Monday, September 13, 2021

The Benghazi Brief, Nine Year Anniversary of September 11th Attack in Benghazi Libya

The Benghazi Brief, Nine Year Anniversary of September 11th Attack in Benghazi Libya

September 11, 2021 | Sundance |

Author’s notes:

The primary reason for outlining this brief is to deliver a greater understanding of why things happened the way they did in the post 9/11/12 attack media frenzy.

If you understand what took place from March 2011 through the night of the attack itself all of the contradictions reconcile, and most of the questions become answered.


Ultimately the leadership within the State Department, The CIA, and the White House are responsible for the outcomes of policy.

While both Zero Footprint in 2011, and the Unnamed CIA operation in 2012 were flawed policy – they were not necessarily illegal.

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