmel.”   

"And he posses two characteristics that allow for successful governance, namely sense and sensibility!
 Tescher backs Leverone, Chris Tescher, CarmelThe Carmel Pine Cone, March 9, 2012, 21A & 22A

Leverone takes a common-sense and direct approach in his communication, without rhetoric, and is interested in practical solutions to problems. He is a consensus builder able to see both sides of issues and come up with solutions with sensitivity to all.
Leverone ‘strongly  recommended,’ Gary and Kathy Bang, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, March2, 2012, 22A & 23A

ON BOB PROFETA, Alain Pinel Realtors Co-Owner:

Profeta has also enunciated specific ideas on how to attack Carmel’s financial problems. He’s announced them at each public forum, and listed them on his website. Profeta lets you know his positions, and tells you exactly where he stands, in plain language…Real, substantial ideas to tackle Carmel’s problems, financial and otherwise, should be what earns our votes.”
“I urge you to vote for solutions, answers, and a candidate willing to take stands.
Profeta is a ‘straight talker,’ Harry Finkle, Carmel, The Carmel PineCone, April 6, 2012, 22A

 City Council candidate Bob Profeta's desire for paid parking on that street is a bad idea. Does he also want to change the name to Ugly Drive?”
“The multimillion-dollar homeowners will fight it. You'll be tangling with the Coastal Commission. The views and beautiful character of the neighborhood would be damaged.”

We need to have the debate on possible solutions to our deficit and revenue problems. And Carmel residents need to be involved in that debate. That's what Bob Profeta has been saying for weeks now. Bob always tells it like it is and says it straight. Isn't that refreshing in today's world of buzz words and political templates?

During the forum, Bob Profeta held up a document, urging everyone to take a copy at the end of the evening. I got one, entitled “Let’s At Least Have The Debate, Look Past The Slogans For Solutions, And Resolve To Move Carmel Forward.” It’s also on his website...In it, Profeta reviews our city’s financial issues, but more importantly, he offers solutions, and tells us where he stands.”
“It’s time to get past the campaign slogans. He points out that he is the only candidate for the council not already a part of the city government, either trying to stay on the council or move up to it from a city commission. It would be refreshing to have at least one person, one voice from outside the inner circle of Carmel politics on the city council, with new ideas and perspectives.”
‘Independent voice’ needed, Stephanie Ager Kirz, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, March 16, 2012, 25A & 26A

ON KEN TALMAGE, Founder and Chairman, Monterey Water Company (water purification company), City Council Member:

In fact, Talmage understands all of the issues facing Carmel, water and retirement debt being the most complicated among them. The founder and chairman of the Monterey Water Company, he has been involved with water for twenty years. Talmage will be extremely helpful to Carmel’s new mayor, who will immediately step in as a member of the Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority board.”
Talmage and town’s ‘intangible essence,’ Francyne Laney, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, April 6, 2012, 21A

"Coincidentally, the two elected officials who have been interested in and visited my store in the past two years are both candidates in the April 10 election — Jason Burnett and Ken Talmage. Both have taken time, while in my store, to discuss issues of importance to our village."

"Carmel City Council incumbent Ken Talmage understands the issues facing Carmel — water and retirement debt being the most complicated."
"It is refreshing to see the numbers guy — the one who understands the city budget more than anyone — also understands the intangible essence of our village."

I was shocked to read a quote by Ken Talmage regarding his disdain for Flanders Mansion when he questioned the historicity of the mansion, which is not only a local and state historic resource but is on the National Trust of Historic Places. To qualify for this distinction is no easy task, and to even suggest spending more of Carmel’s money to negate that distinction in order to demolish this resource is beyond belief. Is this the candidate we can trust with our resources that add distinction to Carmel?”
“Eco-Tourism is what the city should be working on. Many cities utilize this because they know that if a city has some interesting history, people will come and stay. ..Selling Flanders Mansion and its 1.25 acres of parkland will leave a terrible legacy on this council and is clearly against the city’s general plan.”
“To learn more of the history and the aims of the Flanders Foundation, visit
Shocked at suggestion to burn Flanders, Anne Bell, Carmel Valley, The Carmel Pine Cone, March 23, 2012, 21A

Talmage recognizes that our village of 4,000 hosts 2 million visitors a year. If there are any new revenues to come, he wants them to be equitable and fair and is looking for ways that visitors will pay their fair share.”

