Saturday, May 05, 2012

CALIFORNIA BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT No. 50: ‘ninth circle of business hell’

ABSTRACT:  In Chief Executive Magazine’s annual survey of CEO opinion of the Best and Worst States in which to do business (2012), executives ranked California as the worst place to do business for the eighth year in a row.  650 executives responded to the survey; CEOs were asked to grade states among a variety of areas, including tax policies and regulation, workforce quality, educational resources, quality of living and infrastructure. Among the survey findings: California’s economy “substantially underperforms” compared to the rest of the country; unemployment rate 10.9%, third highest rate in the U.S.; and California has one-third of the nation’s welfare recipients.  254 California companies moved some or all of their work and jobs out of state in 2011, an increase of 26 percent over the previous year and five times as many as in 2009, according to Spectrum Locations Consultants.  Some CEO comments include "California continues to head in the wrong direction as its tax policies will drive more businesses and people to relocate in other states. State politicians feel business and commerce are “necessary evils” that provide the funds to enable pursuit of their misguided agendas” and “California government is difficult to work with and very bureaucratic. Taxes and regulation are high and unruly.”  Additionally, the State-Local Tax Burden Rate (%): 10.59 Compared to Nat’l Avg. (9.8%): 0.79. And notably, California’s economy, the world’s sixth largest a decade ago, is in ninth place and from 2000 to 2010, California’s share of the national economy shrank faster than all but three states, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

May 2 2012 by JP Donlon

May 2 2012 by

President, California Business Roundtable
Monday, April 30th, 2012

May 4, 2012
By Joseph Perkins 

May 3 2011 by JP Donlon

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