Sunday, January 31, 2016


ABSTRACT: Re: BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Order Instituting Investigation And Order to Show Cause on the Commission’s Own Motion into the Operations and Practices of Pacific Gas and Electric Company with Respect to Facilities Records for its Natural Gas Distribution System Pipelines, the PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY’S PREHEARING CONFERENCE STATEMENT document copy is embedded. Disputed issues of material fact for which evidentiary hearings may be required are: 1. What are PG&E’s gas distribution system recordkeeping policies and practices; 2. What are the industry practices with respect to gas distribution asset recordkeeping; 3. Do PG&E’s existing and planned recordkeeping practices comport with those applicable industry practices; 4. What corrective actions and complementary initiatives has PG&E undertaken; and 5. Are such actions and initiatives sufficient to ensure adequate recordkeeping practices and access to those records going forward, while adequately reducing the possibility of incidents caused by imperfect records… discovery of PG&E should focus on obtaining information relevant to PG&E’s recordkeeping practices and the risk reduction resulting from PG&E’s corrective actions and initiatives.
Discovery Schedule
The following proposed schedule is designed to allow sufficient time for all parties to complete discovery in time for the Commission to issue a final decision in this matter within 12 months of when a final scoping memo is issued
Last day to submit non-expert data requests
May 8, 2015
Prepared direct testimony by SED and intervenors
June 29,, 2015
Prepared direct testimony by PG&E
August 10, 2015
Rebuttal testimony by SED and intervenors
September 10, 2015
Last day to submit expert data requests
September 30, 2015

NOTE: As described in PG&E’s Initial Report in Response to OII, PG&E’s gas distribution system consists of over 42,000 miles of mains and nearly 3.3 million gas services that provide natural gas to the company’s 4.3 million residential, commercial, and industrial customers. Its gas distribution system covers 70,000 square miles—an area larger than 33 of the 50 United States. The system is comprised of 826 hydraulically independent systems, with more than 77,000 miles of underground gas lines, including mains and services. PG&E’s gas distribution paper as-built and gas service records total over 18,000 linear feet which, if stacked vertically, would equal almost three miles—the height of 15 Empire State Buildings
Filing Date 03-05-15

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