Tuesday, July 29, 2008


ABSTRACT: For public service purposes, the Carmel-by-the-Sea General Plan Revisions Project COMMUNITY SURVEY is reproduced over five days. Each day will feature a Section of the COMMUNITY SURVEY, namely TRAFFIC SAFETY, CIRCULATION AND PARKING; PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES; CONSERVATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY; NOISE; and ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY.

General Plan Revisions Project
June 2008

The General Plan Revisions Project
Community Survey

The following questions will help us learn a little about you so your survey responses can be compared to other groups. Answering these questions will help us understand your responses to the survey.

D-1: Are you Male of Female?
D-1a Male
D-1b Female

D-2: Please indicate your family status.
D-2a Single living alone
D-2b Single living with one or more other adults
D-2c Married no children
D-2d Married with children
D-2e Single parent

D-3: Where is your primary residence?
Your primary residence is where you call “home.” You usually live there most of the year. It is where you are probably registered to vote and receive bills and important papers by mail. It is not property that you rent out to others and not property that you use as a part-time residence or vacation home. This question also asks whether you own a business.
D-3a My primary residence is in Carmel-by-the-Sea and I won this residence.
D-3b My primary residence is in Carmel-by-the-Sea and I rent or lease this residence.
D-3c My primary residence is not in Carmel-by-the-Sea.
D-3d I own commercial property in Carmel-by-the-Sea’s commercial district.
D-3e I own a business in Carmel-by-the-Sea’s commercial district.

D-4: Please indicate your employment status.
D-4a Employed Full Time
D-4b Employed Part-Time
D-4c Unemployed/Retired

D-5: Please mark an X in the box corresponding to your age group.
D-5a 11 and younger
D-5b 12 to 17
D-5c 18 to 24
D-5d 25 to 334
D-5e 35 to 44
D-5f 44 to 54
D-5g 55 to 64
D-5h 65 to 74
D-5i 75 to 84
D-5j 85 or older

The following question is for persons owning a business in Carmel-by-the-Sea.

D-6: Please mark an X next to the category that best describes your business.
D-6a Retail sales
D-6b Restaurant
D-6c Motel or hotel
D-6d Offices, services and all other uses

Traffic Congestion and Safety

TC-1: Carmel does not have excessive traffic congestion in the commercial district most of the time. I can usually drive to businesses and other destinations without too much delay or frustration.
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree
If you don’t drive please mark an X here______.

TC-2: Generally, pedestrians are safe in:
TC-2a Most residential neighborhoods.
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-2b Neighborhoods near the beach.
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-2c Neighborhoods near the commercial district.
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-2d Carmel’s commercial district
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-2e: Is there a specific place that pedestrians are unsafe? Please specify in the space below.

Some cities use “Traffic Calming Measures” to alter driver behavior. Typically, these are physical changes to a roadway that are intended to slow traffic, divert traffic, reduce congestion or improve pedestrian safety.

TC-3: The following traffic calming measures would be appropriate for Carmel-by-the-Sea at some intersections or along some roads:
TC-3a Add trees/landscaping along the edges of roads
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-3b Add tree islands in the middle of some roads
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-3c Remove trees and/or scrubs along road edges
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-3d Use textured pavement at crosswalks in the commercial district.
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-3e Other
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-3f None of the above. (Please mark an X in the last box)

TC-4: What is the single most important concern about traffic circulation or safety that you would like to see addressed first?________________

TC-5: Regarding parking in Carmel:
TC-5a I can usually find a parking space reasonably close to the destinations I visit in the commercial district.
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-5b Parking time limits downtown should be longer.
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-5c Parking time limits downtown should be shorter.
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-5d There should not be any time limits for parking.
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-5e The City should install parking meters or kiosks.
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-5f The City needs more parking serving the commercial district.
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-5g The City should build a parking structure.
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-5h I drive a car, truck or other vehicle.
Yes or No

TC-6: If a parking structure is built at the Sunset Cultural Center (south side of Eight Avenue between San Carlos and Mission Streets) will you use it?
TC-6a I will use it.
TC-6b One or more of my employees will use it.
TC-6c I think shoppers and other visitors to Carmel’s commercial district are likely to use it.
TC-6d I currently use the parking lot at this location when I shop or work in the commercial district.

TC-7: If a parking structure is built at the Vista Lobos property (east side of Junipero Avenue south of Third Avenue) will you use it?
TC-7a I will use it.
TC-7b One or more of my employees will use it.
TC-7c Shoppers and other visitors to Carmel’s commercial district are likely to use it.
TC-7d I currently use the parking lot at this location when I shop or work in the commercial district.

TC-8: If a parking structure is built, the following groups should be allowed to park free.
TC-8a No one. All those who park should pay.
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-8b Residents
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-8c Employees
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-8d Visitors
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-8e Parking should be free for all
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-9: I use public transportation serving Carmel-by-the-Sea:
TC-9a Daily or almost daily.
TC-9b At least once each week.
TC-9c At least once each month.
TC-9d I don’t use public transportation services.

TC-10: Please mark an X next to each of the following statements that you agree with.
TC-10a I don’t use public transportation.
TC-10b I will use a bus (or use them more often) if they provide service to more destinations.
TC-10c I will use a bus (or use them more often) if they provide more frequent service.
TC-10d I will use a bus (or use them more often) if they stop closer to my home or business.
TC-10e I will use a bus (or use them more often) if they use smaller buses or vans.
TC-10f I will use a bus (or use them more often) if they will pick me up and drop me off where I want.
TC-10g I will never use a bus.
TC-10h I will use public transportation for some trips if the cost of gasoline rises to more than $________per gallon.
TC-10i I would use public transportation if. _____________.

Some cities have a shuttle connecting local destinations. A local shuttle would be limited to Carmel-by-the-Sea City limits. Destinations might include the library, post office, markets, local motels, the beach and local parks.

TC-11: Please respond to the following statement about starting a Carmel-by-the-Sea shuttle.
TC-11a I think there should be a local shuttle in Carmel.
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-11b A shuttle would not be appropriate for Carmel.
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-11c I think there should be a local shuttle for visitors.
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral/No Opinion, Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree

TC-12: How much would you be willing to pay to use a Carmel-by-the-Sea shuttle? (Assume that paying a fare would allow unlimited rides for one day.)
TC-12a I would be willing to pay $1.00 for a one-day fare.
TC-12b I would be willing to pay 50 cents for a one-day fare.
TC-12c I would only ride if it were free.
TC-12d I would not use a local shuttle.

TC-13: What is the single most important concern about parking or public transportation that you would like to see addressed first? ________________________

TC-14: Additional Comments: You may provide additional comments related to parking or public transportation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great idea to put the Community Survey on the Blog! The city should do the same and the city should give recipents the choice of completing the survey anonymously online---saving trees for the printing of surveys and cost of postage to recipents and return to city.