 He has been called a bridge builder. Looking at the crowd at his kickoff party, it was obvious that re-election of this well-regarded council member would be an act of bridge building.”
“Having Ken Talmage remain on the council will help ensure that the new council team is cohesive.”

From the beginning of Carmel’s history, the planning commission has been seen as a training ground to help future council members more clearly understand the complex issues facing the city.”
“Ken Talmage is running for re-election and has proved the value of his planning commission background."
Maintaining council ‘balance,’ Elizabeth Winchester, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, March 16, 2012, 27A

Talmage wisely put it into perspective by pointing out that the council should first determine the level of expectation and evaluate the need before determining how much revenue to generate. What a smart, thoughtful approach.”
Talmage ‘steady as you go,’ Mary Condry, Carmel, The Carmel Pine Cone, March 16, 2012, 15 RE

"From the beginning of Carmel's history, the commission has been seen as a training ground to help future council members more clearly understand the complex issues facing the city."
"Ken Talmage is running for re-election and has proven the value of his Planning Commission background." 

Ken has a proven record of important contributions to our city. Two examples are ensuring our ambulance service remained secure during the recent fire-service negotiations and his courage in speaking out to enable the city to move itself out of a difficult situation and to hire an outstanding new city administrator.”

What I like about his performance is that he is always prepared; he always discusses the issues fully; and, when he makes a decision, he explains why. He is also very courteous to the public and recognizes their input to the agenda item under discussion.”
Talmage is ‘essential,’ Monte Miller, CarmelThe Carmel Pine Cone, March 2, 2012, 22A

During budget negotiations, Burnett and Talmage also worked closely together on ensuring that our city’s financial position would remain strong and a long-term solution for reducing retirement costs could be implemented. They both demonstrated a deep understanding of the detail involved in this process.”

With an MBA and extensive business experience, Ken Talmage has continually proved that he not only understands the totality of the city budget, but is able to move the council forward toward sound financial decisions.”

“...I greatly appreciate Ken's commitment to listen respectfully to the viewpoints of all stakeholders in our community — residents, property owners, members of the business community and visitors
Talmage deserves another term, Tom Parks, Carmel, The Monterey County Herald, 02/15/2012

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

RICHARD PÈPE: Candidate for Mayor 2012

ANNOUNCING: Richard Pepe For Carmel Mayor 2012

ABSTRACT: "Since 1974, Rich Pépe has lived and worked in Carmel. In that time he raised a family, established businesses and developed a life-long commitment to Carmel and its residents. Now, Pepe wants to give back to the community that has given him so much." Pepe's campaign for Mayor 2012 website features the theme "Committed to Community," including HOME (facebook), ABOUT, CONTRIBUTE, CONTACT, GET INVOLVED, MEDIA and ISSUES sections. Quotes from Pèpe and ABOUT and ISSUES highlights and CONTACT information are presented.

"Carmel deserves a full-time mayor who is here for the long haul, a mayor who can bring the financial and managerial experience of running successful businesses to City Hall."

"As mayor, I will bring my background of over 30 years in the Carmel business scene as well as my deep understanding of the Carmel community to our local government."

"I will work hard to preserve Carmel’s village charm and help foster the harmony between our resident families and our business community. I will strive to stimulate an economic and cultural revitalization and usher in a new era of prosperity."

Rich Pèpe, 2012

ABOUT Highllights:
I’m not a career politician. I haven’t spent years in government service and I’m not looking to use this position as a stepping stone to higher office. I’m here, walking the streets of downtown, talking with the residents and business owners every day, and I have the understanding and experience to be an effective leader. I’m here for the long haul. I care about Carmel, its people, its families, and its future...It’s that simple."

Lived and worked in Carmel since 1974.
Carmel business owner since 1985. (Wishart’s Bakery)
Prominent local businessman. (Little Napoli, Vesuvio, Carmel Bakery, Vino Napoli)
Created close to 2,000 jobs in his 27 years in business in the village.
Member, Carmel Chamber of Commerce Economic Advisory Committee.
Married to Sandra Tosh Pèpe for 25 years. (Carmel High graduate, Chamber of Commerce Board Member) Two sons, Christian and Gian Antonio.

Carmel’s natural beauty and village charm need to be protected. As mayor, I think it’s important to be eco-friendly, be design sensitive, and preserve our resident’s way of life.

