Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The Forgotten Side of Medicine: Why Is The Vaccine Killing Our Young Men And Women? A new study provides valuable clues about the toxicity of the spike protein

The Forgotten Side of Medicine

Why Is The Vaccine Killing Our Young Men AndWomen?

A new study provides valuable clues about the toxicity of the spike protein

A Midwestern Doctor


Presently, I believe the most probable culprit for the vaccine injuries is the spike proteins they produce. Almost all of the vaccine side effects I’ve observed have a mechanism that can be linked to a consequence of the spike protein, and the spike protein is the only common factor present in the following (all of which have overlapping symptoms):

•Severe COVID-19

•(Actual) Long-haul COVID-19

•mRNA spike protein vaccine injuries.

•Adenovirus spike protein vaccines (J&J and AstraZeneca).

… while the inability to form appropriate antibodies to the spike protein offers a compelling reason for the variability in susceptibility to vaccine injuries, I still believe that lot-to-lot variation is the primary issue (and neither by any means excludes the other, because a poor antibody response will be more problematic as more spike protein enters the body).

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