Sunday, September 23, 2012

SOLUTION TO THE ‘FLANDERS CONUNDRUM:’ Request for Proposals for the Curatorship of the Flanders Mansion, Mission Trail Nature Preserve

In the meantime, Burnett said he remains open to any solution to the Flanders conundrum that involves getting the house occupied by a family and divesting the city of the financial burden it presents.

… if someone comes forward with an offer for some other sort of arrangement that is a good financial deal for the city and puts this in the hands of a single family, I would of course bring that to council.”

“And legally, we have to bring it to council if we receive an offer.”

Source: Next vote on Flanders delayed another year, MARY SCHLEY, The Carmel Pine Cone, September 21, 2012

Accordingly, Mayor Jason Burnett and City Council Members Victoria Beach, Steve Hillyard, Ken Talmage and Carrie Theis should convene to discuss a model Resident Curatorship Program, namely the Maryland Resident Curatorship Program, which offers “Curators the right to lifetime tenancy in an historic property in exchange for restoring it, maintaining it in good condition, and periodically sharing it with the public” in the context of the Flanders Mansion Property. 

BACKGROUND: The State of Maryland’s Resident Curatorship Program (“pioneered” in 1982) provides information for interested parties concerning the application process. Specifically, a Request for Proposals for the Curatorship of a Historic Residence, includes sections entitled PURPOSE, PREPARING PROPOSALS (Cover Letter, Resume, Financial Disclosure Statement, Schedule of Restoration), WHAT ARE HISTORIC PRESERVATON STANDARDS? The Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation, SUBMITTING PROPOSALS, Resident-Curatorship Program FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS and HISTORIC RESIDENCE & PROPERY Description and History. As an example, the Request for Proposals for the Curatorship of The Grove Farm, Grove Farm Wildlife Management Area, Earleville, Cecil County, Maryland, is embedded below.  Personal Financial Statement and Curatorship Agreement (Sample) are also embedded below.

Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Curatorship of The Grove Farm, Grove Farm Wildlife Management Area, Earleville, Cecil County, Maryland

Personal Financial Statement


In addition, The Maryland Resident Curatorship Program has Selection Procedures and Criteria. Specifically, the review panel’s selection is made after carefully assessing and ranking each applicant’s proposal, based on the following criteria:
  • Detailed written description of the planned renovations and the cost estimate (Schedule of Restoration).
  • Financial ability to complete the proposed work.
  • Experience of the curator(s) or their contractor with historic preservation, as detailed in the resume.
  • The appropriateness of the restoration plan and its adherence to historic preservation standards.
  • How well the proposal or the proposed use of the facility fits into the mission of the park and of DNR.
Since “The highest priority is to move this to a single-family residence and to do so quickly,” according to Mayor Jason Burnett, the most straightforward path is for the City to issue a Request for Proposals for the Curatorship of the Flanders Mansion, Mission Trail Nature Preserve, especially given the fact that an interested party contacted then-Councilman Burnett stating that they were “ready to prepare a proposal to restore and maintain the property under such a curatorship arrangement” in January 2012. To which then-Councilman Burnett responded: “I don't think an unsolicited proposal would be helpful right now while we are in the process of seeking reconsideration. Let's talk after that has been decided.

1 comment:

Leadership Now said...

Mayor Jason Burnett has shown he is adept at political gamesmanship, but the jury is still out on political leadership. Well, this is an opportunity for the mayor to show leadership. The mayor and city council can direct the city administrator to prepare a RFP for Flanders Mansion curator, notice and publicize it, agendize and hold public hearings on the proposal(s) with the goal of signing an agreement by mid-2013.

Blaming Denise Duffy and Flanders Foundation are politically correct acts of political gamesmanship; educating the public on the benefits of a resident curator and signing an agreement are acts of leadership. We need less of the former from Jason and a lot more of the latter from our mayor and city council. Let’s go.