ABSTRACT: Since the winter storm of January 3-5, 2008, the City has done nothing to address the damage to Forest Theatre on the Forest Theatre grounds. Specifically, the fallen and leaning sections of the grape stake fence along Mountain View Av. and Santa Rita St. and the fallen “
significant” Monterey Pine tree on the ground near the patron entrance to the Outdoor Forest Theatre. And adding insult to injury, the original wood carved “
FOREST THEATER” beam of the Guadalupe St. gate was severed and lays in two sections next to the entrance. Speculation about the cause of the severed “
FOREST THEATER” beam involves a tree service trunk driving through the gate without enough clearance to clear the beam. Post-storm, tree service trucks with cut and recovered logs used the Forest Theatre parking lot as a place to temporarily store logs with the apparent consent of the City. Photos of the severed “
FOREST THEATER” beam, AFTER and BEFORE photos of the Guadalupe St. gate, the fallen and leaning sections of the grape stake fence and the fallen Monterey Pine tree are shown. COMMENTS are made about the city-owned Forest Theatre.
AFTER: Severed wood carved “
FOREST THEATER” beam from Guadalupe St. Gate, lying on the ground near the Guadalupe St. Gate.
New” Guadalupe St. Gate
FOREST THEATER” Gate at Guadalupe St. Entrance

Fallen Section of Grape Stake Fence along Mountain View Av.

Leaning Section of Grape Stake Fence along Santa Rita St.

Fallen “
Significant” Monterey Pine Tree Remains on the Ground near Patron Entrance to Outdoor Forest Theatre.
COMMENTS:• Established in 1920, the Forest Theater was “
the first outdoor theater west of the Rockies.” The Theater was deeded to the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea in 1937.
• Home to
Forest Theater Guild,
Pacific Repertory Theatre and
Children's Experimental Theatre & Staff Players Repertory Company• For most of its history, the Forest Theater has been neglected by the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea.
• Neglect of the Indoor Forest Theater, Outdoor Forest Theater and grounds continue today, as evidenced by the recent inactions by the City and needless damage to the original Guadalupe St. Gate.
Years and years of city neglect is a travesty. And in 8 years, Mayor Sue has done virtually nothing in terms of routine overall maintenance to keep the theater up. And now she wants us to believe she is all for a restoration design for the Forest Theater. I challenge Sue to match the funds raised by the Forest Foundation to make the theater ADA compatible and upgraded for the 21st century. It's finally time for some straight talk, not more disconnected talk and action.
I went by there the other day. The grounds are a disgrace and obviously the buildings and grounds not tended to on a regular basis. Because the city permitted the tree service companies to dump logs there, the city is culpable in the destruction of the carved portion of the gate. All in all, a disgrace!
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