Sunday, April 24, 2022

Special Prosecutor Filing Outlines Clearest, Most Detailed, Construct of Hillary Clinton Joint Venture Conspiracy to Fabricate Trump-Russia Narrative, Sundance

Special Prosecutor Filing Outlines Clearest, Most Detailed, Construct of Hillary Clinton Joint Venture Conspiracy to Fabricate Trump-Russia Narrative

April 23, 2022 | Sundance |

In a very late-night filing by Special Counsel John Durham {pdf HERE}, in the case against former Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann, the special counsel gives the most detailed construct of the “joint venture” between the Clinton team and allies to fabricate a Russian Collusion Conspiracy Theory against Donald Trump in 2016.

As we have noted, Durham is focused on the people outside government who fabricated information and triggered years of false accusations against Donald Trump, which ultimately included the creation of a special counsel, Robert Mueller.

John Durham has not touched any of the players inside government within any of his filings, with the exception of former FBI legal counsel James “Jim” Baker, who is a witness and gave testimony for three days to a grand jury. Durham will not touch anyone inside government [fn¹].

I have tried to put clarity on the filing by outlining who/what the terms are. DETAILS:


Creating intentional fraud is one aspect…. they are all busted. However, using federally contracted access to government databases to exploit information, then fraudulently manipulating that information for the expressed intent on defrauding the same government, is a much heavier charge.

And that’s exactly what Rodney Joffe did, on behalf of Hillary Clinton.

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