#1 "NOT IN SERVICE" Fire Hydrant
Location: Carpenter St. & 3rd Av., E/s

The motto of our nation's fire service is "To Save Lives And Protect Property."
"Though most jurisdictions test 20 percent of their hydrants each year, Carmel hadn’t conducted flow tests since 1995, according to Fire Chief Andrew Miller."
"In Pacific Grove, where Miller is the fulltime chief (Carmel contracts for some PGFD services, including his), they test hydrants every year and have addressed problems as they arise."
(Source: “29 HYDRANTS FLUNK TEST, FIRE CHIEF SAYS,” Mary Brownfield, The Carmel Pine Cone, September 1, 2006.)
These 6 “NOT IN SERVICE” Orange Bagged Fire Hydrants from Carpenter St. & 3rd Av., extending south to Forest Rd. & 8th Av., were “bagged” during the week of 23 October 2006.
City Council Agenda
Regular Meeting
October 3, 2006
V. Announcements from Closed Session, from City Council Members and
the City Administrator.
C. Announcements from City Administrator.
• Receive report on Fire Hydrant Testing
As Fire Chief Andrew Miller was “on vacation” and would return to his office on October 10th, per 1 October 2006 email, City Administrator Rich Guillen announced that since the Fire Chief was unavailable this agenda item would be postponed...until?
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