General Plan/Coastal Land Use Plan Land Use and Community Character Element
Figure 1.3
General Plan Land Use Map
Core Commercial (Red)
The City of Carmel-by-the-Sea’s General Plan/Coastal Land Use Plan Land Use and Community Character Element, Figure 1.3 General Plan Land Use Map, illustrates a “Core Commercial” area (Red).
Basically, the “Core Commercial" blocks consist of the following areas and boundaries, as follows:
Ocean Av.- Junipero Av.- 7th Av.- Monte Verde St. (5 Blocks)
7th Av. - Mission St. - 8th Av.- Lincoln St. (3 Blocks)
6th Av. – Mission St. – Ocean Av.- Monte Verde St. (4 Blocks)
5th Av. – Junipero Av. – 6th Av. – Lincoln St. (4 Blocks)
4th Av. – Junipero Av. – 5th Av. – Dolores St. (3 Blocks)
(Source: General Plan/Coastal Land Use Plan Land Use and Community Character Element
Figure 1.3, General Plan Land Use Map,, page 21.)
Over the next several weeks, The Carmel-by-the-Sea WATCHDOG! will post a compilation of CITY BLOCK, TREE SPECIES, PLANTER SPACE OPENING MATERIAL and TREE PHOTOS for each of the 19 “Core Commercial” blocks in Carmel-by-the-Sea.
Note: Figure 1.3 designates some blocks “Core Commercial” and some blocks “Core Commercial" and “Residential/Commercial.” For blocks with both “Core Commercial” and “Residential/Commercial” designations, the entire block will be surveyed.
General Plan/Coastal Land Use Plan Land Use & Community Character Element
The Commercial District Today (2001)
Carmel’s commercial district is a 39-acre area located near the center of the City and is surrounded by residential neighborhoods. The core of the commercial district (See Figure 1.3) is dominated by ground floor retail activity operating from relatively small shops located in many of Carmel’s oldest commercial buildings. This area supplies goods and services to residents and visitors alike. Unique shops and the design qualities of this core area encourage pedestrian exploration and discovery making the city’s downtown a strong visitor attraction. Architecture in the commercial core is diverse with many of the revival styles typical of the 1920s and 1930s on display. Scattered throughout this area are landscaped courtyards and intra-block walkways that provide important visual breaks and variety in building form and commercial business locations. (LUP)
Land Use Designations
This land use plan identifies two primaty commercial land use designations - Core Commercial and Residential/Commercial. Each designation is described below. (LUP)
Core Commercial. This area is intended to provide for a wide range of retail and service uses in scale with the overall residential character of the community. More intense commercial activities such as retail, restaurant and visitor commercial uses are appropriate in this area. Less intensive development may be appropriate to preserve the unique character and ambiance along Ocean Avenue. Mixed-use developments of commercial and multi-family residential uses at a maximum density of thirty-three (33) units per acre are allowed. This area is also appropriate for public service uses. Assuming an average population of 1.0 to 2.0 persons per unit, this allows a population density of 33 to 66 persons per acre. (LUP)
Cultural Resources and Historic Preservation
Architecture and Community Character
Environmental influences include natural elements such as topography, vegetation and climate. As Carmel-by-the-Sea has developed over time, efforts have been made to adapt man-made elements to these underlying natural conditions. In the residential districts, roads are typically not built to full width and they curve and undulate to follow the topography and to make room for trees. In the commercial districts, sidewalks often curve or are frequently interrupted by trees and mini-parks. Most shops and businesses are built to face sidewalks and courtyards to promote an open exchange between interior and exterior. (LUP)
Note: For CARMEL GENERAL PLAN & COASTAL LAND USE PLAN, click on post title above, click on "Planning," then click on "Land use plan Revisions."
Wow! I look forward to a database of the core commercial trees in our city with photos. Terrific!
This color-coded city grid picture really helps visualize the blocks to be inventoried. Thanks for the visual!
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