"Tonight's Performance is Proudly Sponsored by the Carmel Hospital Development, L.L.C." placard affixed to the pole of the Stand, below the 2 sides of "Villas de Carmelo"
Stand with 2 sides of “Villas de Carmelo” depictions/text at the Forest Theater
"Villas de Carmelo"
"(Carmel Hospital Redevelopment)"
Community Tax Increase Benefits of Project & Benefits to the Carmel Community
"A Redevelopment Vision for the Carmel Convalescent Hospital"
UPDATE: In the Forest Theater Guild playbill for My Fair Lady and CATS! is a page of LIVE SHOW SPONSORS.
“The following performances are sponsored by Local Individuals and Businesses.
We are grateful for their support of our production of CATS!”
Saturday June 17
Carmel Hospital Redevelopment, LLC
Villas de Carmelo
Carmel, California
Gardner A. Dailey Restoration
At the Forest Theater, just as patrons walk into the Outdoor Forest Theater near the Films in the Forest banner, is a 5’ stand with 2 sides depicting “Villas de Carmelo.” One side visually depicts 2 renditions of the “Villas de Carmelo” project (lower photo) and the other side presents a table of “Community Tax Increase Benefits of Project” and other “Benefits to the Carmel Community” (upper photo). The "Community Tax Increase Benefits of Project" table and other “Benefits to the Carmel Community," as follows:
Villas de Carmelo
(Carmel Hospital Redevelopment)
Community Tax Increase Benefits of Project
Table includes Tax Beneficiary, Current, Estimated Increase, as follows:
1. Carmel Unified School District:
Current: $12,906 Estimated Increase Range: $190,018 - $218,598
2. Monterey Peninsula College:
Current: $3,006 Estimated Increase Range: $44,251 - $50,906
3. Carmel Waste Water District
Current: $1,945 Estimated Increase Range: $28,633 - $32,940
4. Monterey County Office of Education
Current: $1,694 Estimated Increase Range: $24,945 - $28,697
5. Monterey County Library
Current: $1,444 Estimated Increase Range: $21,258 – $24, 455
6. Monterey Regional Park District
Current: $737 Estimated Increase Range: $10,846 - $12,477
7. Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
Current: $545 Estimated Increase Range: $8,026 - $9,233
8. Monterey County Tax
Current: $12,815 Estimated Increase Range: $127,201 - $148,261
9. Cypress Fire District
Current: $7207 Estimated Increase: $7207
10. City of Carmel Tax
Current: $0 Estimated Increase Range: $197,802 - $227,142
Additional benefit of significant bond reduction payments for all outstanding bonds
Benefits to the Carmel Community
• Redevelopment consistent with residential use
• Renovation of an historic resource
• Affordable housing fees
• Under grounding of utilities
• Road improvements in the vicinity
• Contributions to worthy nonprofit civic activities
• Given that the “tax increase benefits” are a function of the number of units and the market price paid for the units, the monetary benefits to beneficiaries 1-8 are not dependent on whether the property is in the county or the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea.
• With regard to zoning, the number of residences currently allowed by the county (7) at a given market price could be equivalent to Leidig’s proposed number of condominium units x price paid for the units. In other words, the tax benefits for 7 residences could be equivalent to 30-40 condominium units or neglibible.
• If the property was annexed to the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea, the estimated tax increase to the City is estimated in the range of $197,802 - $227,142 or 1.5% of the total FY 2007/08 city budget.
• With regard to “Benefits to the Carmel Community,” what does the phrase “Contributions to worthy nonprofit civic activities” mean?
• The reason Robert Leidig is proposing annexation to the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea is to increase density from 7 residences to 30-40 units. Given that the tax increase benefits could be equivalent whether the property is developed into 7 residences or 30-40 condominium units or negligible, aren’t the disadvantages of increased population density, increased traffic, increased building masses, et cetera, reasons enough for the City Council to deny annexation to Carmel-by-the-Sea and deny the proposed project?
Carmel-by-the-Sea is not a condominium city.
Years ago, Carmel set the precedent of buying Rio Park precisely to prevent a condo development. And now Carmel is going to cozy up to Bob Leidig and support his condo development. I don’t think so, unless Sue McCloud is in cahoots with Bob Leidig.
I hope the Carmel Woods Homeowners Association, Carmel Residents Association and the Neighbor Coalition send 100 plus residents to the council meeting and tell them in no uncertain terms, NO to Annexation, NO to project, NO, NO, NO.
Beware developers who resort to promising contributions to worthy nonprofit civic activities for the sake of gaining approval for their projects!
Oh come now honorable mayor and councilmen and woman. Condo owners are not the sort of people you are so desperately trying to appeal to, not nearly highbrow enough for you and your vision of Carmel.
This is all Carmel needs...anothor historic resource to add to its overbloated historic inventory.
No thanks.
And what if Mr. Leidig applies for a mills act contract, will the council give it to him, unlike their horrendous treatment and denial of Mr. Hutchings mills act contract request? And guess what, that would mean less property tax revenue to the city. It just gets curiouser and curiouser.
Seems like developer Leidig thinks he can buy approval for his Carmel Convalescent Hospital project. And maybe he can.
That outcome would be some statement about the priorities of this council.
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