The text of "Michael LePage for Carmel-by-the-Sea City Council" Campaign Handout, as follows:
Michael LePage
for Carmel-by-the-Sea
City Council
“I want to help Carmel embrace its future while preserving its special past”
Carmel is truly a unique community. Those of use who live
here feel this every day. Carmel’s spectacular natural setting
and the human scale of its neighborhoods and village define
who we are as a community. I want to become a greater voice
to protect and nurture this special place we call Carmel.
I am:
• A 32 year resident of Carmel-By-The-Sea. My wife, Joanne, and I have raised our family here. Joanne is a 7th generation local resident.
• A 30 year local business owner.
• A 6 year member of the Carmel Design Review Board, 2 years as chairman.
As your Council member I will:
• Be a voice for all Carmelites and their neighborhoods.
• Listen to your concerns and welcome your ideas.
• Encourage and support the arts and cultural events.
• Ensure a healthy and well-maintained urban forest.
• Promote and maintain our parks and open space.
• Work with and support a healthy business community.
• Promote fiscal responsibility and sustainable budget policies.
I ask for your vote to allow me to serve you on our city council.
Vote Michael LePage for City Council on April 8th
Thank you!
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Michael LePage, P.O. Box 2096, Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA. 93921
LePage sounds like someone, who can bring the disparate interests of Carmel together. He supports the needs of the people, who live here, but he's also a businessman, who realizes that it is in the interests of everyone that we have a healthy economy. Sue McCloud and some of the other members of the City Council have managed to serve nobody's interests but their own. The people, who live here, are frustrated. The people, who do business here publicly support her but privatly say they are too scared of the damage McCloud et al would do to their businesses if they don't. They admit that she has really hurt local business and would like to see her go. LePage sounds as if he is sincerely supportive of all Carmel interests and will approach local issues in a practical way - a way not driven by the ideologies that have been so damaging to Carmel, the people, who live here and the people, who do business here. He is a brave man for being willing to run. If elected, he will be subject to the abuse that other City Council members have received when they've failed to toe McCloud's line.
Hope springs eternal. But will he be independent and true to his convictions or will he fall under Sue's spell, if she is reelected? He was, after all, appointed by Sue and has remained on the design review board all these years. The DRB is pretty benign and I don't recall any contoversial items where he may have differed from Sue. Is the test yet to come? WE shall see. Vote April 8!
Michael LePage is a man of integrity. He will bring fresh ideas to the table, in a fair and rational way. He is running as a true representative of the people, who so desperately need their voices heard at City Hall. LePage has the ability to effect positive change and bring a sense of pride back to our village. LePage has my vote!
To all of you who want Michael LePage to have a chance at winning a council seat as I do, you should "single vote" for Michael and forego your second vote for one of the other candidates. It is hard to not cast the second vote when you can vote for two candidates, but the likelihood is that Ken Talmage will secure a seat anyway. Michael's best chance is to beat Karen Sharp, a real flimsy "light-weight" in the ring and a non-thinker. Sue's campaign machine is churning to elect Ken and Karen in tandem. The only way to give Michael a chance is to vote for him alone. Any additional vote for Ken or Karen in addition to your vote for Michael does not do Michael any good.
And while you are at it, cast a protest "no" vote for Sue by casting your vote for Dogman. 335 people did just that two years ago. What will the number be for Dogman this time after two more years of Sue's reign? She's going to win anyway, might as well make a statement with your vote.
Sue is in such a panic over the possibility Michael LePage may oust one of her chosen ones that neighbors are hosting wine tasting gigs for Karen and Ken. So much for independence and independent thinkers. Michael LePage has the temerity to run out of turn and must be taught a lesson from Sue. Vote for Michael and Dogman as a protest to send Sue a message her machine tactics are wearing thin. No to the Sue machine! Yes to Michael & Dogman.
The Sue McCloud Machine is at it again. First it was Paul, then it was Robert, now it is the poor brother-in-law Clay. All on the same topic, bashing Michael LePage about the Leidig Sharper Image building. You folks are a broken record. I guess you can’t think of anything good to say of Ken or Karen so you keep trying to trash Michael with your ad nauseam attacks, presenting fiction as fact to produce your own kind of despicable spin. Get a life, men, nobody likes broken record robots.
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