Friday, May 19, 2006

An Open Letter

An Open Letter to Principal Planner Brian Roseth & Associate Planner Sean Conroy:

I, on behalf on the residents of Carmel-by-the-Sea, respectfully request your attention to the following matters.

1. While the Historic Resources Board’s 15 May 2006 meeting was canceled, their agenda did not have the reconsideration of their 23 January 2006 decision to remove 43 post-1940 historic properties from the Inventory of Historic Resources. Since the City Council, at their 2 May 2006 meeting, voted to remand this item back to the Historic Resources Board with direction to reverse their decision and reinstate the 43 post-1940 historic properties, WHY wasn’t this item on the Historic Resources Board’s 15 May 2006 agenda? Will this item be placed on the Historic Resources Board’s next agenda? If not, why not?

2. Will you, acting in good faith, schedule a Mills Act Workshop in the near future? Since the City Council, at their December 2005 meeting, continued a Mills Act contract agenda item citing the need for a Mills Act Workshop to educate themselves and the public prior to the City Council approving any Mills Act contracts, WHY have 5 months elapsed without a Mills Act Workshop?

3. As Principal Planner and Associate Planner, do you understand that DPR 523 Forms submitted to the California Coastal Commission during the Local Coastal Program certification process denote historic properties on the Inventory of Historic Resources regardless of whether the City later omits these historic properties from a City-generated Inventory list or removes DPR 523 Forms from binders?
Case In Point: An examination of the DPR 523 Forms at City Hall included a DPR 523 Form on the Scout House. Yet the City-generated Inventory list omits the Scout House. Days later, after this discrepancy was brought to your attention, the Scout House DPR 523 Form disappeared from the binder. WHY was the Scout House DPR 523 Form removed from the binder?

I sincerely hope that you will respond in a spirit of accountability to the citizens you serve, rather that out of fear of reprisal from a dictatorial and vindictive mayor.

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