Saturday, May 01, 2021

Americans Unite, Giuliani: DOJ Prosecutors ‘Invaded’ His iCloud Account in 2019 While He Was Defending Trump For Impeachment Sham & Biden’s Shameful ‘Attack on Our Democracy’ Rhetoric

Can the veterans of the old conservative wars come to a truce? 
By Michael Anton May 1, 2021

Whatever happens to America, Americanism will live on in the hearts not just of those on the Right but also the vast majority of middle Americans or Deplorables or whatever you want to call them. They love their country, its history, its foundations, its principles, its Constitution, its great documents and speeches, its symbols, and its heroes. All of these, and more, can and should be used to rally them to fight for a better future. The 1776 Commission’s report is useful in that regard. Brion McClanahan’s attack on it . . . isn’t.

By Debra Heine April 29, 2021

“That warrant was completely illegal,” the former mayor told Carlson. “The only way that you can get a search warrant is if you can show that there’s some evidence that the person is going to destroy the evidence, or is going to run away with the evidence. Well, I’ve had it for two years and I haven’t destroyed it.”

His shameless descriptions of January 6 desecrate the memory of those lives lost in real attacks against this country and serve to justify the ongoing attack on our democracy he is perpetrating. 
By Julie Kelly April 29, 2021 

The “attack on our democracy” began last year and the facts aren’t in dispute. A new leader was chosen and installed by a self-serving cabal of powerful interests; no one even tries to hide it anymore. The “shadow campaign” to rig the 2020 election isn’t described as cheating or an actual “attack on our democracy” that seized control from tens of millions of voters but as a successful attempt to “save” the election.

Joe Biden’s ahistorical and shameless descriptions of January 6 not only desecrate those lives lost in real attacks against this country—they serve to justify the ongoing attack on our democracy perpetrated by Biden himself.

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