Thursday, October 20, 2022

Trump vs The Elites, Trump Embarrasses the 'Elites' By J.B. Shurk

Trump vs The Elites

October 20, 2022 | Sundance

 J.B. Shurk for American Thinker:

That any man could be so continuously pummeled by the corrupt efforts of America’s criminal (in)justice system, sociopathic officeholders, shady spies for hire, and propaganda-spewing press and yet rise with such vim and vigor is a sight to see!  Courage and resilience in the face of unrelenting torment and scorn tend to galvanize those witnessing the bloody spectacle to the sufferer’s cause.  To remain undefeated while the torturers’ whipping arms become weak and weary inspires legions to remain undefeated, too.

Because no secret puppeteer operating from the shadows owns him, Donald Trump spoke clearly and honestly, and Americans, hearing the truth for the first time in years, liked what he had to say.  What is more, even while being endlessly hounded in office, Trump proved that borders could be protected, Main Street could prosper, America could become energy independent, and that peace could be achieved through the projection of Americans' collective economic strength.  Lower crime, lower illegal immigration, greater middle-class wealth, and relative global peace proved that Trump is right and that the "elites" are hopelessly wrong.

One reason I like Trump is because I despise his enemies, and one reason I despise Biden is because he's in love with our enemies.  You cannot serve effectively as an American president if you hate Americans.  You cannot fight the growing threat of American communism with milquetoast Mcconnellism as your broken sword.  You cannot be polite and quiet and hope to beat back the Marxist hoards already despoiling America from within the gates and bloodying Americans with nasty blows.  You have to fight back hard.

President Trump embarrasses the "elites" precisely because he is willing to expose them for who they really are.

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