Sunday, February 21, 2021

Understanding and Embracing the Role of the 21st-Century American Dissident, Brent E. Hamachek

Brent E. Hamachek

Jan 26

Understanding and Embracing the Role of the 21st-Century American Dissident

That leaves those of us who still believe in both the ideas of individual liberty that are codified in our Constitution and in the virtue of free market capitalism as threats to the new order that has been forming. 

That makes us dissidents.

Our role models need to be people like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Natan Sharansky, and Andrei Sakharov. These were courageous men, true dissidents, who stood up to totalitarianism during the period of Soviet domination. Their unyielding yet steady courage and resolve helped to make the world understand what true oppression felt like. People forget that in the early days of Soviet Russia, the country was considered to be a utopian model for many in the West. The efforts of dissidents like these taught the world a different story. More importantly, over time it taught their countrymen.

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