Friday, July 25, 2008

PART II: Proposed Villas de Carmelo Project EIR

ABSTRACT: PART II presents HIGHLIGHTS of the EIR Scoping Meeting, including Associate Planner Elizabeth Gonzales’ Power Point Presentation and further explanatory COMMENTS.

Proposed Villas de Carmelo Revised Site Plan
November 2007

Public Scoping Meeting for the Villas De Carmelo EIR

July 23, 2008

Welcome to the Public Scoping Meeting for the Villas De Carmelo Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
5:00 to 7:00 pm

o Please take a moment to sign in. Be sure to indicate on the sign-in sheet if you would like to be added to the distribution list for the EIR Notice of Availability (NOA). Copies of the draft EIR will be made available for review at public locations as well as having copies available for purchase.

o Please pick up a Comment form at our Comment Station to submit written comments and to sign up for speaking at this scoping meeting. You may also mail or email comments to the address provided on the Comment form.

o NOP comment period (July 11, 08-August 11, 08).

Clearinghouse number 2008071058

Lead Agency: County of Monterey Planning Department
Elizabeth Gonzales, Associate Planner

CEQA consultant: Denise Duffy & Associates
Denise Duffy, Principal
Bryce Ternet, Planner

Project Applicants:
Widewaters (Edward Shagen)
Leidig & Associates

Applicant Representative:
Derinda Messenger & Associates (Miriam Schikat)

Purpose of Scoping Meeting
o Present the EIR process-scoping meeting on the EIR and not on the Project itself.
o Help guide the focus of the EIR.
o Discuss environmental issues that you would like to see addressed in the EIR.
o Provide opportunity for submitting comments to Lead Agency and EIR consultants.

Meeting Overview
o Project Overview
o Environmental Review Process (CEQA)
o Project EIR Outline
o Public Participation Process
o Comments
o Close

Site Description
o 3.68 acre site in the unincorporated Coastal Zone of Monterey County
o Adjacent to the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea
o Former Carmel Convalescent Hospital site.
o Existing Land Use MDR/2

Project Summary
o LUP Amendment from MDR/2 to HDR/12.5

o Create a residential village
-46 condominium units
• Convert and Reuse 10,350 square feet of the former Carmel Convalescent Hospital into 9 condominium units
-Existing hospital structure as the focal point
• Construct 37 additional condominium units in 10 new buildings.
• New housing would include 23 market rate condominiums, 9 affordable housing units, and 4 workforce housing units.
-Total parking located on the Project site would be 100 spaces, with 90 covered spaces and 10 uncovered spaces.
• Underground and surface parking
-Recreation Room/Gym

o Existing entrance from Highway 1 would be abandoned.

o Existing entrance on Valley Way would be relocated 180 feet south on Valley Way.

o The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is a public disclosure law that applies to projects that require a discretionary approval by a state or local government.

o The Monterey County Planning Department (Lead Agency) has concluded there is a reasonable possibility that aspects of the Project could have significant effects on the environment and is therefore requiring an Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
o Consultation/Notice of Preparation (NOP)
-Other Agencies
-Public and /or experts
• Scoping meeting

o General Contents of an EIR
-Project Description
-Environmental Setting/Baseline
-Technical Sections (Issues)
-Cumulative Impacts
-Mitigation Measures

Technical Sections (Issues)
o Aesthetics
o Air Quality
o Biology
o Cultural/Historical
o Geology/Solis
o Hydrology/Drainage
o Land Use/Planning
o Noise
o Population/Housing
o Public Services and Utilities
o Transportation/Traffic

Cumulative Impacts
o The EIR will include an analysis of reasonably foreseeable projects within a defined study area, developed in consultation with the City of Carmel and the County of Monterey, that may result in cumulative impacts associated with the proposed Project.

o Cumulative effects will be discussed for each technical subject.

Alternative Analysis
o EIR must describe a range of reasonable alternatives to the Project – must feasibly attain basic objectives but avoid or substantially lessen significant effects of the Project, and evaluate comparative merits of alternatives.

o The selected alternatives will be analyzed in detail for comparison against the impacts identified for the proposed Project.

Required Agency Approvals
o Lead Agency:
-Certify the EIR
-Approve or deny the Project
-File a Notice of Determination (NOD) indicating EIR adoption

o Other Public Agencies

Public Involvement Opportunities During EIR Process
o Notice of the Preparation (NOP) of the EIR and Scoping Meeting

o Review and Comment on the Draft EIR
- Notice of Availability (NOA) of the Draft EIR will be announced via newspaper and direct mailing of the NOA to interested parties.
- -Minimum 45-day comment period will commence when NOA is filed with the State Clearinghouse.
- -Draft EIR will be available for review at the Harrison Memorial Library in Carmel, and on the County website at
- Public Hearings
• Subdivision Committee
• Planning Commission
• Board of Supervisors

Public Comments Welcome
o We encourage those who wish to comment on the EIR to submit their comments in written format.

o For additional information regarding the Project, or to submit a written comment concerning the scope/content of the Draft EIR, contact:

Elizabeth Gonzales
Associated Planner

In attendance at the meeting, as follows:
Carl Holm, Assistant Planning Director
Liz Gonzales, Associate Planner
Bryce Ternet, Planner for Denise Duffy & Associates
Miriam Schikat, Leidig representative and attorney
Derinda Messenger, Leidig representative and attorney
Members of the public, approximately 8 individuals.
Note: There were no representatives from the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea at the scoping meeting.

After repeated questions from the public regarding a tentative timetable for the proposed project, Carl Holm and Bryce Ternet communicated a sequence of events, as follows:
45-60 days for Draft EIR (approximately September 6-21, 2008)
45 days public comment period (late October 2008)
45 days for Final EIR (mid-December 2008)

The next public hearing is anticipated to be the Subdivision Committee; this meeting will be scheduled after the completion of the Draft EIR and during the 45 day public comment period.

The Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors will consider the Final EIR. The Board of Supervisors ultimately certifies the EIR, approves or denies the Project and files a Notice of Determination (NOD) indicating EIR adoption.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It will be very interesting to see the contents of the Denise Duffy EIR on the Leidig proposal. Any and all mitigation measures and any and all items having significant environmental impact which are and are not able to be mitigated, if any.
The EIR could lead to a scaled down alternative or a no project alternative which would be the development of 7 lots as it is currently zoned. We shall see.