Sunday, August 14, 2022

Neil Oliver, Think the Unthinkable and Accept That is the Better Reference Point, Sundance

Neil Oliver, Think the Unthinkable and Accept That is the Better Reference Point

August 13, 2022 | Sundance

We are the battered spouses in an abusive relationship with government. Nothing we can do is going to appease the abuser, it is the inherent state of their disposition. WATCH:


Neil Oliver: 'It's hard to tell yourself you've been taken for a fool but open your eyes'

Aug 14, 2022



It is hard to think the unthinkable. It’s hard to think that all of it, all the misery, all the suffering of the past and to come might just be about money, greed and power. It is hard to tell yourself you’ve been taken for a fool and taken for a ride. It’s hard, but the view from the other side is worth the effort and the pain. Open your eyes and see. (link)

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