Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Kristallnacht, USA: August 8, 2022, Alan Bergstein

Kristallnacht, USA: August 8, 2022

Every individual supporting this administration is part of the battering ram that led to the destruction of USA pillars of freedom. Op-ed.

Alan Bergstein

Aug 10, 2022, 9:57 AM (GMT+3)

Mark the date in your memory; August 8, 2022. It will be recorded in history as the "Kristallnacht of American Democracy." Basically the day similar in nature, to the German Nazis' opening salvo of fascism, the beginning of the extermination of Jews and democracy, on November 9, 1938.

Never before in American history has a former president been falsely, maliciously, targeted, investigated, singled out, labeled, even when he was in office, as treasonous to this country. For 3 years, the likes of Democrat Congresspeople Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and other elected progressives, with the backing of the entire media, educational system and the elitist society, promulgated the outright lie that Trump was an agent under the domination of and in collusion with Putin. No facts were ever produced, but the slime stuck to the walls and had its desired effect among ordinary, naive Americans now howling in delight at the eventual, inevitable prosecution of Trump. They've all been tools of those now in totalitarian-like power.

These thoughtless idiots are all spitting into the closed eyes of those millions of patriots throughout our history, who willingly sacrificed their lives to found and keep alive the democracy of our nation.


The Day America Changed: Israel National NewsContributor Labels FBI’s Raid on President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago “Kristallnacht” –VDH Says US No Longer a Democracy

By Joe Hoft
Published August 10, 2022

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