Wednesday, January 06, 2021

'Waving Goodbye to the America We All Knew and Loved'

January 6, 2021
Waving Goodbye to the America We All Knew and Loved
By Ed Brodow 

 What kind of nation are we bequeathing to our children? Unless we wake up soon, it won't be pretty. Perhaps Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, was correct when he predicted "a dictatorship without tears ... a kind of painless concentration camp so that people will have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing."

January 6, 2021
In DC, Oligarchy Beats Democracy Every Time
By J.B. Shurk

When our D.C. oligarchs claim that something in the United States is a "threat to democracy," what they mean is that the institutions providing the oligarchy legal immunity and power over the people are in danger. Exposing and eradicating documented electoral vote fraud sustains healthy, democratic institutions, but exposing how corrupt the 2020 election was threatens the oligarchy's hold on those same institutions.

Just as Marxist Democrats must enslave the people in order to set them free, the oligarchs ruling from D.C. must ignore the public's grievances in order to strengthen the "democratic system." It's an arrangement that can last only until enough Americans recognize it as the lie it is. It's also why fewer and fewer Americans believe anything our government has to say.


January 6, 2021
What Can Be Done in This Age of Election Fraud? Whom Can We Count On?
By Donald N. Finley

Neither Biden nor any of his handlers is attempting to add transparency, to prove there was no fraud, to provide alternative explanations, or to shore up legitimacy for the incoming administration. They don't care what Americans think, and they blatantly, openly, and proudly flaunt their "victory" and ignore the evidence. The Democrat party has completely eviscerated, in one election cycle, every political tradition and constitutional norm, not to mention the Constitution itself and countless state laws. And Democrats offer no apologies for the damage they have done. They continue to blame the Trump administration for what they themselves have done, and are doing, as well as revisiting the disproven Mueller probe and impeachment debacle, all while paving new depths, uncharted ever in human history, of criminal election fraud. a certain point in time people of faith and values must take a stand for their deeply held convictions. Our refusal to compromise our beliefs or to cast aside our God-given freedoms is our greatest weapon against evil manifested in the form of government-mandated and media-delivered tyranny.

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