Friday, January 25, 2008

Additional Information on Leidig’s Proposal Courtesy of County Planning Dept. & Project Planner Liz Gonzales

File Number: PLN070497
Project Location: HWY 1 & VALLEY WAY CARMEL

The owner of the property, for County purposes, is the “Project Name,” not the entity with an option to purchase the property or the developer proposing the project.

The Rigoulette/Leidig application to the County included studies/reports that were not included in the information given to the Land Use Advisory Committee for their January 22, 2008 meeting; Project Planner Liz Gonzales intends to make copies of the studies/reports commissioned by the applicant and distribute them to the Land Use Advisory Committee Members prior to their next meeting on the continued agenda item, February 19, 2008.

Land Use Advisory Committee meetings are viewed by the County as neighborhood meetings to inform residents of proposed projects and are considered preliminary in nature. Furthermore, as the name implies, the recommendations of Land Use Advisory Committees are only advisory to other bodies.

For the Rigoulette/Leidig proposed project, the Planning Permit Process is modified due to the Combined Development Permit being an Amendment to the Local Coastal Plan; therefore, after the Land Use Advisory Committee’s recommendation to the Planning Commission, preparation of an Environmental Impact Report and Staff Report, the Planning Commission, then the Board of Supervisors and ultimately the California Coastal Commission will consider the proposed project.

Presently, Project Planner Liz Gonzales is preparing to contract with a consultant to prepare the Environmental Impact Report for the Rigoulette/Leidig proposed project; the process is anticipated to be completed within 2-3 months.

Due to the complex nature of the Rigoulette/Leidig proposed project, the entire process is expected to take between 6-8 months or longer.

Anyone interested in being notified of all upcoming public hearings on the Rigoulette/Leidig proposed project, please contact Project Planner Liz Gonzales by phone (755-5102) or email ( and you will be placed on a list for future notifications about this proposed project.

At every stage in the process i.e. Land Use Advisory Committee, Planning Commission, Board of Supervisors, citizen, and particularly resident, input is taken very seriously. Moreover, split decisions by any committee or commission are viewed unfavorably as far as final approval of any project submitted to the County is concerned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My impression is the county will be even more accountable to the neighbors than the city of carmel. And with the Neighborhood Coalition active and engaged in the process, I am confident the neighborhood is in good hands and the interests of residents living in Carmel-by-the-Sea will be well served.