Tuesday, November 02, 2021

They Can’t Stand It When We Ridicule Them & ‘Let’s Go, Brandon!’

November 2, 2021
They Can’t Stand It When We Ridicule Them
By Jeff M. Lewis

“Let’s Go Brandon!” is a brand of ridicule we haven’t seen in America for some time because it is based on objective reality; namely, the utter failures of the installed regime and their one-party control of government.

“Let’s Go Brandon!” succinctly describes how wrong things are with the Joe Biden presidency (*). To paraphrase the Declaration, in the short nine-month history of the present administration (*) there is a long list of injuries, injustices, abuses, and usurpations, all for its goal of establishing absolute tyranny over the citizens and the states.

Best yet, “Let’s Go Brandon” is an intervention with our more moderate Democrat-voting relatives, friends, and neighbors, so that they may come to grips with what they have wrought on the country. They must all be carefully, gently, but truthfully, led to repentance for having given our birthrights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness to those who seek our destruction.

‘Let’s Go, Brandon!’
There’s something about Brandon.
By John Zmirak October 14, 2021

Why does that phrase make us happy? Why is its appearance everywhere in the culture more than a grim punchline, but instead an occasion of hope and joy?

For those of you who missed it, this happy phrase originates with a race at NASCAR. The winning driver, Brandon Brown, gets interviewed by some interchangeable MSM reporter. They both hear the roaring crowd chanting “F— Joe Biden!” over and over again. The journalist responds by saying, chipperly, “Oh look, the crowd supports you. It’s chanting ‘Let’s Go, Brandon!’” The driver looks at her funny, and nods non-committedly. That’s it.

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