Wednesday, May 19, 2010

SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Fiscal Years 2010/11 – 2012/13 Triennial Budget

ABSTRACT: WHAT, WHEN & WHERE of the SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING on Fiscal Years 2010/11 – 2012/13 Triennial Budget is presented with links to the Agenda and Draft Budget. COMMENTS are made on the DRAFT BUDGET.

WHAT: Fiscal Years 2010/11 – 2012/13 Triennial Budget Study Session & Public Hearing

WHEN: Thursday, May 20, 2010 @ 4:30 P.M.

WHERE: Council Chambers
East side of Monte Verde Street between Ocean Avenue and Seventh Avenue
Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA.

The Fiscal Years 2010/11 – 2012/13 Triennial Budget is debatable and problematic, for many reasons, including, as follows:

City Administrator Rich Guillen’s BUDGET MESSAGE FOR FISCAL YEARS 2010/2011 THROUGH 2012/2013 TRIENNIAL BUDGET states, as follows: "The 'Capitals' budget as submitted is almost completely funded by grant revenues." It is imprudent city policy to base a “Capitals” budget on grant revenues.

BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS from the LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE, specifically, the limiting of capital projects to “projects that are required to be completed, have grant funding, and/or are needed to maintain the health and welfare of the community," is short-sighted and unwise. Additionally, projects cited, such as the Forest Theatre, restrooms at Scenic Road and Santa Lucia Avenue, should not be deferred to a more stable economic time considering these items should have been funded and realized years and years ago.

As one of the highest per capita spending cities in the State of California, the City does not need to focus on “Revenue Generation,” including, as follows:
1. Implement a phased paid parking program (short & long term).
2. Propose a Public Safety Assessment Property tax (long term).
3. Raise parking ticket fees (short term).
4. Consolidate the City elections with the general elections (long term).
5. Renegotiate contract with National Parking at Sunset Center (short term).
6. Evaluate and sell surplus equipment (short term).
7. Increase fees for special events (short term).
8. Establish a City-wide endowment fund (long term).
9. Re-institute the Banner Fee on a temporary basis (short term)
10. Evaluate the creation of City Sponsored events (long term).

Rather, the City needs to control expenditures by limiting exposure to serious and meritorious lawsuits against the City, including Miller, Jane Kingsley v. City of Carmel-by-the-Sea, et al (M99513), Flanders Foundation v. City of Carmel-by-the-Sea, et al. (M76728 and M99437) and Mandurrago, John, et al. v. City of Carmel-by-the-Sea, et al. (M97273 and M102802).

With a past City record of annual surpluses, an estimated total Reserve Fund Balance of $9,777,353 (as of 7/01/2010) and increasing reverse fund balances with each successive year, it is doubtful the City will expend the requisite budget amounts.

Of a total of 67 Full-Time City Employees, the budget does not include expenditures for the hiring of directors for two critical positions, namely Community Planning & Building Director and Public Works Director.

For FY 2010/2011, of the $1,045,946 total budget for Public Works, only $300,000 is budgeted for maintenance of streets, i.e., repave Junipero between Ocean Av. & 8th Avenue, when a study completed by Nichols Consulting Engineers concluded $660,000 must be expended annually for status quo (as of 2007) maintenance of streets.

For FY 2010/2011, of the $469,402 total budget for Legal, $335,000 is budgeted for “Professional Services” (non-salary); and $320,000 (FY 2011/2012) and $320,000 (FY 2012/2013). The total budgeted expenditures for all three fiscal years underestimates actual amounts due to probable attorney fees associated with Flanders II, potential attorney fees and court costs associated with the appeal of Mandurrago I and Mandurrago II and potential attorney fees, court costs and judgment costs associated with Jane Miller’s sexual harassment, employment discrimination and retaliation lawsuit against the City.

For FY 2010/2011, 2011/2012 and 2012/2013, the total budgets for Fire, $2,033,185 $2,120,595 $2,232,447, respectively, are underestimates by hundreds of thousands of dollars for actual costs given the known costs of a stand-alone department, merger with the City of Monterey or contract with Cal-Fire.

For FY 2010/2011, the total budget of $347,675 for Marketing and Economic Revitalization, including costs associated with Burghart + Dore Regional Destination Marketing, MCCVB Contract and Carmel Chamber of Commerce, is not commensurate with the expenditures for visitor amenities, such as adequate restroom facilities along Scenic Road at Carmel Beach.

2010/11 THROUGH 2012/13

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