Sunday, April 04, 2021

On May 1, Let’s All Tear Off Our Masks, The Appeal of the New Totalitarians, Radical New Rules for Post-America, The ‘Insurrection’ Probe Is Falling Apart, Media Fawns as Fauci Promotes Child Abuse & But at Least He's Not Trump!

April 4, 2021
On May 1, Let’s All Tear Off Our Masks 
By Phil Manger

There is no science – no real science – behind the mask mandates. The Centers for Disease Control inadvertently revealed the lack of scientific support for wearing masks to avoid contracting Covid-19 in their weekly morbidity and mortality report for September 11 last year. One of the statistics reported was that 85 percent of their sample of 153 symptomatic Covid patients reported wearing masks “always” or “often.”

…the mandates have nothing to do with the pandemic. There is no valid medical reason for healthy people to keep wearing masks, especially if they’ve been vaccinated. No, the reason is political, not medical.

It’s easy to understand and reject the horrors of totalitarianism. It is much less easy to grasp its inexorable logic or its seemingly implacable attractions. 
By Roger Kimball April 3, 2021

But there is a distinctly malevolent aspect to what is unfolding, as Arendt saw with brutal lucidity. It’s easy to understand and reject the horrors of totalitarianism. It is much less easy to grasp its inexorable logic or its seemingly implacable attractions. It was part of Arendt’s genius to grasp and explain that side of the phenomenon as well, the “irresistible appeal of the totalitarian movements’ spurious claim to have abolished the separation between private and public life and to have restored a mysterious irrational wholeness in man.” It’s what makes the effort to transform politics into God so appealing to susceptible souls, and so dangerous for society as a whole.

Americans privately fear these rules, while publicly appearing to accept them.
By Victor Davis Hanson March 31, 2021

There are 10 new ideas that are changing America, maybe permanently. 

They still could be transitory and invite a reaction. Or they are already near-permanent and institutionalized.

The answer determines whether a constitutional republic continues as once envisioned, or warps into something never imagined by those who created it.


The government has created, by their own overheated hyperbole, a nearly insurmountable obstacle to proving their initial accusations in court. 
By Julie Kelly March 30, 2021 

The Capitol probe investigation has been a vengeful crusade from the start. Democrats, the news media, and many Republicans quickly jumped on early narratives that were later revealed to be untrue, such as tales about an “armed insurrection” or how a Capitol police officer died.

Top Biden Administration officials are weaponizing the events of January 6 in an attempt to depict all Trump supporters as “domestic violent extremists.”

But although these Americans have been tried and convicted as “insurrectionists” in the news media, the government has created, by their own overheated hyperbole, a nearly insurmountable obstacle to proving their initial accusations in court.

Anthony Fauci needs to be stopped. He’s done enough damage. 
By Julie Kelly March 29, 2021

So it’s fitting that Fauci’s year-long reign of terror culminated in his suggesting a form of child abuse disguised as more “mitigation strategies” to fight the virus. 

Anthony Fauci needs to be stopped; he’s done enough damage.

March 29, 2021
But at Least He's Not Trump!
By Steve Feinstein

Intentionally, consciously. They didn't cast their Biden vote by mistake; one can reasonably assume they knew about the open immigration, anti-police, higher taxes, and males-competing-as-females issues in advance. Yet they voted for Biden anyway.

Millions of voters willingly chose to vote for Biden over President Trump and intentionally hurt themselves, their families, the country, or all three. Why?

There are four major reasons:

– Emotions are more determinative than logic when deciding on a vote.

– Many of these "emotional" voters are personally unaffected by their candidate's positions.

Personal family history and "team" affiliation are almost impossible to overcome.

– The liberal media prevent balanced vote-influencing information from ever reaching Democrat voters.

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