Mission Trail Nature Preserve
Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA.
ABSTRACT: A chronology of Mayor Sue McCloud’s contradictions on the Flanders Mansion property is presented. COMMENTS are made.
• In the Dear Carmel-by-the-Sea Resident/PROGRESS ON ACHIEVING COUNCIL OBJECTIVES January 2005 annual report, authored by the Mayor and Vice Mayor, there appeared a statement regarding Flanders Mansion, as follows:
“If Flanders house is sold (there will be a state required public vote in the very near future), interest earned on a $4-5 million sale would mean more revenue for the City.”
• Between March 2005 – October 2007, the City contracted with Special Counsel William B. Conners for legal advise concerning the Flanders Mansion, including representing the City in Flanders Foundation vs. City of Carmel-by-the-Sea, et al. (Case Number M76728); among his arguments was that the Flanders Mansion was not parkland and therefore the City was not required to have a vote of Carmelites on the sale of the Flanders Mansion property.
• In the December 14, 2007 article MCCLOUD RUNS FOR FIFTH TERM ■ Would become city’s longest-serving mayor of The Carmel Pine Cone, Mayor McCloud stated she “wants the matter resolved.”
“We still haven’t seen Flanders through, and I would like to see it through to whatever the conclusion will be.”
• On the City Council Agenda of January 8, 2008 appeared the following:
City Council Agenda
Regular Meeting
January 8, 2008
V. Announcements from Closed Session, from City Council Members and the City Administrator.
C. Announcements from City Administrator.
• Receive report on Mid-Year Budget Review and Adjustments
City of Carmel-by-the-Sea
Fiscal Year 2007-08 Mid-Year Budget Adjustments
General Fund
Community Planning & Building $25,000 Professional services Denise Duffy & Assoc Flanders Mansion FEIR services
Ergo, according to the 2007-08 Mid-Year Adjustments, the City intends to proceed with the sale of the Flanders Mansion property by contracting with Denise Duffy & Associates for additional services related to the Final Environmental Impact Report on the Flanders Mansion property.
• In January 2005, Mayor Sue McCloud was aware that the sale of the Flanders Mansion property required a vote of Carmelites. Yet she instigated the contract with Special Counsel William B. Conners to argue that a vote of Carmelites was not required to sell the Flanders Mansion property.
• In December 2007, Mayor McCloud stated “We still haven’t seen Flanders through, and I would like to see it through to whatever the conclusion will be.” Meanwhile, the Fiscal Year 2007-08 Mid-Year Budget Adjustments included $25,000 for Professional Services related to the Flanders Mansion Property Final Environmental Report, which is court mandated for a future sale of the Flanders Mansion property.
• On resolving the matter: Instead of stubbornly proceeding with the sale of Flanders Mansion by contracting for a $25,000 Environmental Impact Report revision, et cetera, Mayor McCloud could resolve this matter by making a sincere effort to find a compatible public use for the National Register of Historic Places Flanders Mansion for the benefit of present and future generations.
Sincerity has not been a hallmark of Mayor McCloud in the past. Why would anyone expect it in the future?
Not to mention Sue's fallicious remark about how it was always the city's intention to sell the Flanders Mansion. Hogwash! Sue continues to make false statements and she continues to get away with it, however. Why do Carmelites put up with a mayor who continues to mislead and lie to them, the best example of insincerity?
Another attempt on Sue’s part to create chaos and confusion and another covert escapade to go forward with the Flanders EIR without overtly telling Carmelites of her drive to sell Flanders Mansion, come hell or high water. Sue is right now probably covertly lobbying her supporters to vote YES to the sale of the Flanders Mansion. I think the only way to stop her and her clones on the council is for the Flanders Foundation to start handing out propaganda of their own to make sure Carmelites know no city with a modicum of respect for history and culture would sell a National Register public treasure. Also, Sue is worse than a flip flopper, she writes to 300 property owners with houses on the inventory, but she relishes the selling of an historic property into private hands.
On the other hand, if all else fails, why not tell Sue to sell Flanders Mansion and the entire Mission Trails Park; the irony would be a private owner would maintain both the mansion and the park better than the city. The city with Sue as mayor doesn’t deserve the mansion or the park because she and her council have been such poor stewards of public land.
Pretty soon all of what makes Carmel Carmel will be gone forever, courtesy of Mayor Sue McCloud. Because of her stubbornness and righteousness, she is hell bent on selling Flanders Mansion. The way she is going, Scout House will be next, and then maybe Mission Trails Park and even Forest Theater to her building construction pals. Does it have to get that bad for Carmelites to educate themselves and say No to her destructive agenda or do Carmelites care about old Carmel enough to stand against Sue and her idiotic ideas?
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