June 4, 2012, 5:30 P.M.
Council Chambers
East Side Monte Verde Street between Ocean Av. & 7th Av.
ABSTRACT: Four Noteworthy 5 June 2012 City Council
Agenda Items, namely Announcements from Closed Session, Receive update report
on the Del Mar Master Plan, an Ordinance amending the Carmel Municipal Code to
ban the distribution of single-use plastic bags from retail establishments
within the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea or, in the alternate, to defer action and
direct staff to work with the business community and Receive presentation from
the Monterey Water Management District and provide direction on the Proposition
218 process and water supply sources, are presented.
June 5, 2012
4:30 p.m., Open Session
City Hall
East side of Monte
Verde Street between Ocean and Seventh Avenues
II. Roll Call
V. Announcements from Closed Session, from City Council Members and the City Administrator.
A. Announcements from Closed Session.
1. Property Negotiations – Gov’t. Code Section 54956.8, Real
Property negotiations between City Administrator Jason Stilwell and Christine
Sandin regarding the Sunset
Cultural Center .
2. Public Employee Appointment -- Govt. Code Section
54957. Title: City Treasurer. City
Council will meet to consider the appointment of a City Treasurer.
3. Potential Litigation - Government Code Section 54956.9(b)
-Conference with legal counsel regarding potential litigation – one (1) matter.
4. Labor Negotiations
– Government Code Section 54957.6(a) Meet and confer with the Carmel-by-the-Sea’s Meyers-Milias Brown Act
representative, City Administrator Stilwell, to give direction regarding labor
negotiations with the two bargaining units.
C. Announcements from City Administrator.
Description: The City is proposing to construct a pedestrian
pathway on the west side of San Antonio Avenue between Ocean and Fourth avenues and a
boardwalk/viewing platform west of the Del
Mar parking area.
Overall Cost:
City Funds: N/ A
Grant Funds: $250,000
Staff Recommendation: Receive the update.
Important Considerations: As part of the Del Mar Master Plan
implementation, a pedestrian path is proposed from Ocean Avenue to Fourth Avenue that will link with the
recently completed path that runs to the Pebble Beach Gate on San Antonio A venue. A small ADA
boardwalk and viewing platform is proposed at the west end of the Del Mar parking area that will allow public, including those with
disabilities, the opportunity of an improved beach experience.
The Planning Commission issued Design Review and Coastal
Development Permits for this project. Upon concurrence by the City Council, staff
will prepare construction and bid documents for the project with the intent to begin
construction in early fall of this year.
Del Mar Master Plan San Antonio Pathway Boardwalk/Viewing Area
IX. Ordinances
A. Consideration of the first reading of an Ordinance amending
the Carmel Municipal Code to ban the distribution of single-use plastic bags
from retail establishments within the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea or, in the
alternate, to defer action and direct staff to work with the business community.
Description: The proposed ordinance would ban single-use
plastic carryout bags for all retail establishments in the City. Alternatively,
the Council could also consider directing staff to develop a voluntary
compliance program.
Overall Cost:
City Funds: N/ A
Grant Funds: N/ A
Staff Recommendation: 1) Adopt the first reading of the
proposed ordinance, or 2) Defer action and direct staff to work with the business community
to develop a voluntary compliance program.
Important Considerations: Communities throughout the state
and across the country are recognizing the environmental impacts that single-use
carryout bags, especially plastic bags, can have on the environment. The proposed ordinance
would assist in protecting the aesthetic and environmental resources of the community.
Decision Record: On 9 May 2012 the Planning Commission
recommended that the Council work with the business community to develop a
voluntary compliance program to ban plastic bags rather than adopting a formal
Ordinance ban single-use plastic bags June 2012
XI. Orders of Council
B. Receive presentation from the Monterey Water Management
District and provide direction on the Proposition 218 process and water supply
Presentation from Monterey Peninsula Water Management District