“Villas de Carmel” (Carmel Hospital Redevelopment, LLC)
Carmel Plaza, 1st Level (Lower Level)
Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA.
In the bay window of the Carmel Plaza space, there is an “Entry Perspective,” “Villas de Carmelo – Carmel, California – May 7, 2007” color representation, another color representation with attributions of “Gardner A. Dailey Restoration” (lower left) and “WGA 1250 Coast Village Road, Suite J, Santa Barbara, CA. 93108” (lower right) and “Community Tax Increase Benefits of Project” table and other “Benefits to the Carmel Community.”
Information on the History on the Carmel Hospital building, Gardner A. Dailey, et cetera, WGA and the “Community Tax Increase Benefits of Project” table and other “Benefits to the Carmel Community,” as follows:
Abbreviated History on Carmel Hospital Building, as follows:
• Velie, Grace Deere Metabolic Clinic ( Carmel , CA ; 1928 ; medical ) Photographer: Sturtevant, R. [Ph]
(Source: Inventory of the Gardner A. Dailey Collection, 1923-1979,
For Gardner A. Dailey’s (1895-1967) biography, et cetera, copy, paste and click
Highlights include, as follows:
• Born 1896, St. Paul, Minnesota
• Moved to San Francisco, California, 1915
• Studied botany, economics, engineering and architecture at U.C. Berkeley, Stanford and Heald’s Engineering School in San Francisco, 1919.
• Established own architectural practice, San Francisco, 1926
• Over career of four decades, Dailey became one of the leading architects in the Bay Area
• Work included rural residential, urban residential, civic and institutional projects
• Died 1967
• Successor Firm, Yuill-Thornton, Warner & Levikow.
1929 — Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula gets its unofficial start when a woman named Grace Deere Velie Harris — one of four heirs to the Deere tractor fortune — gives an endowment to create a Carmel clinic specializing in metabolic disorders.
1934 — On October 19, Grace Deere Velie Harris’ Carmel clinic is converted into a 30-bed general community hospital named Peninsula Community Hospital.
(Source: http://www.chomp.org/about/history/index.aspx)
"In addition to the hospital building for the San Diego Zoo and a large number of church buildings, Louis Gill also drafted plans for several hospitals and clinics. The Rees-Stealy Clinic at Fourth and Grape Streets, one of the first medical buildings designed by Gill, claimed, at its opening in 1926, to be one of the most modern and best equipped medical clinics in the west.23 Gill would also design the San Diego Hospital Clinic at the corner of Seventh and G Streets in 1928, heralded as one of the best designed buildings for its purpose in southern California.24 That same year Gill also drafted plans for the Grace Deere Velie Clinic in Carmel.25 The Coronado Hospital and the Wegeforth Hospital in Coronado reflected the talent of Louis Gill as well. In 1937 Gill designed a new building for the Rees-Stealy Clinic, the largest clinic building ever erected in San Diego up to that time and the largest structure funded by private interests built in San Diego dur¬ing the depression years.26 "
25. The Grace Deere Velie Clinic in Carmel devoted itself to the same sort of metabolic research and treatment as the Scripps Clinic in La Jolla. Since Louis Gill had designed the Scripps Clinic, the builders of the clinic at Carmel chose him as their designer. "Gathers Data for New Clinic," San Diego Union, March 30, 1928.
Source: http://www.sandiegohistory.org/journal/84summer/gill.htm
The Journal of San Diego History
Summer 1984, Volume 30, Number 3
Louis John Gill
Famous but Forgotten Architect
By Rev. C. Douglas Kroll
Master of Arts Candidate in History at
The University of San Diego
The Warner Group Architects, Inc.
Jack Lionel Warner, AIA, chairman; Thiep H. Cung, AIA, CEO
1250 Coast Village Road Suite J
Santa Barbara, California 93108 USA
Voice Phone: (805) 969-5074
Fax Phone: (805) 565-3797
E-mail: info@wgarch.com
Web Site: www.wgarch.com
For the Warner Group Architects, Inc. web site, click on post title above.
Villas de Carmelo
(Carmel Hospital Redevelopment)
Community Tax Increase Benefits of Project
Table includes Tax Beneficiary, Current, Estimated Increase, as follows:
1. Carmel Unified School District:
Current: $12,906 Estimated Increase Range: $190, 018 - $218, 598
2. Monterey Peninsula College:
Current: $3,006 Estimated Increase Range: $44,251 - $50,906
3. Carmel Waste Water District
Current: $1,945 Estimated Increase Range: $28,633 - $32,940
4. Monterey County Office of Education
Current: $1,694 Estimated Increase Range: $24,945 - $28,697
5. Monterey County Library
Current: $1,444 Estimated Increase Range: $21,258 – $24, 455
6. Monterey Regional Park District
Current: $737 Estimated Increase Range: $10,846 - $12,477
7. Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
Current: $545 Estimated Increase Range: $8,026 - $9,233
8. Monterey County Tax
Current: $12,815 Estimated Increase Range: $127,201 - $148, 261
9. Cypress Fire District
Current: $7207 Estimated Increase: $7207
10. City of Carmel Tax
Current: $0 Estimated Increase Range: $197,802 - $227,142
Additional benefit of significant bond reduction payments for all outstanding bonds
Benefits to the Carmel Community
• Redevelopment consistent with residential use
• Renovation of an historic resource
• Affordable housing fees
• Under grounding of utilities
• Road improvements in the vicinity
• Contributions to worthy nonprofit civic activities
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