One Light in Ocean Avenue Median
Location: Ocean Avenue Median between Monte Verde St. & Lincoln St.
Extrapolating from the Ocean Avenue Lighting Demo in the Median between Monte Verde St. & Lincoln St., the proposed lighting scheme encompasses approximately 3-5 lights per Median for a total of approximately 34 lights in the 10 Ocean Avenue Medians between Monte Verde St. & Junipero Avenue; 1 Median between Monte Verde St. & Lincoln St., 3 Medians between Lincoln St. & Dolores St., 3 Medians between Dolores St. & San Carlos St., 2 Medians between San Carlos St. & Mission St. and 1 Median between Mission St. & Junipero Avenue.
Carmel-by-the-Sea Municipal Code
Chapter 15.36
15.36.070 Lighting Requirements.
A. Commercial Buildings/Zones.
1. All light fixtures shall not be directed toward the public right-of-way.
2. Lighting intensity shall not exceed eight-candlefoot power at a point two feet beyond the storefront windows as measured in a vertical or horizontal plane three feet above the ground or public walking surface.
3. Lighting intensity within the interior of the store space shall not exceed 30-candlefoot power at any point visible from the public right-of-way as measured in a vertical or horizontal plane three feet above the floor or walking surface.
B. Residential Buildings/Zones.
1. All exterior lighting attached to the main building or any accessory building shall be no higher than 10 feet above the ground and not exceed 25 watts in power per fixture.
2. Landscape lighting shall not exceed 18 inches above the ground nor more than 15 watts per fixture and shall be spaced no closer than 10 feet apart. Landscape lighting shall not be used for tree, wall, fence or accent lighting of any type. The purpose of landscape lighting is to safely illuminate walkways and entrances to the subject property.
3. No exterior lighting is permitted upon City property and may not be directed toward City property.
4. Flood-type lighting is prohibited at all times.
EXCEPTION: Flood-type lighting may be permitted with expressed written approval of the Planning Division and/or Building Official upon written request and used for the sole purpose of security and each fixture connected to a motion sensor. Each fixture shall be limited to 50 watts each. (Ord. 99-04 (Exh. B), 1999).
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