Monday, April 23, 2012

FOREST THEATER RENOVATION PHASING AND CONCEPT COST PLAN prepared by William J. Camille and mack5: $8.7 million

ABSTRACT: The FOREST THEATER RENOVATION PHASING AND CONCEPT COST PLAN prepared by William J. Camille and mack5, dated September 8, 2009, is based on the schematic design documents prepared by R.F. McCann & Company, Architects. The “estimated total cost of the project including both construction costs and soft costs is $8.7 million, which is more than double the construction cost estimate provided by RF McCann & Company.”  The scope of the work includes: 1) demolition and reconstruction of all of the stage area except the existing under stage concrete structure which currently houses the Children's Experimental Theater, dressing rooms, storage space, etc.; 2) demolition and reconstruction of the audience seating area; 3) demolition and reconstruction of a show production booth with a new subterranean level; 4) demolition and reconstruction of the concession building, restrooms, box office, and pathways to the various buildings, audience seating, and stage so all are ADA compliant; and 5) demolition and reconstruction of the parking area.  The EXECUTIVE SUMMARY includes, as follows:
Construction Costs $6,893,000
Design, Planning and Management $1,178,000
Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment $2,000
Development Costs $44,000
Data, Telecommunications and Security $61,000
Project Contingency $503,000
TOTAL $8,680,000
Notably, the ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES section states, as follows:
With a reasonably detailed conceptual estimate now available, the City and the architect can begin to assess adjustments to the project scope that might bring the project cost back to a more acceptable level. Modifications in scope may also allow for a different phasing approach.

Forest Theater Renovation Phasing and Concept Cost Plan 2009 OCR Document
Forest Theater Renovation Phasing and Concept Cost Plan 2009

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