Monday, January 25, 2021



Before we are all reprogrammed, remember for a bit longer that the reset of memory and truth is not just a political agenda, but a holistic effort to redefine our past, present, and future. 
By Victor Davis Hanson January 24, 2021

Before we are all reprogrammed, remember for a bit longer that the reset of memory and truth is not just a political agenda, but a holistic effort to redefine our past, present, and future, to change not just what we think but how we think—or do not think.

January 25, 2021
Was Trump Laid Low Just to Satisfy Barack Obama's Ego?
By Jeannie DeAngelis

The election of Donald Trump symbolized the antithesis of everything the progressive left stood for.  Trump campaigned on reverence for God and respect for the sanctity of life.  He inspired patriotism and had workable plans to create jobs and renew the economy — all of the things Barack had spent eight years attempting to destroy. 

In one night, Barry Soetoro's Marxist takeover was sidelined by a populist billionaire who dared to disagree with the left's doctrine.  Imagine Obama's embarrassment — all that "Hope and Change," crushed by the weight of a guy with bad hair who hailed from Queens. 

Hence, what the world is witnessing isn't only an Obama Redux dressed up in a Biden suit; this is about extracting political blood for an insufferable egomaniac named Barack Obama, whose thirst for retribution remains unquenchable until all his critics are destroyed. 

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