We must encourage the development of new community-minded recreational and cultural activities here in the village.

We must ensure that our police and fire agencies remain fully-funded and are able to respond quickly to the needs of residents. A safe community is one of Carmel’s greatest qualities. We simply cannot afford to play politics with our public safety.

We must do a better job of stimulating the business community to generate new revenue sources while controlling costs at city hall. Using a businessman’s approach, a balanced budget can be achieved.

Water is crucial to the future of Carmel and the entire Central Coast. We must work closely with our neighboring cities to ensure a safe and sustainable water supply.

We must create better ways of routing traffic though our streets and resolve our long-standing traffic and parking problems. Parking meters should never be considered as the a practical solution.

The California Public Employees’ Retirement System is not mathematically sustainable. Solutions have been proposed and tough decisions must be made.

Promote environmentally sustainable guidelines for residents and businesses and promote eco-tourism to our village.

This historic property has been passed down to us by a previous generation and is one of our city’s “family heirlooms” and a direct link to our cultural past. A final decision to keep it, lease it or sell it must be made. We must end the long legal battle, stop the legal expenses and develop a creative solution that is long lasting.

Campaign Headquarters:
Located upstairs above Little Napoli Bistro, in the historic El Paseo Building
Corner of Dolores Ave. & 7th in Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA.

I’m with Pépe” movement.
To make a contribution to help get Pépe in Carmel contact:
Melissa Eason (831) 214-3873

Richard Pepe @pepetalk


UPDATED: January 2012

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

‘MINUTES’ for Four Noteworthy 6 December 2011 City Council Agenda Items

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Archived Video Streaming

City Hall
East side of Monte Verde Street between Ocean and Seventh Avenues

II. Roll Call

PRESENT: Council Members Burnett, Hazdovac, Sharp, Talmage, and Mayor McCloud
STAFF PRESENT (partial list): Jason Stilwell, City Administrator
Heidi Burch, Asst. City Administrator/City Clerk
Don Freeman, City Attorney

V. Announcements from Closed Session, from City Council Members and the City Administrator.

A. Announcements from Closed Session.

1. Labor Negotiations - Gov't Code Section 54957.6(a) Conference with Labor Negotiator, City Administrator Stilwell, regarding terms and conditions of employment for unrepresented employees (ambulance employees).

2. Public Employee Performance Evaluation – Government Code Section 54957. Title: City Administrator.

3. Existing Litigation -- Government Code Section 54956.9(a) - Conference with legal counsel regarding The Flanders Foundation, a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation, Petitioner v. City of Carmel-by-the-Sea, Respondents – Monterey County Superior Court Case No. M99437/State of California Court of Appeals, Sixth District, Civil Case No. H035818.

Mayor McCloud announced there were no announcements from Closed Session.

VII. Consent Calendar

D. Consideration of a Resolution authorizing the City Administrator to execute a contract with WWD Corporation to prepare concept plans and construction documents for a pedestrian walkway on San Antonio Avenue from Fourth Avenue to Ocean Avenue and a small boardwalk and viewing platform west of the Del Mar Parking area in an amount not to exceed $43,000.

Council Member Talmage pulled agenda item D for a comment. He asked the city administrator to comment on the “good news” of the $240,000 grant. City Administrator Jason Stilwell stated that the City received a grant from the Coastal Conservancy for $240,000 which will enable the City move forward with the “high profile” project; and WWD was selected based on their past competent consulting experience with Pebble Beach on walkway and boardwalk. Mayor McCloud commented on the “nonissue” involving the location of the viewing platform.

Council Member BURNETT moved to approve Consent Agenda Items A-E, seconded by Council Member TALMAGE and carried unanimously.


Staff Recommendation
November 10, 2011
Project No. 11-055-01
Project Manager: Timothy Duff


Exhibit 1: Project Location and Site Map


Exhibit 2: Del Mar Master Plan and Restoration Plan, Initial Study /
Mitigated Negative Declaration, and Mitigation Monitoring


Exhibit 3: Existing Parking Area Congestion


Exhibit 4: Conceptual Reconfigured Parking Area


Exhibit 5: Carmel Beach Boardwalk and View Platform


Exhibit 6: Coastal Trail along San Antonio Avenue


Exhibit 7: Project Letters