ABSTRACT: A Progress Report on the status of Mission Trail Nature Preserve trails post-January 3-5, 2008 Storm is presented. Previously obstructed Serra Trail, 11th Av. Entrance and Nature Trail off the Flanders Mansion driveway Fire Lane have been cleared. Still partially or completely obstructed trails include Serra Trail at Aaron’s Tree, Willow Trail & Willow Trail Tunnel and Flanders Trail. The County finished clearing the trail between Serra Trail and Hatton Road last Friday, February, 8, 2008. The “
dangerous” Monterey Pine Tree leaning over Flanders Trail remains. Nine photos are shown depicting the cleared trails, yet to be cleared trails and pedestrian bridge section in need of repair.

Serra Trail
View of cleared trail with cut trunk to the left and right

Serra Trail
View of fallen Acacia Tree partially obstructing Serra Trail: "
detour" trail to the left

Nature Trail off Flanders Mansion driveway Fire Lane, to the south of Fire Lane
View of cleared trail with cut Pine branches to the left of trail

Intersection of Mesa Trail & Doolittle Trail
View of cleared trail with cut trunk to the left and right

Willow Trail Tunnel
View of cracked limb obstructing Nature Trail

Willow Trail
View of cracked Monterey Cypress partially obstructing Willow Trail: "
detour" trail to the left

Flanders Trail
View of Fallen Pine Tree branches completely over Trail: “
detour” trail to the right

Flanders Trail
View of “
dangerous” Monterey Pine Tree with Caution Tape

Views of cleared County Trail from Serra Trail to Hatton Road & Pedestrian Bridge section in need of repair
Map of Trails in Mission Trail Nature Preserve
1 comment:
I wonder if the city forester has even been on this trail recently. Having been on this trail recently with my 2 dogs, I can tell you if the dangerous tree fell, it would take 2 other Monterey Pines with it. Thanks for the warning yellow tape around the tree. It reminds me of the danger.
Visualize this tree situation on Scenic Road and it would be taken care of before I would have time to write this comment.
Maybe we should sent notification to the city so if it falls and someone is hurt, the city cannot claim they didn't know anything about it. Just a thought, while we are waiting for nothing to happen with the city. Anyone with a chain saw?
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