Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Coincidental Complaint?

CONTEXT: For years and years, the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea has failed to annually budget for maintenance, improvements and upgrades to the Forest Theater property. Then, within a three month period (June 2007 – September 2007), the City has focused unprecedented attention onto the Forest Theater; reassigning Carmel students from the “Forest Theater Native Plants Landscape Restoration Project” to the “Forest Hill Park Landscape Improvements” project, posting of “NO PARKING ANY TIME” metal signs on the grape stake Forest Theater fence and considering the execution of a Consultant Services Agreement with JRP Consulting, LLC to perform a “historic evaluation of the Forest Theatre property.”

Timeline for the “NO PARKING ANY TIME” signs posted on the west side of Guadalupe Street is, as follows:

I. 8 June 2007
Carmel High School Ornamental Horticulture Regional Occupational Program (ROP) Class, Carmel Middle School students and Craig Hohenberger, Director of the Hilton Bialek Biological Sciences Habitat, Carmel Middle School, complete Phase I of the Forest Theatre Native Plants Landscape Restoration Project.

(Reference: Monday, June 11, 2007
Forest Theatre Native Plants Landscape Restoration Project (Phase One): Carmel High School Ornamental Horticulture Class or Labels: Forest Theatre Native Plants Landscape Restoration Project)

II. 7 August 2007
At the City Council meeting on August 7, the City Council approved a resolution “awarding recycling grants totaling $26,450 to youth service organizations.” One of the grants was awarded to Carmel Middle School Hilton Bialek Biological Sciences Habitat for “Forest Hill Park Landscape Improvements.” Last year, however, it was understood that Carmel Middle School Hilton Bialek Biological Sciences Habitat would be applying for a grant for a three year, three phase "Forest Theater Native Plants Landscape Restoration Project;" Phase I was completed Spring 2007, Phase II to be completed Spring 2008 and Phase III to be completed Spring 2009. Thus, after successfully completing Phase I, the "Forest Theater Native Plants Landscape Restoration Project" was abruptly terminated and the students were reassigned to Forest Hill Park for 2008.

III. 30 August 2007
The “City” posted seven “NO PARKING ANY TIME” metal signs on the grape stake fence of the Forest Theater on the west side of Guadalupe Street. Based on a complaint by an unidentified citizen, a Police Officer stated that they were just enforcing Resolution No. 2001-44; City Hall provided the Police Department with Resolution No. 2001-44, but failed to provide the Police Department with the superseded, amended resolution, Resolution No. 2001-106. Resolution No. 2001-106 established No Parking Zones on the east side and parking on the west side of Guadalupe Street. Note: A 20 year plus permanent Guadalupe Street resident doubted that a resident on Guadalupe Street made the complaint.

(Reference: Wednesday, September 05, 2007
City Hall Commits “Grave Error” Leading to the Authorization & Posting of “NO PARKING ANY TIME” Metal Signs or Labels: NO PARKING ANY TIME)

IV. 11 September 2007
At the City Council’s 11 September 2007 meeting, the City Council will consider the execution of a “Consultant Services Agreement with JRP Consulting, LLC to perform a historic evaluation of the Forest Theatre property” as part of the “preliminary planning” for the “rehabilitation of the property and an expansion of the facilities.”

City Council Agenda
Regular Meeting
September 11, 2007

VII. Consent Calendar

These matters include routine financial and administrative actions, which are usually approved by a single majority vote. Individual items may be removed from Consent by a member of the Council or the public for discussion and action.

H. Consideration of a Resolution authorizing the City Administrator to execute a Consultant Services Agreement with JRP Consulting, LLC to perform a historic evaluation of the Forest Theatre property.

Description: The Forest Theatre is in the preliminary process of developing a Master-Plan for the rehabilitation of the property and an expansion of the facilities. A historic evaluation is an essential part of the preliminary planning as it will help the City understand and determine the potential significance of the site. The field work will be performed on September 13th and 14th of 2007.

Overall Cost:
City Funds: $7,800
Grant Funds: N/A
Staff time: N/A

Important Considerations: Prior to the approval of any development project, the City requires that a historic evaluation be performed. The Forest Theatre has, and continues to play, and important role in the character of the City.

(Source: City Council Agenda Item Summary, Sean Conroy, Senior Planner, 11 September 2007)

Establish Forest Theater Enterprise Unit and Work with Foundation to establish Phases for Implementation of Master Plan –
The Forest Theater Foundation has reviewed the first draft of the pre-design for the Forest Theater and returned it to the architect for update. The Foundation is awaiting the completed pre-design before submitting it to the City. Meta Bunse will begin an historical inventory and evaluation of the property in September.

(Source: Guillen FY 2006-07 Financial Report, September 11, 2007, http://www.ci.carmel.ca.us/)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't remember exactly, but I think it was a couple of years ago, an editorial appeared in the CRA newsletter. The themes of the editorial were the city should follow its own rules, no public hearing produces needless controversy and the magic of the holiday season is lost with lights up year round.
The chamber of commerce economic committee even had a member of the CRA board on it, Sherry Shollenbarger. Whatever happened? Why hasn't the chamber, committee and the CRA board publicly called for a planning commission hearing and city council meeting on the lights in the Ocean Av. islands? Why did the CRA write about it then, but there is a deafening silence now? I don't understand how such good people could allow such bad government to pass right under their noses and do nothing.